Compliance Contacts

Compliance RoleCompliance OfficerPhone NumberEmail Address
FERPA OfficerKaren Chico Hurst518-442-5540[email protected]
Enterprise Risk Management OfficerAnette Lippold518-956-8120[email protected]
Privacy Officer (PPPL)Anette Lippold518-956-8120[email protected]
Clery OfficerPaul Burlingame518-442-3130[email protected]
504 CoordinatorClarence McNeil518-956-8140[email protected]
Title IX CoordinatorAnette Lippold518-442-3800[email protected] 
Information Security Officer incl. GLBAJim Bole518-442-3700[email protected]
Internal Controls OfficerAnette Lippold [email protected]
Project Sunlight LiaisonAnette Lippold [email protected]
Ethics Officer

Gary Evans

Chelsea O'Hanlon



[email protected]

[email protected]

Records Access Officer (FOIL)Corinne Fauchon518-956-8038[email protected]
Chief Diversity and Affirmative Action OfficerSam Caldwell518-956-8110[email protected]
Domestic Violence Agency LiaisonKeiffer Peralta518-437-4702[email protected]
Domestic Violence Agency LiaisonJustine Ochs518-437-4702[email protected]
Research Compliance OfficerLaura McCullen518-437-4744[email protected]
Chemical Hygiene OfficerNayan Gosai518-442-3495[email protected]
Code Compliance (Manager)Karl Kilts518-442-3495[email protected]
Code Compliance (Manager)Eric Fletcher518-442-3074[email protected]
Radiation Safety OfficerEric Call518-442-3495[email protected]



Compliance Resources




Academic Records & Academic Grievances

Academic Records & FERPA

The Registrar's Office is responsible for ensuring the integrity, security and privacy of all academic records. The office is also responsible for the administration of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students have the right to request an amendment to their education records that they believe is inaccurate. While a school is not required to amend education records in accordance with a student's request, the school is required to consider the request. A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.

The FERPA amendment procedure only may be used to challenge facts that are inaccurately recorded; it may not be used to challenge a grade, an opinion or a substantive decision made by a school about an eligible student. FERPA was intended to require only that schools conform to fair record-keeping practices and not to override the accepted standards and procedures for making academic assessments, disciplinary rulings or placement determinations. Thus, while FERPA affords students the right to seek to amend education records which contain inaccurate information, this right cannot be used to challenge a grade or an individual's opinion, or a substantive decision made by a school about a student.

Additionally, if FERPA's amendment procedures are not applicable to a student's request for amendment of education records, the school is not required under FERPA to hold a hearing on the matter. Additional information regarding hearing procedures are provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. 

Student Academic Dishonesty

The University has a Standards of Academic Integrity policy and maintains separate forms to report concerns about plagiarism, copying, use of unauthorized material during testing, altering or misusing documents for academic excuses, cheating, etc. for undergraduate and graduate students. 

Student Grievances

Follow Undergraduate Student Grievances procedure or Graduate Student Grievances procedure to submit a grievance regarding errors in calculations or recording of grades, failure of faculty to follow University policies on grading and exams, capricious or arbitrary actions that harm a student's academic performance, etc.

Accommodations, Discrimination & Harassment

Disability Accommodations for Employees

Employees or job applicants who seek to file a reasonable accommodation request should use the ADA process provided by HR. For concerns and questions regarding accommodations for employees with disabilities, contact the ADA coordinator.    

Disability Accommodations for Students

Students should contact Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS) with questions regarding assistance with a disability or to request a reasonable accommodation.

Harassment or Discrimination

The University at Albany condemns all forms of discrimination and harassment, whether subtle or overt, and expects that all members of the University community join in assuring that all of our community members are accorded the dignity and respect they deserve. If you have encountered harassment or sexual harassment, please use the guidance below to report the incident to the appropriate office. 

All reports of sexual harassment should be made to the Office of Equity & Compliance

  • Reports of discriminatory harassment alleged against an employee should be made to Office of Equity & Compliance
  • Reports of discriminatory harassment alleged against a student should be made to Community Standards
  • Other reports of general (non-discriminatory/sexual) harassment — such as bullying, workplace violence, etc. — alleged against an employee should be made to Employee Relations
  • Other reports of general (non-discriminatory/sexual) harassment — such as bullying, workplace violence, etc. — alleged against a student should be made to Community Standards.


NCAA Compliance

Contact Athletics's Office of Compliance Services with concerns or questions regarding NCAA rules violations, including, but not limited to, fraudulent activities designed to influence the outcome of sporting activities; improper giving or receiving of gifts; misuses of assets, players, or endorsements; recruiting misconduct; scholarship/financial aid misconduct; etc.

Conflicts of Interest

New York State Public Officers Law

The University's Chief Human Resources Officer serves as the institution's Ethics Officer. Please contact the Office of Human Resources or the Office of Enterprise Risk Management & Compliance with concerns related to violations of conflict of interest policies and/or the New York State Public Officers Law.



Please contact the Office of Regulatory and Research Compliance with concerns related to violations of conflict of interest policies in research.

Educational Programs


Federal regulations require the University provide contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency (Middle States Commissioner on Higher Education) and with its state approval or licensing entity (New York State Education Department). Individuals may file complaints regarding a violation of state consumer protection laws, including but not limited to fraud and false advertising; a violation of state law or rule relating to the licensure of postsecondary institutions; and/or complaints relating to the quality of education or other state or accreditation requirements.

Financial Matters

Account Establishment & State Accounting Regulations

To inquire about state accounting rules and regulations, contact the University Controller.

Employee Theft, Revenue/Expense Misstatement & Potential Fraud

To report concerns about employee theft, revenue/expense misstatement or other instances of potential fraud, contact the Office of Internal Control.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

To report an issue with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), contact the Office of Internal Control.

Human Resources

Compensation & Benefits

Contact the UAlbany Human Resources' Benefits Manager or the Research Foundation Human Resources with concerns related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Fair Labor Standards Act and Equal Pay Act.

Employee Misconduct

Contact the UAlbany Human Resources or the Research Foundation Human Resources with concerns related to other aspects of the University's implementation of employment-related regulations. 


Contact Employee Relations with concerns related to employee conduct, especially those related to compliance with University and New York State policies.  


Contact UAlbany Human Resources and/or the Office of Diversity and Inclusion with concerns related to the University's practices regarding recruitment, especially those related to discrimination based on protected status.

Information & Information Technology

Electronic & Information Technology Accessibility

The University is committed to providing an accessible environment for all students, faculty, and staff in compliance with federal and state laws as well as SUNY policy. For questions and concerns, please contact the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility officer or file a complaint.


Contact the University Libraries or Dean of Students with concerns about perceived illegal file sharing or questions about fair use.

Scams & Phishing

Contact the University's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with concerns related to scams, phishing or other attempts to steal credentials.

Security Breach

Contact the University's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to report computer and/or data breaches.

GLBA Information Security Program

Pursuant to the Gramm Leach Bliley (GLBA) Safeguards Rule codified in 34 CFR 314.4, the University at Albany maintains a written Information Security program to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of customer financial records and related non-public personally identifiable financial information.

Law Enforcement

Clery Act Compliance

In compliance with federal law, the University annually discloses campus safety policies and statistics concerning the occurrence of certain crimes reported to the local police agency or any official of the institution who has "significant responsibility for student and campus activities" (also known as Campus Security Authorities).

If you have question regarding compliance with the Clery Act, please contact the University Police Department.

Criminal Activity

In an emergency, call 911 or 518-442-3131.

To report information related to suspicious activity that has already taken place, or criminal activity you fear may take place, please call the University Police Department at 518-442-3131.


Contact the University Police Department or the Internal Control Hotline with concerns regarding the act of stealing — specifically, taking or removing of University or another's personal property. This also includes concerns or questions related to theft of intangible property and the improper disposal of University-owned equipment.

Workplace Threats & Violence

If the situation presents an immediate threat, contact the University Police Department by calling 911 or 518-442-3131.

Contact Employee Relations to report an act that has already occurred, discuss a concern about a potential future act or ask questions about the mandatory training.


Animals in Research

Contact the Office of Regulatory and Research Compliance with concerns about any violation of laws or policies regarding the ethical care and use of animals in research.

Financial Conflicts of Interest

Contact the Office of Regulatory and Research Compliance with concerns regarding the reporting of significant financial interest or other potential conflicts of interest.

Human Subject Research

Contact the Office of Regulatory and Research Compliance with concerns about any violation of laws or policies regarding research involving human beings.

Intellectual Property & Patents

Contact the Office of Innovation Development and Commercialization with questions or concerns regarding any unauthorized or inappropriate use, misappropriation or disclosure of intellectual property belonging to the University or any University customer, supplier or business partner, including, without limitation, any intellectual property protected under any U.S. or other laws relating to copyrights, patents, or trade secrets.

Research Misconduct

Contact the Office of Regulatory and Research Compliance with concerns regarding fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or other practices that seriously deviate from those commonly accepted within the academic community for proposing, conducting and reporting on research.

Safety, Codes & Environmental Health

Fire Code Issues

Contact Code Administration with concerns related to unsafe physical conditions and potential hazards in University buildings or grounds that may pose danger to individuals or property, such as tampering with fire alarms or sprinklers, overloaded electrical outlets, blocked exits or staircases, etc.

Lab Safety

Contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety with concerns regarding lab safety.

Radioactive Materials

Contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety with concerns regarding radioactive materials.

Unsafe Conditions

Contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety and the Office of Risk Management & Compliance with concerns regarding safety and health, such as slipping or tripping hazards, poorly maintained equipment or machinery, unsafe use of equipment, exposure to hazardous chemicals, discomfort or pain due to improper office work station set up, etc.


Student Conduct

Contact the Dean of Students with questions about student conduct or to report concerns about a student's wellbeing.

Student Consumer Information

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosure and reporting requirements. The University maintains a webpage with these required disclosures. Contact the Office of Enterprise Risk Management & Compliance with questions.