College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Council

The Faculty Council and the Council of Chairs together make up a two-council structure of governance. The Faculty Council is an elective body that makes recommendations to the Dean concerning College and University matters. The following information about the Council is derived from Article II of the College Bylaws. View the University Senate page.


One voting member of the Faculty Council is elected from among the teaching faculty of each Department of the College, and two voting members are elected from the Professional Staff of the College. The Officers of the Council are a Chairperson, a Vice-Chair, and a Recorder. The Vice-Chair and Recorder are elected for the following year by the combined outgoing and incoming Council at the final spring semester meeting, and they serve one-year terms, beginning May 15. At the end of his or her one-year term, the Vice-Chair becomes Chairperson for the following academic year. In the event that the Vice-Chair completes his or her first or second successive two-year term on the Council at the end of his or her term as Vice-Chair, he or she continues on the Council for an additional year in order to preserve continuity among elected officers.

The Chairperson prepares the calendar of Council and College of Arts & Sciences faculty meetings, chairs the Executive Committee, meets periodically with the Dean on behalf of the Council, represents the Faculty Council as a non-voting member of the Council of Chairs, and performs any other duties designated in the By-Laws. The Vice-Chair presides over Council meetings and represents the Council in any other way in the absence of the Chair, chairs the Nominating Committee, and may represent the Council at Council of Chairs meetings. The Vice-Chair also communicates regularly with University Senators elected from the College, attends University Senate meetings as a non-voting representative of the Faculty Council, and may advise University Senators, on behalf of the Faculty Council, concerning matters of interest to College Faculty. The Vice-Chair serves as a member of the Executive Committee and prepares to serve as Chair upon expiration of his/her term as Vice-Chair. The Recorder takes and prepares minutes of Council meetings and serves as the Council's point of historical reference and research when necessary.

Powers and Responsibilities

The Faculty Council makes recommendations to the Dean concerning

  • Policies related to faculty development

  • Policies related to academic programs

  • Curriculum design and revision

  • Policies related to academic support and support services

  • Nominations for College- and University-wide ad hoc task forces and other administratively-formed committees

The Council establishes policies and procedures for adjudicating student academic grievances that are within the authority of the College. The Council reports periodically to the Faculty of the College, including an Annual Report of the activities of its Committees. The Council has authority to constitute standing and ad hoc committees and appoints all members of its Committees, providing that:

  • Each standing committee shall include no fewer than one Councilor.

  • No two members of any Committee shall represent the same department.

  • Membership on the Faculty Council is corequisite to serving as Chair of any of the Council's standing Committees.

All actions of the Council's Committees, with the exception of personnel recommendations by the Tenure and Promotion Committee, are reported to the Faculty Council and are subject to confirmation by the Council.

Member List


One voting member of the Faculty Council is elected from among the teaching faculty of each department of the College. Two voting members are elected from the professional staff of the College. In addition, At-Large Councilors are elected from the full body of faculty and staff in the College. Non-Councilors are selected from the departments to serve only on the standing committees of the Council.



ConstituencyMemberCommitteeTerm End
Africana, Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx StudiesDavid AgumAcademic SupportS24
AnthropologySean RaffertyExecutive - Vice Chair
Nominating - Chair
Art and Art HistoryAdam FrelinFaculty DevelopmentS24
Atmospheric and Environmental SciencesAubrey HillmanExecutive - RecorderS24
Biological SciencesPaolo ForniAcademic ProgramsS24
ChemistryJia ShengFaculty DevelopmentS25
CommunicationHui-Ching ChangTenure & Promotion - ChairS24
East Asian StudiesAndrew ByonExecutive - Council ChairS24
EconomicsRui ZhaoTenure & PromotionS25
EnglishPaul StasiFaculty DevelopmentS25
HistoryDimitri KorobeinikovAcademic Programs 
Languages, Literatures and CulturesSara ZahlerFaculty DevelopmentF24
Mathematics and StatisticsRongwei YangAcademic Programs - ChairS24
Music and TheatreAndre RedwoodAcademic ProgramsS24
PhilosophyP.D. MagnusFaculty DevelopmentF24
PhysicsTS KuanTenure & PromotionF25
PsychologyBetty LinFaculty Development - ChairS25
SociologyZawadi Rucks-AhidianaFaculty SupportS25
Geography, Planning, and SustainabilityAlexander BuyantuevAcademic ProgramsS25
Women's, Gender and Sexuality StudiesKyra GauntAcademic SupportS25
ProfessionalRolando ValentinAcademic Support - ChairS24
DeanJeanette AltarribaCollege of Arts & Sciences
Ex officioJulia HormesCollege of Arts & Sciences 
Faculty Development
Academic Support
Ex officioCaren StarkCollege of Arts & Sciences 
Academic Programs
Ex officioMarie RabideauCollege of Arts & Sciences 
Tenure & Promotion
Committee List


The standing committees of the Faculty Council consult with and advise the Faculty and the Dean on College policies, academic programs, courses, and personnel decisions. All actions of the Council's Committees, with the exception of personnel recommendations by the Tenure and Promotion Committee, are reported to the Faculty Council and are subject to confirmation by the Council.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee includes the below officers and the chairs of the standing committees.

ChairHaijun ChenBiological Sciences
Vice-Chair/Chair ElectOlimpia PelosiLLC
RecorderLauren ClemensAnthropology
DeanJeanette Altarriba, ex officioCollege of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Office


Nominating Committee

NameRank/TitleDepartment Term End
Olimpia Pelosi, ChairAssociate ProfessorLLCS21
Oscar WilliamsAssociate ProfessorAfricana StudiesS21
Aaron MajorAssociate ProfessorSociologyS21
Ing-Nang WangAssociate ProfessorBiological SciencesS21
Jeanette Altarriba, ex officioDeanCollege of Arts & SciencesN/A


Tenure & Promotion Committee

NameRank/TitleDepartment Term End
Ron McClamrock, ChairAssociate ProfessorPhilosophyS21
Aiguo DaiProfessorAtmospheric & EnvironmentalS20
Ben SzaroProfessorBiological SciencesS20
Kajal LahiriProfessorEconomicsS20
Mark MuravenProfessorPsychologyS20
Nadia KizenkoProfessorHistoryS20
Ivana AlexandrovaAssociate ProfessorMathematics & StatisticsS20
Adam GordonAssociate ProfessorAnthropologyS20
Ineke MurakamiAssociate ProfessorEnglishS20
Oleg LuninAssociate ProfessorPhysicsS20
David Lewis Associate ProfessorGeography, Planning, and SustainabilityS20
Katherine TrentProfessorSociologyS20
Marie Rabideau, ex officioAssistant DeanOffice of the DeanN/A
Staff Support: Ross SmithSenior Staff AssistantOffice of the DeanN/A


Faculty Development Committee

NameRank/TitleDepartment Term End
Pan Li, ChairAssociate ProfessorBiological SciencesS21
Kathryn WalatAssistant ProfessorMusic & TheatreS20
Yunlong FengAssistant ProfessorMathematics & StatisticsS21
Yue LiAssistant ProfessorEconomicsS21
Jiping LiuAssociate ProfessorAtmospheric & EnvironmentalS21
Michael WernerAssociate ProfessorArt & Art HistoryS20
Francisco VieyraAssistant ProfessorSociologyS21
Mehmet YgitAssistant ProfessorChemistryS21
Brendan GaesserAssistant ProfessorPsychologyS21
Susanna Fessler, ex officioAssociate DeanOffice of the DeanN/A
Staff Support: Rick RuotoloStaff AssistantOffice of the DeanN/A


Academic Programs Committee

NameRank/TitleDepartment Term End
Alejandra Bronfman, ChairAssociate ProfessorLACSS20
John PersonAssistant ProfessorEast Asian StudiesS20
Shiguo JiangAssistant ProfessorGeography, Planning, and SustainabilityS20
Ulrich HounyoAssistant Professor EconomicsS20
Chang S. ParkAssistant Professor CommunicationS21
Christine PuleoAdvisement AssistantSociologyS21                  
Laura WilderAssociate ProfessorEnglishS21
Caren Stark, ex officioAssistant DeanOffice of the DeanN/A
Staff Support: Cindy Endres Secretary to the DeanOffice of the DeanN/A


Academic Support Committee

NameRank/TitleDepartment Term End
Ron Friedman, ChairDirectorPsychologyS20
Wen LiuAssistant ProfessorWomen's, Gender & Sexuality StudiesS20
Joanna DrebyAssociate ProfessorSociologyS21
Erica FretwellAssistant ProfessorEnglishS21
William LanfordProfessorPhysicsS21
Frédéric MeniInstructional Support Technician Languages, Literatures and Cultures S21 
Michael TaylorAssistant ProfessorHistoryS21
Daiqiang ZhangAssistant ProfessorEconomicsS21
Elizabeth Gaffney, ex officioAssistant DeanOffice of the DeanN/A
Staff Support: Cindy EndresSecretary to the DeanOffice of the DeanN/A
Meeting Schedule

Please check this webpage for updates to the schedule of Council meetings. Contact the appropriate committee chair or the Office of the Dean for the schedule of committee meetings.

Minutes are posted once they are approved by a vote of the Council at the next meeting.

2024-25 Meeting Schedule
Last Wednesday of each month, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. on Zoom

Fall 2024

  • Aug. 28, 2024
  • Sept. 25, 2024
  • Oct. 30, 2024
  • Nov. 13, 2024 - Full Faculty Meeting, Assembly Hall

Spring 2025

  • Jan. 29, 2025
  • Feb. 26, 2025
  • Mar. 26, 2025
  • Apr. 30, 2025
Faculty Council Meeting Minutes