
Gary Ackerman
Gary Ackerman
Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Brandon Behlendorf
Brandon Behlendorf
Associate Professor Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
DeeDee Bennett Gayle
DeeDee Bennett Gayle
Associate Professor, Chair of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
George Berg
George Berg
Associate Professor, Cybersecurity Department
Eric Best
Eric Best
Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
M. Abdullah Canbaz
M. Abdullah Canbaz
Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Kimberly Cornell
Kimberly Cornell
Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Stephen Coulthart
Stephen Coulthart
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Catherine Dumas
Catherine Dumas
Visiting Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Philip B. Eppard
Philip B. Eppard
O'Leary Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Angel Ford
Angel Ford
Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Carol Anne Germain
Carol Anne Germain
Associate Teaching Professor, Co-Director of INF PhD Program, Chair of the Information Sciences and Technology Department
Norman Gervais
Norman Gervais
Professor of Practice, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Jennifer J. Goodall
Jennifer J. Goodall
Vice Dean, Co-Director of the INF PhD Program
Alex Greer
Alex Greer
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Robert P. Griffin
Robert P. Griffin
Dean of the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
Frederick Hintermister
Frederick Hintermister
Visiting Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Department
Hemalata Iyer
Hemalata Iyer
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson
Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Omer Keskin
Omer Keskin
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Department
Phung Lai
Phung Lai
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Department
Michael Leczinsky
Michael Leczinsky
Professor of Practice, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Brian Nussbaum
Brian Nussbaum
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Samantha Penta
Samantha Penta
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
C. Ariel Pinto
C. Ariel Pinto
Professor, Chair of Cybersecurity Department
David L. Rousseau
David L. Rousseau
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Amber Silver
Amber Silver
Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Donghee Sinn
Donghee Sinn
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Joette Stefl-Mabry
Joette Stefl-Mabry
Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Eric Stern
Eric Stern
Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Abdulhamit Subasi
Abdulhamit Subasi
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department
Jeannette Sutton
Jeannette Sutton
Associate Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Unal Tatar
Unal Tatar
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Department
David Turetsky
David Turetsky
Professor of Practice, Cybersecurity Department
Frank Wiley
Frank Wiley
Lecturer, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Benjamin Yankson
Benjamin Yankson
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity Department
Michael Young
Michael Young
Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department
Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan
Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology Department