Program Requirements (15 credits):
Core Courses
Choose one of the following (3 credits):
- Pad 613 Foundations of Not-for-Profit Management
- Ssw 790 Human Service Organizations in a Changing Environment
Choose one of the following (3 credits):
- Pad 506 Foundations of Public Management
- Pad 610 Managing Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- Ssw 791 Managing Systems in Human Service Organizations
- Ssw 792 Community Building
Elective Courses
Students must take three electives (9 credits). Electives are organized into areas, but students may choose any three from the following. Other courses may be allowed with permission from advisor. You may not use the same course to meet multiple requirements.
Managing Organizations:
- Pad 527 Philanthropy and Civil Society
- Pad 607 Non-Profit Governance
- Pad 610 Managing Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- Pad 616 Public Policy, Advocacy and Social Change
Information Management:
- Pad 550 Strategic Management of Information Technology
- Pad 570/Int 531 Comparative Digital Government
- Pad 652 Leading Transformation in the Digital World
Financial Management:
- Pad 501 Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
- Pad 512 Non-Profit Fundraising & Development Fundamentals
- Pad 640 Nonprofit Financial Management
Public Policy:
- Pad 522 Politics and Policy
- Pad/Pos/Wss 604 Inequality and Public Policy
- Pad 626 Evaluation of Public Sector Programs