Access Tutoring & Resources

Find the Right Tutoring Option for You

Whatever you're studying, UAlbany has a free tutoring service to fit your needs.

You can also explore UAlbany's tutoring services based on the topic you want to focus on, such as science, foreign language or writing:

Explore Tutoring Options by Subject Area
Subject AreaUniversity TutoringSTEM TutoringWriting CenterOnline TutoringDepartmental Tutoring
Atmospheric & Environmental ScienceYesNoNoNoYes
Biology, Chemistry & PhysicsYesYesNoYesYes
Computer ScienceYesNoNoYesNo
Criminal JusticeYesNoNoNoNo
Digital ForensicsNoNoNoNoYes
History & PhilosophyYesNoNoYesNo
Language & CultureYesNoNoNoNo
Political ScienceYesNoNoNoNo
Psychology & SociologyYesNoNoYesNo

Haven't found what you're looking for? Check out additional academic support services for other on-campus options. 

Peer Tutoring

University Tutoring
Five students sit around a table in a study area working together on their laptops.

Make an in-person appointment for peer tutoring in a variety of subjects.

STEM Tutoring
A student wearing a baseball hat works on a chemistry problem on a whiteboard.

Register for semester-long science support with in-person, weekly tutoring and/or exam review sessions.

Writing Center
Two students sit at a table inside a tutoring space, looking at paper arrayed before them.

Make an in-person or virtual appointment for a one-on-one peer writing conference.

Other Tutoring Options

Online Tutoring
A student sits behind a desktop computer screen, looking down while working.

Access free tutoring and writing help — anytime, anywhere — in a variety of subjects via online chat.

Departmental Tutoring
Two students smile as they sit together at a table looking at laptops.

Explore free tutoring offered by academic departments, schools and colleges. Walk-in options available.

Additional Academic Support Services 


Services for Undergraduate & Graduate Students

Services for Undergraduate Students

  • Academic Advising: All undergraduate students have a dedicated advisor throughout their college career. Once a student declares a major, they also receive a departmental advisor.
  • Academic Coaching & Mentoring: All undergraduate students can request a peer mentor and/or professional academic coach.
  • Academic Recovery ProgramUndergraduate students in probationary academic standing can access personalized, collaborative academic support through this program.
  • CSTEPUndergraduate students from underrepresented communities and/or economically disadvantaged households who are planning on pursuing STEM careers can access mentoring, tutoring and other academic support.
  • Education Opportunity Program (EOP): Students enrolled in UAlbany’s EOP can access tutoring, writing and math labs, mentoring and other academic support.
  • Project Excel: First-generation college students who are disabled and/or from economically disadvantaged households can access writing and math labs, tutoring and other academic support. 

Services for Graduate Students

  • Graduate SchoolThe Graduate School offers workshops and events that aim to support and connect with current graduate students. 