EPL Announces Spring 2021 "Hybrid" Courses.

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Dear Students,

As the Fall 2020 semester draws to a close, our attention is naturally turning to the Spring 2021 semester starting on February 1, 2021.

Sensitive to the continuing pandemic-related challenges, the instructors of EPL's Spring 2021 "hybrid" courses will start the semester with "face-to-face class sessions" being delivered synchronously online via Zoom or another video-conferencing platform.  All instructors have decided that they will continue this practice of synchronous remote instruction until they deem required on-campus health precautions no longer negatively impact in-person classroom interactions.  Even when country and university officials ease health restrictions, instructors will allow students in the hybrid courses to continue participating in class sessions via a remote connection to the classrooms indicated in the Schedule of Classes.

EPL's Spring 2021 "hybrid" courses are:
EEPL601 Introduction Social Analysis
EEPL/ASOC604/ESOC631 Macrosociology of Education
EEPL651 Administration of Institutes of Higher Education
EEPL687 Non-Western Philosophy of Education
EEPL700 Organizational Management & Leadership
EEPL715 Research Practicum in Educational Administration & Leadership


Kathryn Schiller, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Chair
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership
University at Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY 12222