Undergraduate Academic Regulations

As one of the Councils of the University Senate, the Undergraduate Academic Council recommends policy concerning undergraduate academic programs and regulations. To assist in academic governance, individual schools and colleges have collateral committees that can recommend academic policy to this council. It is the responsibility of each undergraduate student to be knowledgeable concerning pertinent academic policy. The University encourages students to accept the widest responsibility for their academic programs. For clarification and interpretation of the regulations contained in this section, students, faculty, and administrators should contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Taconic 3rd floor.

Policy Exceptions

In rare cases and for extraordinary reasons, exceptions to University, college, school, and department academic regulations may be granted to individual students. A student who wishes an exception to an existing regulation should, in the case of a college, school or department regulation, consult with the head of the unit in question for the approved procedure for submitting an appeal. For exceptions to University regulations, students should contact the Committee on Academic Standing through the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Taconic 3rd floor. Please note that the Committee on Academic Standing only reviews these petitions for waivers during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Standards of Academic Integrity

Note: The policies and procedures in the following section on Standards of Academic Integrity are effective by action of the University Senate.

As a community of scholars, the University at Albany has a special responsibility to integrity and truth. By testing, analyzing, and scrutinizing ideas and assumptions, scholarly inquiry produces the timely and valuable bodies of knowledge that guide and inform important and significant decisions, policies, and choices. Our duty to be honest, methodical and careful in the attribution of data and ideas to their sources establishes the foundations of our work. Misrepresenting or falsifying scholarship undermines the essential trust on which our community depends. Every member of the community, including both faculty and students, shares an interest in maintaining academic integrity.

When the entire University community upholds the principles of academic integrity, it creates an environment where students value their education and embrace experiences of discovery and intellectual growth. In this environment, grades and degrees are awarded and applauded as the recognition of years of learning, achievement, discipline, and hard work. Maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity insures the value and reputation of our degree programs; these standards represent an ethical obligation for faculty intrinsic to their role as educators, as well as a pledge of honor on the part of students. If a violation of academic integrity occurs, faculty, deans, and students all share in the responsibility to report it.

Violations of trust harm everyone. The academic community needs to trust that its members do not misrepresent their data, take credit for another's ideas or labor, misrepresent or interfere with the work of other scholars, or present previous work as if it were new. Acts of academic dishonesty undermine the value and credibility of the institution as a whole, and may distract others from important scholarship or divert resources away from critical research. In particular, students who plagiarize or falsify their work not only fail to adhere to the principles of scholarly inquiry and fail their peers by taking undeserved credit or reward, but they also fail to demonstrate their learning.  

These guidelines define a shared context of values to help both students and faculty to make individual and institutional decisions about academic integrity. Every student has the responsibility to become familiar with the standards of academic integrity at the University. Faculty members must specify in their syllabi information about academic integrity, and may refer students to this policy for more information. Nonetheless, student claims of ignorance, unintentional error, or personal or academic pressures cannot be excuses for violation of academic integrity. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the standards and behaving accordingly, and UAlbany faculty are responsible for teaching, modeling and upholding them. Anything less undermines the worth and value of our intellectual work, and the reputation and credibility of the University at Albany degree.

Resources for Students

The University Libraries offer important resources for students seeking additional orientation to academic integrity.

Practicing Academic Integrity: This site provides access to concise and engaging educational resources that will help students navigate through the complexities surrounding information use and creation in today’s digital environment. Acknowledging the work of others through citation (and its flip side, plagiarism), copyright, the ethics of sharing information in different formats, and the importance of contributing one’s own voice to academic conversations are all highlighted.

Citation Tools: the University Libraries offers a wide variety of citation tools. These resources include citation generators and more extensive citation management tools, such as Zotero, Citation generators are websites or mobile apps that automatically format citations and bibliographies. Users select a type of source to be cited, such as a book, enter the book title, and the citation generator retrieves the required data and creates the citation data. Citation generators are useful for undergraduates who need to create bibliographies when writing papers, but it is important to check the resulting citations for errors. Citation management software programs allow students to create and organize a personal library of references and articles, format citations for a bibliography in various citation styles, and sometimes share and collaborate with others. Also available is CitationFox, an extensive resource developed by UAlbany librarians that provides citation guidance and examples for both the MLA and APA style.

Students should consult syllabi, their instructors, and in relevant circumstances their advisors for information about specific policies on academic integrity in courses or other academic exercises such as comprehensive/qualifying examinations, theses, and dissertations.

Graduate students may access additional information on Academic Integrity, Conduct, and Research Regulations.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty

The following is a list of acts considered to be academically dishonest and therefore unacceptable. Committing such acts is a breach of integrity and is subject to penalty. No such list can, of course, describe all possible types or degrees of academic dishonesty. Therefore this list should be viewed as a set of examples, rather than as an exhaustive list. Individual faculty members, Deans of Schools and Colleges as appropriate, and Community Standards will continue to judge each breach according to its particular context.

Plagiarism: Presenting as one's own work the work of another (for example, words, ideas, information, data, evidence, organizing principles, or style of presentation other than one's own). Some examples of plagiarism include copying, paraphrasing, or summarizing without acknowledgment, submission of another's work as one's own, the purchase/use of prepared research or completed papers or projects, and the unacknowledged use of research sources gathered by another. Failure to indicate accurately the extent and precise nature of one's reliance on other sources is also a form of plagiarism. Students are responsible for understanding legitimate use of sources, the appropriate ways of acknowledging academic, scholarly, or creative indebtedness.

Examples of plagiarism include: failure to acknowledge the source(s) of even a few phrases, sentences, or paragraphs; failure to acknowledge a quotation or paraphrase of paragraph-length sections of a paper; failure to acknowledge the source(s) of a major idea or the source(s) for an ordering principle; failure to acknowledge the source (quoted, paraphrased, or summarized) of major sections or passages in the paper or project; the unacknowledged use of several major ideas or extensive reliance on another's data, evidence, or critical method; submitting as one's own work, work borrowed, stolen, or purchased from another source.

Cheating on Examinations: Giving or receiving unauthorized help before, during, or after an examination. Examples of unauthorized help include collaboration of any sort during an examination (unless specifically approved by the instructor); collaboration before an examination (when such collaboration is specifically forbidden by the instructor); the use of notes, books, or other aids during an examination (unless permitted by the instructor); arranging for another person to take an examination in one's place; looking upon someone else's examination during the examination period; unauthorized retention of examination materials beyond the time and place of the exam; intentionally allowing another student to look upon one's exam; unauthorized discussion of exam questions during the examination period; and the passing of any examination information to students who have not yet taken the examination. There can be no conversation while an examination is in progress unless specifically authorized by the instructor.

Multiple Submission: Submitting substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without receiving the prior explicit consent of the instructor to whom the material is being submitted the second or subsequent time.

Forgery: Imitating another person's signature on academic or other official documents, including class material.

Sabotage: Willfully destroying, damaging, or stealing of another's work or working materials (including lab experiments, computer programs, term papers, digital files, or projects).

Unauthorized Collaboration: Collaborating on projects, papers, or other academic exercises when this is forbidden by the instructor(s). The default faculty assumption is that work submitted for credit is entirely one's own. At the same time, standards on appropriate and inappropriate collaboration as well as the need for collaboration vary across courses and disciplines. Therefore, students who want to confer or collaborate with one another on work receiving academic credit should seek the instructor's permission to collaborate.

Falsification: Misrepresenting material or fabricating information in an academic exercise or assignment (for example, the false or misleading citation of sources, the falsification of experimental or computer data, etc.).

Bribery: Offering or giving any article of value or service to an instructor in an attempt to receive a grade or other benefits not legitimately earned or not available to other students in the class.

Theft, Damage, or Misuse of Library or IT Resources: Removing uncharged library materials from the library, defacing or damaging library materials, intentionally displacing or hoarding materials within the library for one's unauthorized private use, or other abuse of reserve-book privileges. Any violation of the University’s Responsible Use of Information Technology policy. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized use of the University's or another person's computer accounts, codes, passwords, or facilities; damaging computer equipment or interfering with the operation of the computing system of the University.

Penalties and Procedures for Violations of Academic Integrity

The course instructor is responsible for determining when a student has violated academic integrity in a course. Students engaging in other academic activities such as qualifying or comprehensive examinations, theses, dissertations must also adhere to the standards of academic integrity outlined in this policy. In these cases, academic advisors and department, college, or school officials responsible for a student's program of study are charged with determining if a student has violated academic integrity.

When a faculty member determines that a student has violated academic integrity, he or she will inform the student and impose an appropriate sanction. Faculty members must respond in a manner most appropriate to the particular infraction and the circumstances of the case in question, according to his or her best judgment. Penalties for violations of academic integrity may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Warning without further penalty, or with a requirement that an assignment be redone without a breach of academic integrity and resubmitted
  2. Lowering of an assignment/exam grade 
  3. Assigning a failing grade on a paper containing plagiarized material 
  4. Assigning a failing grade on any examination in which cheating occurred
  5. Lowering a course grade
  6. Giving a failing grade in a course or other academic exercise 

In addition, faculty members encountering a violation of academic integrity in their courses are required to complete and file the Violation of Academic Integrity Report. The report should indicate the sanction imposed and a brief description of the incident. Faculty filing a VAIR will submit copies both to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education, as appropriate, and to the student. 

If a faculty member informs the student that he or she will receive a failing grade for the course as a whole or for a component of the course as a result of academic dishonesty, the student receiving such a penalty will not be permitted to withdraw from the course, or to change the grading basis of the course from A-E to S/U.

Students who feel they have been erroneously penalized for an academic integrity infraction, or who think that a penalty is inappropriate, may make use of the grievance procedures, beginning with the Department and the College/School where the course was offered. Each College/School of the University has procedures for students who seek to dispute grades assigned or penalties imposed for academic infractions. Copies of the procedures are maintained in the College/School Deans' Offices or on their respective websites. 

If a student is cleared of wrongdoing through the grievance process, the student will not be subject to any penalties and the Violation of Academic Integrity Report associated with the case will be destroyed.

A violation confirmed by admission on the part of the student, by the student's acceptance of the charges and penalties outlined in the Violation of Academic Integrity Report, or through the grievance process will result in the enforcement of the penalty determined by the faculty member reporting the incident.

Under either of the following two conditions, a violation may be forwarded to Community Standards for further adjudication and, potentially, further sanction:

  • The faculty member reporting the incident has determined that the violation is serious enough to merit a failing grade in the course, and would like to have the case formally adjudicated at this higher level
  • A faculty member or College/School Dean responsible for the academic program in which the offense has occurred deems it to be a particularly egregious case of academic dishonesty, regardless of the penalty imposed by the instructor, and would like to see the case formally adjudicated at this higher level

In these circumstances, the faculty member or College/School Dean may request that the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education, as appropriate, forward the case to Community Standards.

However, the following circumstance will automatically result in the case being forwarded to Community Standards for adjudication:

  • A previous Violation of Academic Integrity Report on the student. When a student violates academic integrity in more than one academic exercise, whether those infractions occurred during the same or different periods of time, or in the same or different courses, the University regards the offense as an especially serious subversion of academic integrity. The matter becomes particularly severe when the student has been confronted with the first infraction before the second is committed. Whenever the Offices of Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education receive a second Violation of Academic Integrity Report on a student, the Vice Provost will request a hearing before Community Standards.

If a case is referred to Community Standards, that office will act in accordance with its standard procedures to determine the final disposition of the case, which may include revoking a student's scholarship or fellowship, or teaching or research assistantship, as well as or in addition to disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion. If a hearing is held and a student is found "not in violation," no punitive action may be taken against the student and the Violation of Academic Integrity Report associated with the incident will be destroyed.

A copy of the Violation of Academic Integrity Report associated with any incident in which the student is not cleared of wrongdoing (through the grievance process or by Community Standards) will be retained in the Offices of Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education, as appropriate. The Offices of Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education will maintain a copy of such reports for periods  in accordance with SUNY student record retention policies: three years beyond the academic year in which the violation occurred, in the case of minor code violations (a single offense resulting in a sanction or sanctions short of a failing grade in the course), and seven years beyond the academic year in which the violation occurred, in the case of major code violations (a failing grade in the course, or any offense referred to and confirmed by Community Standards). A student's record of violations of academic integrity may be communicated to graduate or professional schools or employers who request such information about applicants who have attended the University at Albany.

The Director of Libraries or Chief Information Officer, upon a finding of theft, damage, misuse of facilities or resources, or a violation of University policies, will forward all such cases to Community Standards for review and disposition, which can include suspension or expulsion from the University. The Director of Libraries or Chief Information Officer may, in individual cases, limit access to the Libraries or IT resources pending action by Community Standards. In all other cases of academic dishonesty by students, which come to the attention of any staff, faculty member, or student, it is expected that the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or Graduate Education, as appropriate, will be consulted about such infractions. In addition, University Police may elect to pursue the breaches, consistent with their policies.

Community Standards was established by the governing bodies of the University at Albany and is administratively the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Any questions about the procedures of Community Standards may be secured by inquiry to that office.

Procedures for Resolving Academic Grievances

Students who seek to challenge an academic grade or evaluation of their work in a course or seminar, or in research or another educational activity may request a review of the evaluation by filing an academic grievance.

The Graduate Academic Council (GAC) and the Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC), through the work of their respective Committees on Admissions and Academic Standing (CAAS) are responsible for insuring that approved procedures exist within the schools, colleges, departments (if applicable) and programs of the University for students to file academic grievances. Copies of established grievance procedures shall be filed by each academic unit with the Offices of the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education and the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education and available to students at each school/college dean’s office.

It is expected that the grounds upon which an academic grievance may be based should be clearly identified. Such grounds may include variance from University grading standards/policies, grade calculation inconsistencies with that announced in published course syllabi, procedural abnormalities, or other factors that are alleged to have denied the student a fair evaluation. It is not expected that grievances will propose that the professional obligation of faculty to fairly evaluate academic material within their field of expertise will be supplanted by alternate means without procedural cause.

A student who seeks to dispute a grade or evaluation must initially pursue the matter directly with the faculty member involved. If not satisfactorily resolved directly with the faculty member, a written grievance may be filed with the program/department, or directly with school/college for units that are not departmentalized.

Should the grievance not be satisfactorily resolved at this initial level of review, students may pursue further consideration of the grievance at the next organizational level until such time as the grievance is considered at the University level by the GAC or UAC CAAS, as appropriate. To be considered timely and eligible for University level consideration, a grievance review must be requested by the student no later than 60 days from the notice of decision at the school or college level. Action on an academic grievance by the appropriate CAAS, upon acceptance by the GAC or UAC, as appropriate, is final and not subject to further formal review within the University. Only at this final level of grievance determination by the CAAS may a grade or other such evaluation be changed against the will of the faculty member(s) involved. In such rare cases, the Chair of the GAC or UAC, or its respective CAAS, as appropriate, may consult at his/her discretion with departmental faculty and/or appropriate scholars to determine an appropriate grade and authorize its recording by the Registrar.

In reviewing an academic grievance, the CAAS will consider the formal written petition from the student and corresponding written response/comment from the faculty, along with all records of consideration of the matter at prior levels of review. Although rare, the CAAS reserves the right to conduct a hearing with all parties present or it may decide to meet with each party separately. The nature and number of the representatives attending any such meeting will be at the discretion of the CAAS. These procedures adopted are those which the University believes will provide all parties involved the opportunity to present complete and factual information as necessary for the CAAS to render a fair decision.

Syllabus Requirement

The instructor of every section of an undergraduate class at the University at Albany shall provide each student in the section a printed or web-published copy of the syllabus for that section distributed during the first week of the class (preferably on the first regularly scheduled day the section meets). This syllabus must contain at least the information defined below. Each instructor retains the right to modify the syllabus and give notice in class of any modifications in a timely fashion. Students are responsible to apprise themselves of such notices.

Minimum Contents of a Class Syllabus:

  • Catalog number and title of the course
  • Number of credit hours
  • Term and class number of the section
  • Location(s) and meeting times of the section
  • Instructor’s name and title
  • If applicable, name(s) of teaching assistants in the class
  • Instructor’s contact information (e.g., e-mail address, office phone number, office location, fax
  • Instructor’s office hours
  • Course description, overview and objective(s)
  • If applicable, General Education category/categories met by the course and how the course fulfills those General Education objectives
  • Prerequisites of the course: the instructor should specifically indicate those prerequisites that are critical to success in the class and that are enforceable
  • Grading scheme and assignment requirements: whether the course is A-E or S/U graded and overall method by which grades will be determined (“weights” of exams, class participation, etc.)
  • Instructors who do not intend to use the full A-E grading scale, including plusses and minuses, must include the scale that will be employed on the syllabus
  • Learning outcomes and/or course objectives upon completion of the course
  • Course information or topic outline (weekly topics or general topics to be covered) 
  • Course requirements, including but not limited to: required textbooks; other required materials, purchases; fees when applicable; projected date and time of class exams, papers, projects, midterm, and final; attendance policies for the class; general paper, project, and test requirements; requirement of Internet for course work, when applicable
  • Safety policies, when applicable
  • Absence policies, with a link to "Attendance and Timely Compliance with Course Requirements" in the Undergraduate Bulletin (below)
  • Absence due to religious observance: Instructors must explicitly refer to New York State Education Law (Section 224-A) whereby campuses are required to excuse, without penalty, individual students absent because of religious beliefs, and to provide equivalent opportunities for make-up examinations, study, or work requirements missed because of such absences. Faculty should work directly with students to accommodate religious observances. Students should notify the instructor of record in a timely manner.
  • Information about academic integrity*, including where possible a link to the University's Standards of Academic Integrity: https://albany.edu/undergraduate-bulletin/undergraduate-academic-regulations.php
  • Reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities**

The course syllabus may also include such additional information as the instructor deems appropriate or necessary.

* Academic integrity: “Every student has the responsibility to become familiar with the standards of academic integrity at the University. Faculty members must specify in their syllabi information about academic integrity, and may refer students to this policy for more information. Nonetheless, student claims of ignorance, unintentional error, or personal or academic pressures cannot be excuses for violation of academic integrity. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the standards and behaving accordingly, and UAlbany faculty are responsible for teaching, modeling and upholding them. Anything less undermines the worth and value of our intellectual work, and the reputation and credibility of the University at Albany degree.” (University’s Standards of Academic Integrity Policy, Fall 2013)

** Recommended Syllabus statement from Disability Access and Inclusion Services (DAISS):
“We strongly urge instructors to include the following statement in their course syllabi: 
Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with documented physical, sensory, systemic, medical, cognitive, learning and/or mental health (psychiatric) disabilities. If you believe you have a disability and require accommodation in this class, please register with Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS). You can contact DAISS at [email protected], 518-442-5501 or visit the Disability Access & Inclusion Student Services (DAISS) website. Once you have registered with DAISS, they will provide you with an accommodation letter that you can send to your instructors to receive your approved accommodation.” 

Additional Resources

New York State Education Department Syllabus Expectations: Department Expectations: Curriculum.

Policy for Freedom of Expression

The University reaffirms its commitment to the principle that the widest possible scope for freedom of expression is the foundation of an institution dedicated to vigorous inquiry, robust debate, and the continuous search for a proper balance between freedom and order. The Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance develops and maintains a policy library that serves as the central repository for all institutional policies and procedures. Read more about the University's policy for Freedom of Expression.

Attendance and Timely Compliance with Course Requirements

Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations and to complete all course requirements on time. Instructors may include attendance and/or participation as part of graded work in a course, and may impose appropriate penalties for missed or late work.

Instructors may, at their discretion, excuse a student’s absence from class and allow the submission of late work in cases of emergency or legitimate, unavoidable scheduling conflicts. Students must inform instructors at the earliest possible moment when such situations arise, and instructors may ask students for verifying documentation.

The Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education will officially notify instructors of their responsibility to provide academic accommodations only in cases in which the absence exceeds one calendar week or when a student has missed a major exam or assignment, and only upon the presentation of verifying documentation by the student. In all other cases, instructors must use their best judgment in deciding whether and how to accommodate student absences, and in asking for and evaluating supporting documentation. Disagreements between instructors and students in these cases will be adjudicated though the applicable school or college grievance process, beginning with the applicable department chair.

Excused absences generally fall into three categories:

  1. medical care, tragedy, or emergency
  2. participation in intercollegiate athletics
  3. religious observance

It is the student’s responsibility to provide sufficient documentation to support any request. Fraudulent excuses are violations of academic integrity and as such are grounds for disciplinary action.

1. Medical Care, Tragedy, or Emergency: If an absence is caused by hospitalization or other significant medical reason (including pregnancy), a tragic or traumatic experience, or other emergency, students must notify their instructors as soon as possible. In general, students are expected to provide appropriate documentation. In cases where absences exceed one calendar week or cause a student to miss a major exam or assignment, the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education will review the documentation and, if appropriate, notify instructors of the date(s) for which the student has been excused. An instructor in this case may not penalize the student academically for the absence and must provide reasonable opportunities for students to make up missed work. Disagreements between instructors and students in these cases will be adjudicated though the applicable school or college grievance process, beginning with the applicable department chair. The Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education will not provide formal academic accommodations for absences lasting more than two calendar weeks, and will not accept requests for absence notes submitted more than one calendar week after the requested period of excused absence.  The university’s Student Health Services will consider providing written notes to students only when a condition is determined to be significant enough to prevent class attendance during the acute phase of the illness.

2. Intercollegiate Athletic Contest: If the cause of the absence is participation in an intercollegiate athletic contest (excluding practice sessions and intra-squad games), the student must provide the instructor with a letter from the Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services listing all scheduled competitions by the last day to add a course. If a student-athlete has provided this documentation in a timely manner, the instructor may not penalize the student for these absences and must provide reasonable opportunities to make up missed work. Students must notify instructors of changes to competition schedules in a timely manner, and such notifications must be supported with appropriate documentation from the Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services. If an examination is missed, the instructor must administer a makeup examination or offer an alternative mutually agreeable to the instructor and the student. Any conflicts between students and instructors in making these arrangements will be presented for resolution to the chair of the department in which the course is offered.

3. Religious Observance: According to New York State Education Law (Section 224-A), campuses must excuse, without penalty, individual students absent because of religious beliefs, and to provide equivalent opportunities for make-up examinations, study, or work requirements missed because of such absences. Faculty should work directly with students to accommodate these absences, and students must notify the instructor of record in a timely manner.

Enrollment and Registration

Freshmen, students who have not declared a major, and students intending to pursue a restricted major are advised either by the advisors in the Academic Support Center (ASC) or by advisors in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). All students who are admitted to the University through the EOP receive academic advisement from EOP counselors until they graduate. When students have been accepted to a major, they are enrolled in the school or college offering study in the desired major field. These are the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering, the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy; the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity; and the Schools of Business, Criminal Justice, Social Welfare and Public Health. In line with policy developed by the Committee on Academic Standing, a particular department, school or college within the University may permit a student to enroll as a major who has not completed a minimum of 24 graduation credits. Upon approval of the Committee on Academic Standing of the Undergraduate Academic Council additional conditions of initial and continued enrollment as a major may be required by individual departments, schools, or colleges.

Class Standing

Students are classified by the Registrar’s Office on the basis of graduation credits, as follows:

  • Freshmen: Fewer than 24 credits
  • Sophomore: 24-55 credits
  • Junior: 56-87 credits
  • Senior: 88 or more credits
Full-Time, Part-Time Defined

A student registered for a minimum of 12 credits within the semester is classified as a full-time student. A student registered for fewer than 12 credits is classified as a part-time student for the semester.

Credit Load

A normal semester load is 15 credits. Registration for at least 12 credits is required for a student to be considered full-time. For loads of no more than 19 credits, the number of credits for which a student registers in a semester is an individual matter, determined by the student with the advice of that student's academic advisor. Except as provided, below, for undergraduates studying abroad, no undergraduate may register for more than 19 credits without prior permission obtained from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Students must present compelling academic justification and have the approval of their academic adviser or major department for a request to exceed 19 credits to be considered by the Office of the Vice Provost.

Undergraduates studying abroad who plan to take more than 19 SUNY credits must apply for permission no later than 4 weeks after the start of classes overseas. Credits earned for pre-session courses which, when added to the regular semester’s course load, bring the total semester’s enrollment to over 19, do not need such permission.

Students ordinarily enroll in courses at the level appropriate to their class.

Individual departments have the authority to require a C or S grade in courses that are prerequisite for advanced courses in that area.

Senior Enrollment in 100-Level Courses:

Students with senior status (credits completed plus credits in progress equal to or exceeding 88) shall be allowed into courses at the 100 level only during the Program Adjustment period as defined by the University Calendar. This restriction does not apply to Music Performance courses and any summer or winter sessions courses. Other exceptions may be granted by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (Lecture Center 30).

Shared-Resources Courses and Registration:

Each department offering a graduate program may design and offer "shared-resources courses" within its total curriculum. "Shared-resources courses" are paired courses dealing with the same topic, one a 400-level and one introductory graduate 500-level that meet with the same instructor, at the same time, in the same classroom.

The course syllabus of the 400-level course should accurately describe its upper-division scope and responsibility. The course syllabus of the 500-level course should accurately describe its graduate scope and responsibility, and must include extra requirements such as the submission of a graduate research paper and/or an additional weekly hour meeting or laboratory session to allow a deeper and more comprehensive examination of the subject than required at the undergraduate level.

NOTE: No graduate student may enroll in the graduate section of a shared resource course if they have already completed the undergraduate section of the same course.

Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit:

A senior with a superior academic record may register for a 500-level course for undergraduate credit with the approval of the major department chair and the course instructor. In exceptional circumstances, seniors may be authorized to register for 600-level graduate courses provided they have completed most of the upper division undergraduate and other courses essential to their major and require a graduate course to strengthen it. To qualify for such enrollment the senior must have a superior record, particularly in his or her major field. To register for a 600-level course, students must have the approval of their adviser and obtain the written consent of their department chair and the instructor offering the course. The department chair should arrange for copies of these consents to be distributed to the persons involved and to be filed in the student’s official folder.

Graduate Courses for Graduate Credit:

Seniors of high academic standing in the University may receive graduate credit for graduate courses taken in excess of undergraduate requirements in the last semester of their senior year provided not more than 6 credits are needed to complete the student’s undergraduate program. Consent of the Dean of Graduate Education is required and must be obtained in advance of registration to receive such credit. Seniors who are permitted to take courses for graduate credit in their last semester also must make formal application for admission to a graduate program and be accepted as a graduate student before registering for study in the final semester.

Advanced and qualified undergraduate students may normally take up to a maximum of 12 credits of graduate course work while in undergraduate status. Undergraduates seeking to enroll in more than 12 credits of graduate course work will need to secure support on academic grounds from the student's academic advisor and acknowledge in advance that such enrollment beyond 12 graduate credits will be subject to tuition/fee charges at the graduate level and may not necessarily be undergraduate financial aid eligible unless applicable to the undergraduate program. (Senate Bill effective Fall 2019.)

Auditing Courses

Informal Audit:

This category of audit permits any student or resident of the State of New York to visit most courses as a guest of the class. The informal auditor may sit in on a chosen course without regular tuition charges, examinations, grading, or credit; and no record of attendance is maintained. The instructor determines the allowable level of participation and any online course access must be approved by signature of the instructor. A student matriculated at Albany confers with the instructor of the course and requests consent to visit the course. An individual not matriculated at this University must first contact the Office of General Studies to obtain informal audit procedures before obtaining consent of the individual instructor of the course. NOTE: Informal Audit is not allowed during the summer and winter terms.

Formal Audit:

This category of audit allows any student to formally audit any course (except those listed here). The formal auditor pays regular tuition and fees, and the course is entered on the transcript of the student with the grade of N (noncredit) or W (withdrawn) according to 6., as follows.


Generally, the following types of courses cannot be formally audited: practica, internships, research and independent study courses, field courses, clinical courses, workshops, and foreign study programs. Students who feel they have an extraordinary need to audit these courses must prepare a written rationale and submit it to the chair of the department in which the course is offered. Formal audit of graduate-level courses is restricted as outlined in 3., below. If a course is filled and has auditors in it, a student wishing to take the course for credit may displace the auditor.

Formal Audit Policies
  1. The student must register for the courses during the program adjustment period
  2. Students must pay the regular tuition and fees based on their academic status. Fees and tuition will be based on the student’s total load, including courses formally audited. Credits taken by formal audit will not count toward full-time status for the purposes of academic retention.
  3. Registration for the formally audited course must be approved by the student’s academic adviser (for nonmatriculated students, either the Office of General Studies or the Office of Admissions) and the course instructor. A senior with a superior academic record may formally audit a 500-level course with the approval of the academic adviser, the major department chair, and the course instructor. In exceptional circumstances, a senior may be authorized to formally audit a 600-level graduate course provided the student has completed most of the upper-division undergraduate and other courses essential to the major field. To formally audit a 600-level course, students must have the approval of their adviser and obtain the written consent of their department chair and the instructor offering the course. The department chair will arrange for copies of these consents to be distributed to the persons involved and to be filed in the student’s official folder.
  4. A student may not change from credit to audit or from audit to credit after the last day to add a course.
  5. The formal audit option is limited to a maximum of two courses per term for each student.
  6. An individual who formally audits a course must participate in appropriate ways as determined by the instructor. It will be the responsibility of the student to ascertain from the instructor the degree of participation required. The course will appear at the end of the term on the transcript of the student with a grade of N (noncredit). A formal auditor may withdraw from a course not later than one week after the mid-semester date as stated in the academic calendar and be assigned a W. A student failing to participate satisfactorily will be withdrawn and assigned a W.
  7. Although not recommended, formally audited undergraduate courses may be taken for graduation credit at a later date. Formally audited graduate courses may not be taken again for graduate credit.
Adding Courses

All students must drop and add courses on the Web.

From the first class day through the sixth class day of the semester, students enter MyUAlbany on the Web and enter the class number of the course. If the course is closed or restricted, a Permission Number from the instructor is also necessary. From the seventh class day through the tenth class day of the semester, a Permission Number from the instructor is required for all adds. Students enter MyUAlbany and enter the class number and the Permission Number for the course.

A “class day” is here defined to be any day from Monday through Friday in which classes are in session. The above methods of adding a course apply to quarter (“8 week”) courses and summer and winter sessions coursework on a prorated basis, determined by the length of the course in question.

Dropping Courses

All students must drop and add courses on the Web.

From the first class day through the tenth class day of the semester, students enter MyUAlbany on the Web and enter the class number of the course. During this time, a dropped course will be removed from the student’s record. A “class day” is defined as in “Adding Courses” above.

After the tenth class day through the “last day to drop a course” (as specified in the Academic Calendar), a student may drop a course by entering MyUAlbany and entering the class number of the course. During this time, a dropped course will remain on the student’s record and an indicator of W will be entered in the grade column. The will be entered regardless of whether the student has ever attended a class. Effective Spring 2024:

  1. Students may withdraw from undergraduate and graduate courses up to and including the last day of classes of the term. (This applies equally to all terms, of any length, during Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.) Exceptions to the course withdrawal deadline will be granted only in the most exceptional, documented extenuating circumstances (e.g., an absolute incapacity to meet the deadline because of a medical emergency), and the Committee on Academic Standing will consider petitions for such exceptions only within one calendar year of the final day of classes during the semester in which the course was taken.
  2. Students may change their grading option (A–E or S/U) for eligible courses up to and including the last day of classes of the term. (This applies equally to all terms, of any length, during Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.) Exceptions to the S/U deadline will not be granted.  

If a faculty member announces a failing grade in the course as a possible result of academic dishonesty, the student receiving such a penalty will not be permitted to withdraw from the course unless the grievance or judicial system rules in favor of the student.

A student still enrolled in a class after the “last day to drop” is expected to fulfill the course requirements. The grade recorded for the course shall be determined on this basis. A student who registers for a course but never attends or ceases attendance before the tenth class day, as reported by the instructor, yet does not officially drop the course shall have an indicator of listed in the grade column on his/her record. The above methods of dropping a course apply to quarter (“8 week”) courses and summer session course work on a prorated basis, determined by the length of the course in question.

Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Committee on Academic Standing of the Undergraduate Academic Council.

Note: Students receiving financial assistance through state awards should refer to Academic Criteria for State Awards in the Financial Aid and Estimated Costs sections of this bulletin before withdrawing from courses.

Repeating Courses

Courses that can be repeated for graduation credit are so indicated within the course descriptions contained in this bulletin.

  1. The following shall apply to students who enroll more than one time in a course that cannot be repeated for credit: Appropriate registrations in the course, as of the last day to add a course in a term as specified in the academic calendar, shall be listed on the student’s Academic Record; all A–E grades for such courses will be computed in the average.
  2. The total graduation credit applicable toward the student’s degree shall only be the credit for which that course has been assigned; i.e., graduation credit for the course can only be counted once.
Repeating Courses to Meet Program Admission Requirements

For the purposes of calculating admissions requirements into restricted majors or programs, once a student has received the grade of B- or higher in a course, no future grade in that course or its equivalent will be used in determining the student’s average for admission to that major or program.

An “equivalent” course, for purposes of this policy, is any course for which the student cannot receive credit by virtue of his or her having satisfactorily completed the original course.

Transfer of Credit after Matriculation

Transfer equivalencies for institutions and courses previously approved for transfer credit are available online from the University at Albany's Transfer Equivalency Databank on the Registrar’s webpage. Courses not included in the databank may still be awarded transfer credit but require a course description or syllabus be attached to the transfer credit permission form. Post-matriculation transfer courses may not meet some requirements for the major, minor, and/or liberal arts credit requirements. Also, they cannot meet residency requirements. Students are strongly advised to consult with their advisors and/or the department in question about transfer credits prior to taking courses at other institutions.

Policies to Deregister Students

Failure to Attend Class

Beginning on the seventh class day, instructors may deregister students who fail to attend class, explain absence, or officially drop within the first six days of classes of a term unless prior arrangements have been made by the student with the instructor. The policy to deregister students is limited to the add period at the beginning of the semester. For courses that meet only once each week, including laboratory courses, the instructor may deregister students who do not attend the first scheduled class.

The above policy also applies to half-semester (“8 week”) courses on a prorated basis, depending on the length of the course in question. A “class day” is defined as in “Adding a Course” above. This policy does not apply to Summer or Winter session courses.

WARNING: Not all faculty exercise this prerogative. The fact that a student didn’t attend doesn’t guarantee that the professor dropped the student from the course. Students must take the responsibility for dropping a course on the Web if they wish to avoid an E or U in that course.

Lack of Prerequisite(s)

Students may be deregistered who lack the prerequisite(s) of the course at any time within the term or quarter the course is being taught. The Registrar will assign students who have been deregistered after the program adjustment period a grade of W for the course.

Final Examinations

General Policy:

In many courses, final examinations are an integral part of the learning and evaluative process. Some courses, by virtue of the structure, material, or style of presentation, do not require a final examination. The following policy in no way requires an instructor to administer a final examination.

Final examinations in semester-long undergraduate courses in the University are to be given only during the scheduled final examination period in accordance with the official schedule of examinations as published by the Registrar’s Office. The term “final examination” as used here shall be defined as any examination of more than one-half hour’s duration that is given in the terminal phase of a course. As defined, “final examinations” may be either comprehensive, covering the majority of the content of a course, or limited to only a portion of the content of a course.

No examinations of more than one-half hour’s duration are to be given during the last five regularly scheduled class days of a semester. Instructors seeking any exceptions to the above policy must submit a written request through their respective department chair to their college dean, or directly to their dean in those schools with no departmental structure. If the dean approves the exceptions, the instructor must notify the class of the new scheduled final examination date at least three weeks before the last regularly scheduled class day of the semester. At the end of each semester, each college and school dean must submit to the Vice President for Academic Affairs a summary of all exceptions granted to the final examination policy.

The above regulations notwithstanding, the instructor in any course should always retain the freedom to reschedule a final examination for an individual student should such a student present a case of unquestionable hardship in his or her scheduled examinations. Such rescheduling should, however, be done in the final examination period if at all possible.

Reading Day:

A day reserved for preparation for final exams. It is scheduled after all the regular class lectures and before final exams. As a rule, Reading Day should not be used as a make-up day and activities should not be scheduled that conflict with students' ability to study for final exams.

Three Finals on One Day:

If a student has three examinations in one day as a result of a departmental exam or of the official rescheduling of an examination after the initial final examination schedule has been published, then that student has the right to be given a makeup examination for the departmental or rescheduled examination. The request for such an exam must be made to the instructor in the appropriate course no later than two weeks before the last day of classes of the given semester. If possible, the makeup examination should be given within the final examination period.

Retention of Exams:

Each instructor shall retain the final examination papers in his/her courses for one semester so those students wishing to see their papers may do so. This regulation does not apply in those instances in which the instructor chooses to return the papers to the students at the end of the course.

Undergraduate Grading

These policies apply to all students past and present, effective Fall 2017.

The purpose of grading is to communicate the instructor’s evaluation of student performance in terms of student learning outcomes and standards of achievement. The assignment of grades based on the evaluation of student work is at the heart of the University’s academic integrity. Authority and responsibility for assigning and changing grades, within the period of time designated by the Registrar’s Office, rests with the instructor of record, based on the limited circumstances described below.

The undergraduate grading system for the University will include the following grades: A, A-, B+, BB-, C+, C, C-, D+, DD-E. Grades reflect the level of student achievement on student learning outcomes and standards presented to students at the beginning of a course in a syllabus. Students are encouraged to seek timely, formative, feedback during a course so they can gauge their progress and have an opportunity to improve their performance before receiving a final, summative grade. Once final grades are submitted they will not be removed from the student’s permanent academic record and will only be amended according to grade change and appeals processes/timelines. For this reason, students should check their grades via MyUAlbany as soon as they are posted to determine if there are any discrepancies.

The normative grading pattern is A – E. However, students may receive S/U grades in two circumstances:

  • In sections and/or courses that have been designated by departments or schools as S/U graded
  • In courses normally graded A – E in which the student selects S/U grading

Students are limited to receiving S/U opted grades only twice in their undergraduate academic career. Only courses below the 300 level may be S/U opted. These two courses of S/U may be in addition to all S/U grades received in department or school-designated S/U graded sections of courses. See also “Grading Option Deadline,” below.

A – E grades are defined as follows: – Excellent, – Good, – Fair, – Poor, and – Failure. The grade of E is a failing grade and cannot be used to fulfill graduation requirements. The grade of S is defined as equivalent to the grade of C or higher and is acceptable to fulfill graduation requirements. The grade of U (C- or lower) is unsatisfactory and is not acceptable to fulfill graduation requirements.

Transfer D Grades

Students cannot transfer in any grades of D. However, except for the University’s writing requirements, for which a grade of C or higher or S is required, transfer work graded D in a course that applies to one or more of the University’s General Education requirements may be applied toward fulfilling the requirements, even if the student receives no graduation credit for the course.

Other Grades and Indicators

Additionally, the following grades and indicators may be assigned.

Incomplete Grade Policy (amended effective Fall 2020 and will apply to all undergraduate Incompletes issued Fall 2020 and thereafter)

I: Incomplete. A grade of is a temporary grade assigned at the discretion of the instructor when a student has been unable to complete a class for reasons which are considered to be extenuating and beyond the student's control. These reasons must be documented at the time of the request. Incomplete grades do not count toward graduation.Undergraduate students taking graduate level classes will be subject to the Graduate Incomplete Policy for the graduate class.

  1. Incomplete grades should ONLY be assigned: When a student makes a direct request to the instructor;
  2. The student's work to date is passing;
  3. An illness or other extenuating circumstance prevents completion of required work by the due date;
  4. Required work may reasonably be completed in an agreed-upon period (not to exceed the maximum allowable time for the completion of work as stated in the Timeline for Incomplete Grades), and does not require the student to retake any portion of the class.

If all of the above four criteria are not met, the student should be graded according to the work completed for the class, even if this means recording a failing grade.

Students and instructors should be mindful that making up work can be extremely difficult given the workload of a new semester.

Incomplete grades should NOT be assigned:

  • To students who do not make a direct request to the instructor
  • As a substitute for a failing grade
  • Where the student's performance to date clearly indicates an inability to complete the class as defined in the original syllabus
  • If the student did not attend or stopped attending
  • As a means of allowing a student to raise their grade by completing additional work not assigned to other students
  • If re-enrollment is required for successful completion of the class

Timeline for Incomplete Grades

The maximum allowable time for the completion of work related to an Incomplete is:

  • Fall and Winter: convert to failing grades in April of the following Spring semester – dates and deadlines to be communicated by the Registrar’s office
  • Spring and Summer: convert to failing grades in November of the following Fall semester – dates and deadlines to be communicated by the Registrar’s office

Dates and deadlines will be listed on the Academic Calendar and communicated by the Registrar’s Office.

Instructors may require that work be completed in advance of the deadline.

Questions about incomplete grades should be addressed to the instructor. If an incomplete grade is agreed upon, the instructor is responsible for entering the incomplete grade in the grade roster during final grading, as well as changing the grade to a final grade by the incomplete grade deadline. See Guidelines for Instructors for more information on entering and changing grades. If an instructor is no longer available, the chair of the department or dean of the school/college, in which the class was offered, is authorized to supervise completion of the work and to submit the appropriate grade change request.

Any grade of I existing after the stated deadline shall be automatically changed to E or U according to whether or not the student is enrolled for A–E or S/U grading. Except for extenuating circumstances approved by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, these converted grades may not be later changed.

(NOTE: Students receiving financial assistance through state awards should refer to Academic Criteria for State Awards in the expenses and financial aid section of this bulletin before requesting grades of I.)

N: Noncredit. No graduation credit. An indicator assigned when a student formally audits a course.

W: An indicator assigned when a student withdraws from the University, or drops a course after the last day to add. For information and completeness, the W is placed on the permanent academic record. The W is non-punitive and is not used in any computation of quality point or cumulative average totals. The W affords a student the opportunity to leave a class, without a grade (whether passing or failing). The W will not be removed from a student’s academic record.

Z: An indicator assigned based on information provided by the instructor of record indicating a student enrolled in a course, never attended or failed to attend after the last day to add, and took no official action to drop the course. For information and completeness, the Z is placed on the permanent academic record. The Z is not used in any computation of quality point or cumulative average totals. The Z will not be removed from a student’s academic record.

Grades are available to students via MyUAlbany. Students should review their grades in a timely manner and contact their instructors regarding any perceived discrepancies.

Timeline for Grade Changes

Grade changes will only be accepted as follows:

  • Fall semester grades: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Spring semester
  • Winter term grades: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Summer term
  • Spring semester grades: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Fall semester
  • Summer term grades: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Winter term

Requests for grade changes should begin with the instructor of record. The instructor of record has the authority and responsibility to assign, or change, a grade because of their unique position to evaluate a student’s performance. The Chair of an academic department may request a grade change on the student’s behalf when the instructor of record is not available to do so in a reasonable timeframe, or when the instructor of record has assigned or changed a grade based on inappropriate factors, or in exceptional circumstances involving administrative review of a grade. The request must be fully explained and justified.

Academic Dismissal Appeals: anticipated or actual grade changes must be reported to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education’s Office during the academic dismissal appeal period. Grade changes submitted once classes begin will not overturn a dismissal for that semester.

Once a degree is awarded, grades will only be changed according to the Timeline for Grade Changes.

Examples of appropriate reasons for grade corrections or changes include, but are not limited to:

  • Demonstrable arithmetic, editing, or factual error in calculating the grade
  • Omission of assignments or parts of assignments in calculating the grade
  • A grade demonstrably based on impermissible factors unrelated to student performance, such as discrimination, bias, retaliation or retribution

Examples of inappropriate reasons for grade changes include, but are not limited to:

  • Submission of additional work to be reexamined for the purpose of improving grades after the course has been completed
  • Saving a student from some academic penalty such as dismissal, alert, notice, warning, or academic integrity problem
  • Enabling a student to graduate
  • Enabling a student to maintain academic eligibility for financial aid.
  • Enabling a student to graduate with academic honors, or meet some other established minima
  • Personal issues unrelated to academics
  • Enabling a student to maintain academic eligibility for athletics or any other co- curricular activity
  • Managing enrollment levels in order to preserve programs or revenue, or to increase retention rates

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for processing all grade changes. In order for a student to receive a change of grade, an electronic grade change form must be completed by the instructor of record of the course. If an error is made in the submission of the form, it will be returned to the department by the Registrar’s Office for correction and resubmission. Other than for conversion of grades from Incomplete (I) to an appropriate final grade, all proposed corrective undergraduate grade changes, with rationale provided, must be approved by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (or designee) before the Registrar (or designee) may record them. A grade of AA-B+B, B-C+CC-D+DD-ES, or U may not be changed to a grade of I. Grade changes can be viewed by students via MyUAlbany once they have been processed.

On a case-by-case basis and for good cause, the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education continues to have the authority to allow grade changes for reasons deemed legitimate.

Grade Grievances

Each school/college is required to have on file procedures for resolving academic grievances related to improper grading practices (e.g., complaints of arbitrary, capricious, or improper actions related to grading). Additional information can be found under Procedures for Resolving Academic Grievances.

Grading Option Deadline

Students may change their option (A–E or S/U) for courses not departmentally designated for S/U grading until 15 class days after the midterm point. Changes in grading selections cannot be authorized beyond the date specified. The grading option may be changed by filing the appropriate form with the Registrar’s Office by the date specified in the academic calendar. When discussing with an instructor their progress in a course, students should inform the instructor if they are taking the course S/U.

Academic Average

The grades of AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-, and E shall be the only grades used to determine an average. Grades shall be weighted as follows: A = 4.00, A- = 3.70, B+ = 3.30, B = 3.00 B- = 2.70, C+ = 2.30, C = 2.00, C- = 1.70, D+ = 1.30, D = 1.00, D- = 0.70, and E = 0.00. The student’s academic average is the result of the following calculation:

  1. The number of credits for courses receiving A–E grades is totaled
  2. Each grade’s weight is multiplied by the number of credits for the course receiving that grade
  3. The results of these multiplications are totaled to yield a weighted total
  4. The weighted total is divided by the total number of credits receiving A–E grades to yield an academic average
Student Academic Record

A student’s official academic record is maintained by the Registrar’s Office.

University at Albany transcripts contain a record of all courses, grades and indicators, majors, minors, and degrees obtained from the University at Albany at the undergraduate and graduate level (whether or not the student is degree seeking or non-degree seeking). This includes contract courses and courses taken through the University in the High School Program. Transcripts are a permanent, irrevocable record of all courses, credits, and final grades accumulated through the University at Albany by the individual student.

Timeline for Exceptions for Course Withdrawal Deadlines and for
Course S/U Deadlines

An undergraduate student requesting an exception to the course withdrawal deadline or a course S/U deadline must submit the Request for Exception to Course Withdrawal Deadline petition or the Request for Exception to Course S/U Deadline petition and a written statement indicating reasons why an exception to the deadline for the last day to drop or S/U opt a particular class should be granted, and why the published deadline was missed. Documentation to support the petition must be submitted for review. Being unaware of the policy or deadline, poor test results, or unfulfilled class expectations after the deadline will not qualify as a policy exception. The Committee on Academic Standing reviews petitions only when the Fall and Spring semesters are in session. Otherwise, petitions will be reviewed in the following semester.

Petitions for Exceptions to Course Withdrawal Deadlines or Exceptions to Course S/U Deadlines will only be accepted as follows:

  • Fall semester courses: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Fall semester
  • Winter term courses: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Winter term
  • Spring semester courses: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Spring semester
  • Summer term courses: accepted through the last class day of the subsequent Summer term

Once a degree is conferred, requests for exceptions to the course withdrawal or the S/U deadline will not be accepted.

Academic Retention Standards

Since the University requires that students have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 and an average of 2.00 in the major and the minor in order to earn a bachelor’s degree, the grade point average is an important indicator of the ability to achieve a bachelor’s degree. Thus, the following policies are in effect for students whose performance indicates that they are at risk of failing to meet the conditions necessary to earn a degree.

Note: Academic Standing for a semester is calculated on the basis of semester grades only. Summer and Winter Sessions classes do not change the academic status as assigned at the end of a preceding semester.

Academic Warning

A student whose semester grade point average falls below a 2.00 (but is a 1.00 or above) will receive an Academic Warning from the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education. This action will not subject the student to any further penalty but is intended to remind the student of the University’s policies as well as to inform the student of the resources available to ensure good progress in achieving an undergraduate degree.

Academic Alert
  1. A student whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.00 will be placed on Academic Alert for the following semester. A student placed on Academic Alert will be notified by the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education, and will be advised of the resources available to assist students in improving their academic standing.
  2. Students on Academic Alert will be expected to improve their academic performance immediately. They must raise the cumulative GPA to at least 2.00 to be removed from Academic Alert. Students who fail to meet this condition will be placed on Academic Notice in the following semester.
Academic Notice
  1. A student will be placed on Academic Notice for the following semester if either of the following occurs
    • the student’s semester GPA is below 1.00, or
    • the student has a cumulative GPA below 2.00 for a second semester
  2. Students on Academic Notice for a semester are at risk of academic dismissal at the end of that semester. These students must meet with their academic advisor and develop and Academic Improvement Plan before registering for classes during that semester.
  3. If the student achieves a semester GPA and cumulative GPA of at least 2.00, the student will be removed from Academic Notice.
  4. If the student’s semester GPA is at least a 2.00 but the cumulative GPA remains below 2.00, the student will remain on Academic Notice and must continue to meet the conditions described in section 2) above. The student must raise the cumulative GPA to at least 2.00 to be removed from Academic Notice.
  5. If the student earns a semester GPA below a 2.00 while on Academic Notice, the student will be dismissed.
Academic Standing of Students with No Completed Courses

Prior academic standing will be applied to the current semester for a student who receives indicators of WZIS or U for all or a combination of all coursework for the semester.

Academic Dismissal

Academic Dismissal will occur if a student has been on Academic Notice and fails to earn a semester GPA of at least 2.00 or if readmission conditions or reinstatement conditions have not been met. The student’s record will have the notation “Academic Dismissal.” Students who have been academically dismissed may petition for reinstatement to the University during an appeal period specified in the notice of dismissal by submitting a written petition to the Committee on Academic Standing through the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education.

Academic Dismissal Policy: Educational Opportunity Program Students

Academic Dismissal will occur if a student has been on Academic Notice and fails to earn a semester GPA of at least 2.00 or if readmission conditions or reinstatement conditions have not been met. The student’s record will have the notation “Academic Dismissal.” Students who have been academically dismissed may petition for reinstatement to the University during an appeal period specified in the notice of dismissal by submitting a written petition to the Committee on Academic Standing through the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education.

Good Academic Standing

The term “in good academic standing” (satisfactory academic standing) means that a student is making satisfactory progress toward a degree and is eligible or has been allowed to register and take academic course work at this campus for the current term. Students placed on Academic Alert or Academic Notice are considered to be in good academic standing since they are making satisfactory progress toward a degree and are still authorized to continue studying toward their degrees. Academic Alert and Academic Notice only serve as an indication that a student is at risk of not meeting minimum academic retention standards and being dismissed from the University. Only those students who are officially dismissed from the University are considered not to be in good academic standing.

(The above definition should not be confused with the academic standing criteria for eligibility for New York State financial awards as detailed in the Financial Aid section of this publication.)

Leave for Approved Study

  1. Students may apply for permission to pursue a Leave for Approved Study with the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Lecture Center 30, 518-442-3950. That office shall ascertain that the student has been informed of University residency requirements, including major, minor and senior residency minima. Students interested in pursuing an approved leave for a given semester, must submit an application and other necessary paperwork prior to the mid-term point of the proceeding semester of departure. Completion of the semester prior to the commencement of the leave is required.
  2. Study must be in an approved program at another college or university.
  3. A Leave for Approved Study is granted for only one semester and can be granted for a maximum of two semesters. A request for a leave implies an intent to return to the University in the next successive semester after completion of the leave.
  4. Advisor approval is necessary for the leave to be approved. If the student was admitted through the EOP program, approval of the EOP director is necessary.
  5. A student may pursue part-time or full-time coursework during the leave.
  6. A student who has satisfied the previous conditions and whose University at Albany cumulative average, as well as the GPA in the major and minor, is at least 2.00 at the time the proposed leave would begin will be granted a Leave for Approved Study.
  7. A student who has satisfied the previous conditions and whose University at Albany cumulative average is less than 2.00 at the time the proposed leave would begin has the right to seek prior approval for a Leave for Approved Study by written petition to the Committee on Academic Standing.
  8. Applicants must also work with the Office of Financial Aid to determine financial aid eligibility and approval.
  9. Disciplinary dismissed or academically dismissed students are not eligible for Leaves for Approved Study.

Degrees in Absentia

Formerly matriculated undergraduates who have almost completed their degree and cannot return here to finish remaining requirements may apply for permission to finish their degree in absentia.

Their cumulative University at Albany grade point average, as well as their GPA in the major and minor, must be at least a 2.00. In addition, a petition for a waiver of residence requirement(s) and departmental support may be necessary. All Degree in Absentia applicants must also work with the Office of Financial Aid to determine financial aid eligibility and approval.

Disciplinary dismissed or academically dismissed students are not eligible for a Degree in Absentia.

An application and other necessary forms for this process are available from the website of the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Taconic 3rd floor.