CAS Council of Chairs

The Council of Chairs and the CAS Faculty Council together make up a two-council structure of governance. The Council of Chairs is a recommending body, comprised of all Chairs of College Departments, which makes recommendations to the Dean concerning College and University matters. The following information about the Council is derived from Article II of the College Bylaws. View the University Senate page. 


The Council of Chairs shall be composed of the Dean and one Chair from each Department in the College. Each Chair will normally serve a three-year term which can be renewed if the person is so appointed. The Officers of the Council of Chairs shall be the Dean who serves as the Chair and a Vice- Chair who shall be elected by the members of the Council of Chairs. The Chair and/or the Vice-Chair of the Faculty Council may attend Council of Chairs meetings as ex officio non-voting members.

Powers and Responsibilities of the Council of Chairs

The Council of Chairs shall make recommendations to the Dean concerning

  • Short-term academic and administrative planning and policy
  • Budget implementation as well as fiscal spending.
  • Personnel policy implementation and enrollment management.
  • Policies regarding departmental administration of the College.
2024-25 Meeting Schedule

Chairs Orientation

Friday, August 23, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Alumni House


Monthly Meetings

First Wednesday of each month, 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Campus Center Board Room

Fall 2024

  • Sept. 4, 2024 (Campus Center Multipurpose Room)
  • Oct. 2, 2024
  • Nov. 6, 2024
  • Dec. 4, 2024

Spring 2025

  • Feb. 5, 2025
  • Mar. 5, 2025
  • Apr. 2, 2025
  • May 7, 2025