Inclusion and Diversity

The Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (DAES) values inclusion and diversity. We work to support the recruitment and retention of a diverse community of staff, students, and faculty within the department. We work to share our science with diverse audiences locally, nationally, and globally. We strive to foster a departmental climate that is inclusive, welcoming, and respectful to all. We do so within the context of the University at Albany’s campus-wide policy on nondiscrimination.​
The DAES Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) works to facilitate the department’s goals in this area. To do so, the IDC works with other departmental committees and campus-wide offices. The IDC is chaired by Dr. Brian Tang.



The IDC has developed a roadmap with goals and tasks toward furthering our mission of achieving greater equity and having a more welcoming culture in the department.​

Roadmap Goals
  • Ensure that individuals in the department with concerns about diversity/inclusion have them heard and addressed ​
  • Increase our knowledge base and foster discussion of diversity/inclusion issues​
  • Support scholarly activities of students from marginalized/minoritized groups and sponsor events that promote diversity/inclusion ​
  • Enhance undergraduate recruitment and outreach to marginalized/minoritized groups ​
  • Create an environment that nurtures the academic and professional development of marginalized/minoritized students​
  • Increase the diversity of our graduate applicant pool and apply more inclusive application evaluation criteria ​
  • Increase racial/cultural/gender diversity in curriculum and seminars​
  • Increase the diversity of our faculty applicant pool in faculty searches

Discussion Group

The goal of the Climate of Our Science (COS) discussion group is to elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion discussions and actions. Students, faculty, researchers, and staff are all welcome to join COS group meetings.​

The typical group meeting format is:​

  • Prior to the meeting, participants review an article or other assigned content.​
  • The meeting leader goes over ground rules and discussion prompts.​
  • In small breakout groups, prompts are discussed.​
  • Participants reconvene at the end and share main points.​
  • Notes are archived and inform potential actions that we can take as a department or individually.​


