School of Business 35th Annual Student Award Ceremony in Recognition of Academic Excellence and Service
Message from University at Albany School of Business
Dean Nilanjan Sen
Congratulations to the 2019 scholarship recipients. You inspire us with your work ethic, intelligence, ingenuity, and selflessness through your involvement in the community and the university. You are truly worthy of these awards.
The 92 students who receive awards this year demonstrate that From Opportunity to Impact is more than a catch phrase.
School of Business students purposefully explore their options and take advantage of the many opportunities offered by the school and the university: clubs, volunteering, internships, athletics, international education and competitions.
They use these opportunities to build their resumes, but more importantly, to have experiences that form them into people who make a difference in their communities and on the job.
Alumni and friends of the School of Business community are enthusiastic about our students of business, accounting, financial market regulation and digital forensics.
They know that many of our students work hard to stand out in a field that extends past their classmates to the world.
Three new scholarships increase our total to 66 scholarships awarded in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Thank you to the alumni and friends who established them:
- Daniel Olden, Jr. ’96 Scholarship created by Daniel Olden, Jr. ’96, partner, KPMG.
- Eric R. Solomon Memorial Scholarship created by Gene and Ruth Solomon in loving memory of their son, Eric, of the Class of 2009.
- Tau Kappa Epsilon Memorial Fund created by Nicholas Anacreonte ’92.
Thank you to these donors and to all who support the achievements of our exemplary students through monetary donations, internships, mentorships and by hiring them.
Our alumni and friends are a special group of people. We could not do it without them.