Oliver Timm
2003 PhD, University Kiel, Germany.
2000 MS, (German ‘Diplom’ in Meteorology) University of Kiel, Germany
1996 BS, (German ‘Vordiplom’) University of Kiel, Germany

Research Interests
My research interests are in two broad categories: Paleoclimate and impacts of future climate change on regional climate and the environment. Reconstructions of past climate variations allow climate scientists uncover a range of the natural spectrum of climate variability that goes beyond the time scales of our modern instrumental observation period. My current research is focused on three key questions:
- Have the natural modes of variability (that we are accustomed to from the current instrumental era) changed during past climates, and what is their natural range of variability?
- How can we identify and reconstruct modes of large-scale climate variability from individual and multiple proxy records?
- What external forcing factors and which internal feedback processes paced and controlled past global climate variations during the Holocene, Pleistocene and Pliocene?
Besides the paleoclimate research, I am interested in the regional aspects of projected future climate changes. At the center of my climate change downscaling research is the subtropical Pacific and the Hawaiian Islands. Further, I am interested in the application of statistical climate analysis and downscaling methods in connection with environmental impacts studies and public health in the northeast US.
Personal Page: https://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/timm/