Camelia Lenart
PhD, the University at Albany

Camelia Lenart completed her PhD at the State University of New York at Albany, where her thesis “State of the Art/Art of State: The European Tours of Martha Graham and Her Dance Company, 1950-1967” received a Distinguished Dissertation Award. Her research, which is at the interface of dance, diplomatic, and cultural history, was supported by numerous fellowships and awards, including an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship from the University College London. She received a Dance Chronicle Founding Editors’ Award with her article “Dancing Art and Politics beyond the Iron Curtain: Martha Graham’s 1962 Tour to Yugoslavia and Poland.” Camelia presented in conference around the world, and her work was published in numerous journals and edited works, including Dance Chronicle, Dance Research Journal, The European Journal of American Studies and H-Diplo. From January 2021, she is thrilled to start her position as the Reviews Co-Editor of the top-tier Dance Research Journal.