For All Instructors
Resources for all instructors, regardless of where you are in your career
Support your diverse students
- Research-based practices to support diverse learners
- Use peer learning to create a welcoming, high-impact learning community
- Use a welcome letter to foster belonging and success for diverse students before the semester begins
- The inviting syllabus: motivating, welcoming, and guiding diverse students toward success
- Help diverse students use your syllabus to build a relationship to your course and take ownership of their learning
- Use transparent assignment descriptions to ensure success for diverse students
- Help students use your assignments and feedback to persist and remain hopeful
Engage your students
- What should I do on the first day of class?
- How do I plan an effective and engaging class meeting?
- How can I design discussions that will help my students learn?
- How can I help my students engage in discussions of controversial topics?
- What can I do to engage students and facilitate learning in a large class?
- How can I improve student learning without making big changes to my teaching?
- How can I use student feedback to ensure care, trust, and persistence?
Help students take ownership of their learning
Assess your students' learning
- What do I need to consider when I assess student learning?
- How can I design effective writing assignments?
- How can I give students useful feedback on their writing (without spending all my time grading!)?
- How can I design, implement, and grade group projects that ensure student learning?
- What are the principles of effective grading?
- How can I teach in ways that minimize cheating and plagiarism?
For Graduate Students Who Teach
Resources that draw from current research on teaching and learning to address some of the most common concerns new teachers have
Create and maintain an effective learning environment
For Online Instructors
Resources to support instructors teaching fully online courses