John Monfasani
PhD, Columbia University

1. George of Trebizond: A Biography and a Study of His Rhetoric and Logic. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 1 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976). Pp. xii + 414. Awarded the John Nicholas Brown Prize for 1980 by the Medieval Academy of America; see Speculum, 55 (1980): 643.
Reviewed in:
The American Historical Review, 82 (1977):8l, by P. C. Dales
Archivio storico italiano, 136 (1977): 286-87, by G. C. Garfagnini
Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 60 (1978): 376-80, by A. De Petris
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 72 (1979): 53 -56, by W. Hormann
Byzantion, 47 (1977): 592, by J. Santerre
The English Historical Review, 93 (1978): 436-37, by D. Hay
History Today, 27 (1977): 266-67, by A. Haynes
Journal of the Australian Universities Modern Language Association, 53 (1980): 69-70, by P. L. Rose
The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 63 (1977): 443-48, by B. Vickers
Renaissance Quarterly, 32 (1979): 355-62, by D. Geanakoplos
Revue des études byzantines, 35 (1977): 305-06, by J. Darrouzs
Revue historique de droit français et étranger, 56 (1978): 354, by P. Legendre
Rivista storia italiana, 90 (1978): 206-08, by C. Vasoli
Salesianum, an. 1977, 164, by P. T. Sella
Speculum, 53 (1978): 406-08, by R. G. Witt
The Times Literary Supplement, 19 November 1976, 1453, by C. B. Schmitt
2. Collectanea Trapezuntiania. Texts, Documents, and Bibliographies of George of Trebizond. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 25; The Renaissance Society of America: Renaissance Texts Series, 8 (Binghamton, NY, 1984). Pp. xxii + 863
Reviewed in:
Archivio storico italiano, 143 (1985): 307-08, by S. Caroti.
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 41 (1985):2 63, by F. Tinnefeld.
Neo-Latin News, 35.1-2 (1987):26, by L. V. Ryan.
Nouvelle revue théologique, 17 (1986): 282, by S. Hilaire.
Renaissance Quarterly, 38 (1985): 312-15, by N.G. Wilson.
Scriptorium, 40 (1986): 53*-54*, by M. Mund-Dopche.
Studi medioevali, ser. 3, 26.2 (1985): 1052, by M. Cortesi.
Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen, 9 (1985): 59-61, by P. R. Blum.
Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Biblioteken, 66 (1987): 449, by L. Onofri Pauler.
3. Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller. Ed. with J. Hankins and F. Purnell, Jr. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 49 (Binghamton, NY, 1987). Pp. xxviii + 630
4. Studies on Renaissance Society and Culture in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, Jr. Ed. with R. Musto (New York: Italica Press, 1991). Pp. xxiv + 312
5. Fernando of Cordova: A Biographical and Intellectual Profile. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 82, Part 6 (Philadelphia, 1992). Pp. viii + 116
Reviewed in:
Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 56 (1994): 584-85, by I. Backus
Catholic Historical Review (1995):142-43, by J.N. Hillgarth
Parergon, (1994):159-60, by A. L. Martin
Renaissance Quarterly, 47 (1994): 697-99, by J. W. Barker
Speculum, 69 (1994):1233-35, by J. Hankins
6. Language and Learning in Renaissance Italy: Selected Essays (Aldershot, Hampshire: Variorum, 1994). Pp. xii + 340, consisting of articles nos. 7, 11-17, 19-20, 23, 28, and the two reviews essays on Lorenzo Valla below.
Reviewed in:
Sixteenth Century Journal, 26 (1995): 958‒59, by A. E. Moyer
Catholic Historical Review, 82 (1996): 95‒96, by T. M. Izbicki
Neo-Latin News, 54 (1996): 37–38, by C. W. Kallendorf
Renaissance Quarterly 50 (1997): 590–91, by D. Marsh
7. Byzantine Scholars in Renaissance Italy: Cardinal Bessarion and Other Emigrés: Selected Essays (Aldershot, Hampshire: Variorum, 1995). Pp. xii + 353, consisting of articles nos. 1-4, 6, 8-10, 18, 21-22, 26-27, 32 below.
Reviewed in:
Catholic Historical Review, 83 (1997): 96–97, by J. Hankins
Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 46 (1996): 492, by E. Trapp
Bibliothèque de Humanisme et Renaissance, 59 (1997): 425–26, by M. Campagnolo
8. Greeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy: Renaissance Philosophy and Humanism (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Variorum, 2004). Pp. xii + 334, consisting of articles nos. 29–30, 34, 36, 40–42, and 44–48 below.
Reviewed in:
Neo-Latin News, 63 (2005): 122–23, by Craig W. Kallendorf
Rivista di storia della filosofia, 61.2 (2006): 433-36, by Gianni Pagnini
Sixteenth Century Journal, 37.4 (2006): 1076-78, by Luciana Cuppo
Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 90 (2006):56, by K. Stöber
European History Quarterly, 38 (2008): 496-98, by Gian Mario Cao
Heythrop Journal, 50.2 (200): 317, by Barbara Costini
9. Nicolaus Scutellius, OSA, As Pseudo-Pletho. The Sixteenth-Century Treatise Pletho In Aristotelem and The Scribe Michael Martinus Stella. Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento. Quaderni di Rinascimento, 40 (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2005).
Reviewed in:
Investigacion y Ciencia (Edición española de Scientific American), June 2006, 93-94, by Luis Alonso
Bruniana & Campanelliana, 12.2 (2006): 603, by Andrea Rabassini
Neo-Latin News, 55 (2007): 266-68, by Bruce McNair
10. Kristeller Reconsidered: Essays on His Life and Scholarship, Ed. (New York: Italica Press, 2006):
Reviewed in:
Renaissance Quarterly, 59 (2006): 1164-65, by Benjamin Kohl
The English Historical Review, 123/500 (2008): 184-86 by Robert Black
11. George Amiroutzes the Philosopher and His Tractates (Leuven: Peeters, 2011), no. 12 in the series Biblioteca of the journal Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales. 220 pp.
Reviewed in:
Medioevo Greco, 11 (2011):299-300, by Jeroen De Keyser
Revue des études byzantines, 71 (2013):330-31, by Marie-Hélène Blanchet
12. Bessarion Scholasticus: A Study of Cardinal Bessarion’s Latin Library, Turnhout: Brepols, 2011.
Reviewed in:
Renaissance Quarterly, 65 (2012):1177-78, by Francesco Giannachi
Roma nel Rinascimento, 2012: 31-35, by Concetta Bianca
Archivio Storico Italiano, 170 (2012): 777-79, by Remo Guidi
Gregorianum, 94 (2013):660-61, by Antonis Fyrigos
13. Renaissance Humanism from the Middle Ages to Modern Times, Variorum, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015.
Reviewed in:
Speculum, 94 (2019):253–55, by Michael J. B. Allen
14. Greeks Scholars between East and West in the Fifteenth Century, Variorum, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2016.
Reviewed in:
Roma nel Rinascimento, an. 2017: 41-55, by Francesca Niutta
15. Critical Edition: Giovanni Gatti, Notata ex libro ineptiis et deliramentis pleno, qui inscribitur De Comparatione Philosophorum (Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 94), Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.
17. Critical Edition and Translation: George Amiroutzes, The Philosopher, or On Faith, Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2021.
18. Co-editor, with Jonathan Davies, of Renaissance Politics and Culture: Essays in Honour of Robert Black, Leiden: Brill, 2021.
19. Critical Edition, Cardinal Bessarion, Liber Defensionum contra Obiectiones in Platonem, Byzantinisches Archiv. Series Philosophica, Berlin: De Gruyter. 2023
20. Critical Edition of George of Trebizond’s translation of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Praeparatio Evangelica, for the Italian Nation Edition of Renaissance Translation, ed. Mariarosa Cortesi, scheduled for completion December 2023
- “Il Perotti e la controversia tra platonici ed aristotelici,” Res Publica Litterarum, 4 (1981):195-231. Reviewed in Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen, 6 (1982):128-29, by A. Sottili.
- “Bessarion Latinus,” Rinascimento, s. 2, 21 (1981): 165-209. Reviewed in Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungern, 6 (1982):128-29, by A. Sottili.
- “Still More on Bessarion Latinus,” Rinascimento, s. 2, 23 (1983):217-35.
- “The Bessarion Missal Revisited,” Scriptorium, 37 (1983):119-22.
- “Sermons of Giles of Viterbo as Bishop,” in Egidio da Viterbo, O.S.A. e il suo tempo. Atti del V Convegno dell'Istituto Storico Agostiniano, Roma - Viterbo, 20-23 ottobre 1982. Studia Augustiniana Historica, 9 (Rome, 1983), l37-89.
- “The Byzantine Rhetorical Tradition and the Renaissance,” in Renaissance Eloquence: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Renaissance Rhetoric, ed. J. J. Murphy (Berkeley - Los Angeles: California UP, 1983), 174-87.
- “A Description of the Sistine Chapel under Pope Sixtus IV,” Artibus et Historiae, 7 (1983):9-18.
- “Alexius Celadenus and Ottaviano Ubaldini: An Epilogue to Bessarion's Relationship with the Court of Urbino,” Bibliothque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 46 (1984):95-110
- “A Philosophical Text of Andronicus Callistus Misattributed to Nicholas Secundinus,” in Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craig Hugh Smyth, 2 vols. (Florence: Giunti Barbera, 1985), 2:395-406.
- “Platina, Capranica, and Perotti: Bessarion's Latin Eulogists and His Date of Birth,” in Bartolomeo Sacchi Il Platina (Piadena 1421 - Roma 1481): Atti del convegno internazionale di studi per il V centenario (Cremona, 14 -15 novembre 1981), ed. P. Medioli Masotti (Padua: Antenore, 1986 [recte 1987]), 97-136.
- “Three Notes on Renaissance Rhetoric,” Rhetorica. A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 5 (1987):107-118.
- “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in Mid-Quattrocento Rome,” in Supplementum Festivum. Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, eds. J. Hankins, J. Monfasani, and F. Purnell, Jr. (Binghamton, NY: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1987), 189-219.
- “For the History of Marsilio Ficino's Translation of Plato: The Revision Mistakenly Attributed to Ambrogio Flandino, Simon Grynaeus' Revision of 1532, and the Anonymous Revision of 1556/1557,” Rinascimento, 27 (1987):293-99.
- “Humanism and Rhetoric,” in Albert Rabil, Jr., ed., Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, 3 vols., (Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 1988), 3:171-235
- “The First Call for Press Censorship: Niccol Perotti, Giovanni Andrea Bussi, Antonio Moreto and the Editing of Pliny's Natural History,” Renaissance Quarterly, 41 (1988):1-31. Awarded the William Nelson Prize of the Renaissance Society of America.
- “Calfurnio's Identification of Pseudepigrapha of Ognibene, Fenestella, and Trebizond, and His Attack on Renaissance Commentaries,” Renaissance Quarterly, 41 (1988):32-43
- “Was Lorenzo Valla An Ordinary Language Philosopher?” Journal of the History of Ideas, 50 (1988):309-23; reprinted in W.J. Connell, ed., Renaissance Essays II (Rochester, 1993), 86-100.
- “Bessarion, Valla, Agricola, and Erasmus,” Rinascimento, ser. 2., 28 (1988):319-20
- “Bernardo Giustiniani and Alfonso de Palencia: Their Hands, and Some New Texts, and Translations,” Scriptorium, 42 (1989):223-38.
- “Lorenzo Valla and Rudolph Agricola,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 28 (1990):181-200; reprinted without notes and with elipses in the main text in Robert Black, Renaissance Thought. A Reader (London: Routledge, 2001), 255–62.
- “In Praise of Ognibene and Blame of Guarino: Andronicus Contoblacas' Invective against Niccol Botano and the Citizens of Brescia,” Biblioth que d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 52 (1990):309-21.
- “L'insegnamento universitario e la cultura bizantina in Italia nel Quattrocento,” in Sapere e/ potere. Discipline, Dispute e Professioni nell'Universit Medievale e Moderna: Il caso bolognese a confronto. Atti del 4o Convegno. Bologna, 13-15 aprile 1989, 3 vols., ed. Luisa Avellini, Angela De Benedictis, and Andrea Cristiani (Bologna: Istituto per la Storia di Bologna, 1990 [recte 1991]), 1:43-65.
- “The Fraticelli and Clerical Wealth in Quattrocento Rome,” in J. Monfasani and R. Musto, eds., Renaissance Society and Culture: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, Jr. (New York, 1991), 177-95.
- “Hermes Trismegistus, Rome, and the Myth of Europa: An Unknown Text of Giles of Viterbo,” Viator, 22 (1991):311-42.
- “A Theologian at the Roman Curia in the Mid-Quattrocento: A Bio-bibliographical Study of Niccol Palmieri, O.S.A.,” Analecta Augustiniana, 54 (1991):321-81; 55 (1992):5-98
- “Platonic Paganism in the Fifteenth Century,” in M. A. Di Cesare, ed., Reconsidering the Renaissance (Binghamton, NY, 1992): 45-61.
- “Testi inediti di Bessarione e Teodoro Gaza,” in M. Cortesi and E. V. Maltese, ed., Dotti bizantini e libri greci nell'Italia del secolo XV: Atti del Convegno internazionale, Trento 22-23 ottobre 1990 (Naples, 1992): 231-56.
- “Episodes of Anti-Quintilianism in the Italian Renaissance: Quarrels on the Orator as a Vir Bonus and Rhetoric as the Scientia Bene Dicendi,” Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 10 (1992):119-38.
- “The Averroism of John Argyropoulos and His Quaestio utrum intellectus humanus sit perpetuus,” I Tatti Studies: Essays in the Renaissance, 5 (1993):157-208.
- “Aristotelians, Platonists, and the Missing Ockhamists: Philosophical Liberty in Pre-Reformation Italy,” Renaissance Quarterly, 46 (1993):247-76.
- “Introduction” to Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe, 1455-1500. Incunabula Unit 2: The Classics in Translation, editor-in-chief L. Hellinga (Reading, England: Research Publications, 1993), 13–17.
- “Pletone, Bessarione e la processione dello Spirito Santo: un testo inedito e un falso,” in P. Viti, ed., Firenze e il Concilio del 1439. Convegno di Studi, Firenze, 29 novembre - 2 dicembre 1989, 2 vols. (Florence, 1994), 2:833-59.
- “Bessarion's Ïôé öýóéò ïõëåýåôáé (Quod Natura Consulto Agat) in MS Vat. Gr. 1720,” in G. Fiaccadori, ed., Bessarione e l'Umanesimo. Catalogo della mostra (Naples, 1994), 323-24.
- “L'insegnamento di Teodoro Gaza a Ferrara,” in Marco Bertozzi, ed., Alla corte degli Estensi: filosofia, arte e cultura a Ferrara nei secoli XV e XVI. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Ferrara, 5-7 marzo 1992 (Ferrara: Universit degli Studi, 1994), 5-17.
- “The De Doctrina Christiana and Renaissance Rhetoric,” in E. D. English, ed., Reading and Wisdom: The De Doctrina Christiana of Augustine in the Middle Ages (Notre Dame, 1995), 172 88.
- “Giovanni Gatti of Messina: A Profile and an Unedited Text,” in Filologia umanistica per Gianvito Resta, ed. V. Fera and G. Ferraú, 3 vols. (Padua, 1997), 2:1315–38.
- “Erasmus, the Roman Academy, and Ciceronianism: Battista Casali’s Invective,” Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, 17 (1997):19–54.
- “Humanism” in cooperation with Brian Copenhaver, in Richard H. Popkin, ed., The Columbia History of Western Philosophy (New York, 1998), 292–303.
- “The Ciceronian Controversy,” in The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Vol. 3: The Renaissance, ed. Glyn P. Norton (Cambridge, 1999), 395–401.
- “The Pseudo-Aristotelian Problemata and Aristotle’s De Animalibus in the Renaissance,” in Natural Patritculars: Nature and the Disciplines in Renaissance Europe, ed. A. Grafton and N. Siraisi (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999), 205–47.
- “The Theology of Lorenzo Valla,” in Jill Kraye and M. W. F. Stone, eds., Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2000), 1–23.
- “Greek and Latin Learning in Theodore Gaza’s Antirrheticon,” in Renaissance Readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum, ed. M. Pade (Copenhagen, 2000), pp. 61–78.
- “Toward the Genesis of the Kristeller Thesis of Renaissance Humanism: Four Bibliographical Notes,” Renaissance Quarterly, 53 (2000):1156–73.
- “Disputationes Vallianae,” in Penser entre les lignes: Philologie et Philosophie au Quattrocento, ed. F. Mariani Zini (Lille: Presses Universitaires de Septentrion, 2001), pp. 229–50.
- “Theodore Gaza as a Philosopher: A Preliminary Survey,” in Manuele Crisolora e il ritorno del greco in Occidente. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Napoli, 26-29 giugno 1997), ed. Riccardo Maisano and Antonio Rollo (Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 2002), pp. 269–81.
- “Nicholas of Cusa, the Byzantines, and the Greek Language,” in Nicolaus Cusanus zwischen Deutschland und Italien. Beiträge eines deutsch-italienischen Symposions in der Villa Vigoni vom 28.3.-1.4.2001, ed. Martin Thurner (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2002), pp. 215–52.
- “Greek Renaissance Migrations,” Italian History and Culture, (2002): 1–14.
- “Marsilio Ficino and the Plato-Aristotle Controversy,” in M. J. Allen and V. Rees, ed., Marsilio Ficino: His Theology, His Philosophy, His Legacy, Leiden: Brill, 2002, pp. 179–202.
- “Scienza e religione,” in Storia della scienza, ed. Sandro Petruccioli, 4 (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001 [recte, 2002]): 684–91.
- “The Puzzling Dates of Paolo Cortesi,” in Humanistica per Cesare Vasoli, ed. Fabrizio Meroi and Elisabetta Scapparone (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2004). 87–97.
- “Renaissance Ciceronianism and Christianity,” in Patrick Gilli, ed., Humanisme et église en Italie et en France méridonale (XVe si cle - milieu du XVIe si cle), Collection de l’École française de Rome, 330 (Rome, 2004): 361–79.
52. “Umanesimo italiano e cultura europea” in Il Rinascimento italiano e l’Europa. I. Storia e storiografia, ed. Marcello Fantoni (Vincenza: Fondazione Cassamarca - Angelo Colla Editore, 2005), pp. 49–70.
53. “Niccolò Perotti’s Date of Birth and His Preface to De Generibus Metrorum,” Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche filosofiche e materiali storico-testuali, 11.1 (2005): 118-21.
54. “Manuscripts,” in John Monfasani, ed., Kristeller Reconsidered: Essays on His Life and Scholarship, 183-211.
55. “The “Lost” Final Part of George Amiroutzes’ Dialogus de Fide in Christum and Zanobio Acciaiuoli,” in Humanism and Creativity in the Italian Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Ronald G. Witt, ed. Christopher S. Celenza and Kenneth Gouwens (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 197-229.
56. “Pletho’s Date of Death And the Burning of His Laws,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 98 (2006): 93-97.
57. “The Renaissance as the Concluding Phase of the Middle Ages,” Bullettino dell’Istituto Storico Italiano Per Il Medio Evo, 108 (2006): 165-85. Reprinted in an Hungarian translation by Nóra Dobozy as “A reneszánsz mint a középkor betetőző szakasza,” in Helikon: Irodalomtudmányi Szemle, 2009/1-2, pp. 183-200.
58. “Angelo Poliziano, Aldo Manuzio, Theodore Gaza, George of Trebizond and Chapter 90 of the Miscellaneorum Centuria Prima (With an Edition and Translation),” in Angelo Mazzocco, ed., Interpretations of Renaissance Humanism (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 243-65.
59. “The Many Lives of Paul Oskar Kristeller,” in Wm. Theodore de Bary, ed., with Jerry Kisslinger and Tom Mathewson, Living Legacies at Columbia (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006), 107-15.
60. “George of Trebizond’s Critique of Theodore Gaza’s Translation of the Aristotelian Problemata,” in Pieter De Leemans and Michèle Goyens, eds., Aristotle’s Problemata in Different Times and Tongues (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2006), 275-94.
61. “The Augustinian Platonists,” in Sebastiano Gentile and Stéphane Toussaint, eds., Marsilio Ficino: fonti, testi, fortuna (Rome: Storia e Letteratura, 2006), pp. 317-39.
62. “Giles of Viterbo as Alter Orpheus,” in Luisa Simonutti, ed., Forme del neoplatonismo: Dall’eredità ficiniana ai platonici di Cambridge. Atti del convegno (Firenze, 25-27 ottobre 2001) (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 2007), 97-115.
63. “A Tale of Two Books: Bessarion’s In Calumniatorem Platonis and George of Trebizond’s Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis,” Renaissance Studies. Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies, 22.1 (2008): 1-15.
64. “Catholic American Exchange,” in Marcello Fantoni and Chiara Continisio, eds., Catholicism as Decadence (= Italian History & Culture, 12), (Florence: Edizioni Polistampa, 2008), pp. 57-65.
65. “Aristotle as the Scribe of Nature: The Frontispiece of Vat. Lat. 2094 and the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the Fifteenth Century,” The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 69 (2006): 193-205.
66. “Bessarion’s Own Translation of the In Calumniatorem Platonis” Accademia: Revue de la Société Marsile Ficin, 14 (2012): 7-21.
67. “Criticism of Biblical Humanists in Quattrocento Italy,” in Erika Rummel, ed., Biblical Humanism and Scholasticism in the Age of Erasmus (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008), pp. 15-38.
68. “Some Quattrocento Translators of St. Basil the Great: Gaspare Zacchi, Episcopus Anonymus, Pietro Balbi, Athanasius Chalkeopoulos, and Cardinal Bessarion,” FILANAGNWSTHS. Studi in onore di Marino Zorzi, ed. Chryssa Maltezou, Peter Schreiner, and Margherita Losacco (Biblioteca 27) (Venice: Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia,, 2008), 249-64.
69. “Marsilio Ficino and Eusebius of Caesaria’s Praeparatio Evangelica,” Rinascimento, 49 (2010): 3-13.
70. “Niccolò Perotti and Bessarion’s In Calumniatorem Platonis,” in Marianne Pade and Camilla Plesner Horster, eds., Niccolò Perotti: the Languages of Humanism and Politics (= Renaessanceforum. Tidsskrift for renaessanceforskning, 7 [2011]): 181-216.
71. “Two Fifteenth-Century ‘Platonic Academies’: Bessarion’s and Ficino’s,” in Marianne Pade, ed., On Renaissance Academies: Proceedings of the international conference “From the Roman Academy to the Danish Academy in Rome. Dall’Accademia Romana all’Accademia di Danimarca a Roma”. The Danish Academy in Rome, 11-13 October 2006 (= Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum 42), Rome, 2011, pp. . 61-76.
72. “The Pro-Latin Apologetics of the Greek Émigrés to Quattrocento Italy,” in A. Rigo, P. Ermilov, and M. Trizio, eds., Byzantine Theology and its Philosophical Background (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), pp. 160-86.
73. “Quality Control in Renaissance Translations: A Note of Pietro Balbi to Cardinal Oliviero Carafa,” in Anna Modigliani, ed., Roma e il Papato nel Medioevo. Studi in onore di Massimo Miglio. Vol. 2: Primi e tardi umanesimi: uomini, immagini, testi (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2012), pp. 129-40.
74. “Cardinal Bessarion’s Greek and Latin Sources in the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the 15th Century and Nicholas of Cusa’s Relation to the Controversy,” in Andreas Speer and Philipp Steinkrüger, eds., Knotenpunkt Byzanz : Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2012, pp. 485-511.
75. “The Greeks and Humanism,” in David Rundle, ed., Humanism in Fifteenth-Century Europe (Oxford: The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2012), pp. 31-78.
76. “Erasmus and the Philosophers,” Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, 32 (2012):47-68.
77. “George Gemistus Pletho and the West: Greek Émigrés, Latin Scholasticism, and Renaissance Humanism,” in Marina S. Brownlee and Dimitri Gondicas, eds., Renaissance Encounters: Greek East and Latin West, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2012, pp. 19-34.
78. “Prisca Theologia in the Plato-Aristotle Controversy,” in The Rebirth of Platonic Philosophy, ed. James Hankins and Fabrizio Meroi (Florence: Olschki, 2013), 47-59.
79. “The Pre- and Post-History of Cardinal Bessarion’s 1469 In Calumniatorem Platonis,” in “Inter graecos latinissimus, inter latinos graecissimus”: Bessarion zwischen den Kulturen, ed. Claudia Märtl, Christian Kaiser, and Thomas Ricklin (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), 347-66.
80. “A Note on George Amiroutzes (c. 1400-c.1469) and His Moral Argument against the Transmigration of Souls,” Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 54 (2012):125-35.
81.“Giles of Viterbo and the Errors of Aristotle,”in Egido da Viterbo, cardinale agostiniano tra Roma e l’Europa del Rinascimento. Atti del Convegno (Viterbo, 22-23 settembre 2012 - Roma, 26-28 settembre 2012), ed. Myriam Chiabò, Rocco Ronzani, and Angelo Maria Vitale (Rome: Centro Culturale Agostiano - Roma nel Rinascimento [RR inedita 59, saggi], 2014), 162-82.
82. “The Humanists and the Plato-Aristotle Controversy of the Fifteenth Century,” in Testi e contesti per Amedeo Quondam, ed. Chiara Continisio and Marcello Fantoni (Rome: Bulzoni, 2016), 79-94.
83. “Diodorus Siculus,” Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries, 11 (Toronto, 2016):61-152.
84. “Machiavelli, Polybius, and Janus Lascaris: the Hexter Thesis Revisited,” Italian Studies, 71 (2016):39–48.
85. “The Humanist and the Scholastic: Giovanni Andrea Bussi and Henricus de Zomeren,” Humanistica Lovaniensia, 65 (2016):29–38.
86. “The Rise and Fall of the Italian Renaissance,” Aevum, 89.3 (2015):465–81.
87. “Kristelleriana. 1. Paul Oskar Kristeller on Raymond Klibansky. 2. The Students of Landschulheim Florenz on Paul Oskar Kristeller,” Rinascimento, ser. 2, 55 (2015):395–412.
88. “Italy in the Career of Paul Oskar Kristeller,” in Andrea Albrecht, Lutz Danneberg, and Simone De Angelis, eds., Die akademische “Achse Berlin-Rom”? Der wissenschaftlich-kulturelle Austausch zwischen Italien und Deutschland 1920 bis 1945, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 83-108.
89. “Paul Oskar Kristeller and Philosophy,” Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 57 (2015): 383-413.
90. “Two Laudationes: The Literary Scholar as Intellectual Historian: Michael J. B. Allen and Western Thought, & Brian Copenhaver: Or Academic Administrator as Shape-Shifter,” Mediterranea. International Journal of the Transfer of Knowledge, 2 (2017): 207-22.
91. “Lauro Quirini and His Greek Manuscripts: Some Notes on His Culture,” in A. Ossa-Richardson and M. Meserve, ed., Et Amicorum: Essays on Renaissance Humanism and Philosophy in Honour of Jill Kraye, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2018, 33–46 .
92. “Filelfo and the Byzantines,” in Francesco Filelfo, Man of Letters, ed. Jeroen De Keyser, Leiden: Brill, 2019, 13–21.
93. “George of Trebizond, Thomas Aquinas, and Latin Scholasticism,” in Denis Searby, ed., Never the Twin Shall Meet? Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 47-61.
94. “Humanism and Apostolici Regiminis,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 64 (2017):27-44.
95. “The Renaissance and Renaissance Humanism in America Before and After Wallace K. Ferguson’s The Renaissance in Historical Thought: An Historiography Essay,” Rassegna Europea di Letteratura Italiana., 48 (2016):71-90.
96. “Cusanus, the Greeks, and Islam,” Nicholas of Cusa and Times of Transition: Essays in Honor of Gerald Christianson, ed. Donald F. Duclow, Leiden: Brill, 2019, 96–112.
97. “Andronicus Callistus on the Science of Physics,” in Edizioni, traduzioni e tradizioni filosofiche (secoli XII–XVI). Studi per Pietro B. Rossi, 2 vols., ed. Luca Bianchi, Onorato Grassi, and Cecilia Panti, Canterano (RM): Aracne Editrice, II:413–27.
98. “Uniates, Anti-Unionists, and other Greeks,” Medioevo Greco. Rivista di storia e filologia bizantina, 18 (2018):185–96.
99. “George Gennadius II Scholarios and the West: Comment on Demetracopoulos, ‘George Scholarios’ Abridgement of the Parva naturalia’,” in Börje Bydén and Filip Radovic, eds., The Parva naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism. Studies in History and Philosophy. Vol 17 (2019):317-23.
100. “George of Trebizond,” in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Springer, online.
101. “Popes, Cardinals, Humanists: Notes on the Vatican Library as a Depository of Humanist Manuscripts,” Manuscripta, 62.2 (2018):213-48,
102. “In Defense of Erasmus’s Critics,” Erasmus Studies, 39.2 (2019):147-83.
103. “Byzantium and the End of the Middle Ages,” Mediterranea. International Journal for the Transfer of Knowledge, 4 (2019):245-53.
104. “Cardinal Bessarion and the Latins,” in Bessarion’s Treasure: Editing, Translating and Interpreting Bessarion\s Literary Heritage, ed. Sergei Mariev, Berlin: De Gruyter, 5-21.
105. “The Letters of Ignatius of Antioch as a Philological and Epistemological Issue,” in S.M. Oberhelman, G. Abbamonte, and P. Baker, Habent sua fata libelli: Studies in Book History, the Classical Tradition and Humanism in Honor of Craig Kallendorg (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 299–314.
106. “Once Again: Paul Oskar Kristeller and Raymond Klibansky,” Aither: Journal for the Study of the Greek and Latin Philosophical Tradition. International Edition 8 (in honor of Paul Richard Blum) (2020):270–81.
107. “The Impuissant and Immoral City: George of Trebizond’s Critique of Plato’s Laws,” in J. Monfasani and J. Davies, eds., Renaissance and Culture: Essays in Honour of Robert Black (Leiden: Brill, 2021):39–58.
108. “Humanism and the Renaissance” in Anthony Pinn, ed., Oxford Handbook of Humanism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190921538.013.30
109. “The Notata of Giovanni Gatti OP,” in Il Libro di Bessarione: in difesa di Platone. Vicende testali e percorsi intelletuali, ed. S. Mariev (Venice, 2022), 77–82.
110. “Some Notes on Pietro Balbi,” forthcoming in La Parola del Passato, 2020.1 (Volume in honor of Giovanni Carratelli Pugliese)
111. “Nicholas Scutellius’ Cabalistic Hand,” Medioevo e Rinascimento, 25/n.s. 32 (2021): 199-231.
113. “Paul Oskar Kristeller,” forthcoming in Enciclopedia dell'Umanesimo e del Rinascimento.
114. “A Bio-Bibliographical Study of Nicolaus Scutellius (1490–1542), forthcoming in Analecta Augustiniana.
115. “The Plato-Aristotle Controversy in the Lands of the Malatesta,” forthcoming in L’amore, le armi, le stelle. Basinio da Parma and the Humanists at Sigismondo Malatesta’s Court, ed. A. Chisena et al.
116. “Aldo Manuzio and Cardinal Bessarion,” forthcoming in the Festschrift for Antonio Rigo, Ca’ Foscari, Venezia.
117. “Some Unedited Writings of Lauro Quirini and a Catalogue of His Writings,” forthcoming in the Festschrift for Enrico Maltese, Università di Torino.
Review Essays:
1. Laurentii Valle Repastinatio Dialectice et Philosophie, ed. G. Zippel, 2 vols. (Padua: Antenore, 1982), in Rivista di letteratura italiana, 2 (1984):177-94
2. Laurentii Valle De Professione Religiosorum, ed. M. Cortesi (Padua: Antenore, 1986), in Rivista di letteratura italiana, 5 (1988):351-65.
3. Rocco Rubini, The Other Renaissance: Italian Humanism between Hegel & Heidegger, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014, in Rassegna Europea di Letteratura Italiana, 43 (2014):131–36 (an abbreviated version also appeared in Renaissance Quarterly, 69.1 [2016]:224–26).