The University Police Department is dedicated to providing service in keeping with our focus on Community Policing. We are here 24 hours a day, every day working to maintain and improve the safety, security, and quality of life.
The University Police Department is committed to a Constitutional Policing model of law enforcement. This model, combined with our Community Policing Philosophy enhances safety and security through the use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, which proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime. Through this model we ensure that the University is a place where all feel safe and welcome.
The University at Albany has more than 17,000 undergraduate and graduate students, with approximately 4,000 faculty and staff. There are 115 buildings and 12 miles of public roadways within the campus boundaries.
The University Police Department provides 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year mobile and foot patrol protection to all University campus properties as well as nearby facilities rented or leased by the University at Albany.
Alumni Drive, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222-0100
United States