
History Faculty
Sheila Curran Bernard
Sheila Curran Bernard
Associate Professor & Director of the Public History Program
Alexander Dawson
Alexander Dawson
Professor & Graduate Director of History
Richard Fogarty
Richard Fogarty
Associate Professor & Collins Fellow; Associate Vice Provost & Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Federica Francesconi
Federica Francesconi
Associate Professor & Judaic Studies Program Director
Richard F. Hamm
Richard F. Hamm
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor & Collins Fellow
Ryan M. Irwin
Ryan M. Irwin
Associate Professor & Director of the Institute for History and Public Engagement
Dmitry Korobeynikov
Dmitry Korobeynikov
Associate Professor & Interim Director of Religious Studies
Christopher Pastore
Christopher Pastore
Associate Professor; Experiential Education Faculty Fellow
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
Associate Professor & Undergraduate Director
Gerald Zahavi
Gerald Zahavi
Professor & Documentary Studies Program Director
History Lecturers
Affiliated Faculty
Alejandra Bronfman
Alejandra Bronfman
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Anthony DeBlasi 鄧百安
Anthony DeBlasi 鄧百安
Associate Professor of Chinese Studies
Philip B. Eppard
Philip B. Eppard
O'Leary Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Peter Banseok Kwon 권반석
Peter Banseok Kwon 권반석
Associate Professor of Korean Studies
John D. Person パーソン・ジョン
John D. Person パーソン・ジョン
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies & Department Chair
Katherine Van Acker
Adjunct Professor, Journalism
Emeritus Faculty
Allen B. Ballard
Professor Emeritus & Collins Fellow
Iris Berger
O'Leary Professor Emerita & Collins Fellow
Donald Birn
Associate Professor Emeritus
Sung Bok Kim
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus & Collins Fellow
John Monfasani
John Monfasani
Distinguished O'Leary Professor Emeritus
Ivan D. Steen
Associate Professor Emeritus