A UAlbany PhD student conducts research in a chemistry lab A UAlbany PhD student conducts research in a chemistry lab


Study the microscopic world

University at Albany chemistry research group, led by Assistant Professor Jan Halámek, is taking crime scene fingerprint identification to a whole new level. Dr. Halámek, and his group, have discovered a straightforward concept for identifying whether a culprit is male or female. This concept is based on content in fingerprints – specifically amino acids. According to known literature, amino acid levels in the sweat of females are about twice as high as in males.  Photographer: Paul Miller

From the world-class RNA Institute to our program in Forensic Chemistry, our research spans all areas of chemistry. Our department is divided into five major divisions: Analytical and Forensic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical and Computational Chemistry. Visit our research page to learn more!

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Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry 122

1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
United States

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By Phone: Monday - Friday, 8am-12pm