Hemalata Iyer
PhD, Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, India

Hemalata Iyer is an associate professor in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany.
Her research interests include knowledge organization and representation, linked data, metadata, human information behavior, health information seeking and sharing including complementary medicine information.
CEHC Courses Taught
CIST 565 Human Information Behavior
CIST 601 Information Organization
CIST 602 Information and Knowledge Organization
CIST 603 Information Processing
CIST 678 Internship in Information Science
CIST 669 Independent Study
CIST 678 Internship in Information Science
CIST 702 Directed Readings in Information Science and Policy
CINF 722 Information Organization
CINF 897 Independent Study and Research
CINF 899 Doctoral Dissertation (Thesis Research)