
Annual Report

The IRC prepares an annual report that summarizes the year’s complaint cases, the overall performance of University Police Department (UPD)'s complaint process, and the quality of police-community interactions. The report is submitted to the Chief of Police and the Vice President for Finance and Administration, and the Chief responds to the report in writing to address any issues or concerns.

The IRC welcomes input on the issues it is charged with examining in its annual report, including the overall performance of UPD's complaint process, as well as the general quality of interactions between UPD officers and the rest of the University community. 

Comments, opinions or suggestions can be submitted via email to [email protected]. You do not need to identify yourself when offering input, as it will be treated as anonymous feedback.


Previously Published Reports

2023 Report of the Independent Review Committee for the University Police Department (Released May 30, 2024)

2022 Report of the Independent Review Committee for the University Police Department (Released May 30, 2024)

A Review of the University Police Department's Role in the Campus Center Event of April 4, 2023 (Released June 7, 2023)

2021 Report of the Independent Review Committee for the University Police Department (Released March 10, 2022)

2020 Report of the Independent Review Committee for the University Police Department (Released December 17, 2021)

2019 Report of the Independent Review Committee for the University Police Department (Released April 19, 2019)

In the Matter of the November 5, 2019 arrest in the Campus Center (Released November 26, 2019)