Facilities Strategic Planning Council

May 20, 2015 – Revised June 13, 2018


Assist the VP Finance and Admin in facilities planning and facilities recommendations to the President by providing routinely scheduled Informal opportunity to share information regarding emerging facilities needs /ideas and vet potential impacts on existing and outyears Facilities plans and resources. In addition, quarterly, or as needed, devote time and attention to departmental space requests as was charge of previous Executive Space Committee. This group replaced the 2001-created Executive Space Committee with a broader scope, with more routine meetings and discussion regarding long-range facilities planning and coordination.


Every 6 weeks, 1.5 hours, or as needed


1. VP, Finance & Admin (chair)
2. Provost
3. VP Research
4. VP Student Affairs
5. Chief of Staff, President’s Office
6. VP Advancement
7. AVP Facilities
8. Athletics AD
9. VP, Government & Community Affairs (Staffed by Facilities Office)


• Review departmental requests for space at a granular level, deliberating on staff recommendations
• Discuss and approve space standards and facilities use policies
• As needed, address and consult regarding strategic relocations and broader reallocation of space
• Provide an opportunity at VP level to discuss and provide advance notice regarding new program initiatives that may require space or fit-up
• Share general Facilities feedback
• Discuss and recommend updates or adjustments to Facilities Master Plan
• Share feedback on a particular project’s plans or progress
• Assess competing capital and resource/space priorities


This group will help inform and may marginally overlap with other facilities implementation committees, most notably Project Specific Executive Steering Committees, which guide detailed design and space planning details on a given project.