Economics Research

Research in Economics

Our department has a long-standing mission to perform economic research that advances our knowledge in both theoretical and applied economics, and to disseminate that knowledge through publication in leading peer-reviewed journals. We have a strong faculty engaged in a wide range of applied and theoretical research.

Our strengths include but are not limited to econometrics, macroeconomics, microeconomic theory, labor economics, and public economics. Our faculty members have published and continue to publish their research in profession's most prestigious journals. Our faculty members' research has been supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

In addition to their own research, our faculty members hold seven editorial board positions on some of the leading journals of the profession. Department members include two associate editors of journals and one NIH review panel member. The Economics Department also includes two research associates at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), one Elected Honorary Fellow of International Institute of Forecasters, a Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics, and one University Distinguished Professor.

Past Research Highlights
2020 - 2021 Research Highlights

Pinka Chatterji


Chatterji, P. & Li, Y. (2021). “Effect of COVID-19 on school enrollment” Economics of Education Review 83, 102128.


Chatterji, P., Liu, X.* & Yoruk, B. “Health Insurance and the Boomerang Generation:  Did the 2010 ACA dependent care provision affect geographic mobility and living arrangements among young adults?” Forthcoming in Contemporary Economic Policy.

Chatterji, P., Decker, S.L. & Huh, J. “Medicaid physician fees and access to care among children with special health care needs.” Forthcoming in Review of Economics of the Household.  

Chatterji, P., Nguyen, T.* & Yoruk, B.  “Effects of Medicare on health care utilization.”  Forthcoming in American Journal of Health Economics


Role: Co-Principal Investigator (with Kajal Lahiri); Project: Explaining Inter-State Differences in Disability Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic; Time Period: 11/1/2021 – 10/31/2022 (dates are tentative)


Cuicui Chen


How Much Can We Identify from Repeated Games? “, with Jose Miguel Abito, Economic Bulletin, 41 (3), 2021: 1212-1222.


Chen, Cuicui (Presenter & Author), NYU IO Day, "Coordinating Against Environmental Regulation: The Case of German Automakers," New York University, Online. (September 11, 2020).

Chen, Cuicui (Presenter & Author), North America Meetings of the Econometric Society, "Colluding Against Environmental Regulation”, Online. (June 2021).

Chen, Cuicui (Presenter & Author), NBER Summer Institute IO Workshop, "Colluding Against Environmental Regulation”, Online. (July 2021).

Chen, Cuicui (Presenter & Author), NBER Distributional Consequences of New Energy Technologies, "Distributional Consequences of Electrifying the Trucking Industry”, Online. (August 2021).


Chen, Cuicui (Principal), "NSF-BSF: Collaborative Research: Market Conduct in Technology Adoption in the Automobile Industry," Sponsored by NSF. Start date of funding 3/1/2021, End date of funding 2/29/2024.

Chen, Cuicui, Abito, Jose Miguel, "EmPOWER Data Challenge: Information Provision and Price Formation in Environmental Markets," Sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency. Start date of funding 4/1/2021.

Chen, Cuicui (Principal), Guo, Chunyu, "NBER Distributional Consequences of New Energy Technologies," Sponsored by National Bureau of Economic Research.


Benjamin S. Griffy


“Search and the Sources of Life-Cycle Inequality,” (forthcoming at International Economic Review)

“Labor Market Policy in the Presence of a Participation Externality,” joint with Adrian Masters (forthcoming at European Economic Review)


American Economic Association Annual Meeting (discussant); American Economic Association Annual Meeting (discussant); University of Helsinki; ERB Junior Search and Matching Workshop (discussant)


FRAP-B: $3,700 for “Educational Expenditures and Intergenerational Mobility.”


Chun-Yu Ho


  • Ho, Chun-Yu, McCarthy, Patrick, and Wang, Yanhao (2021) "Competition and Countervailing Power: Evidence from China Eastern and Shanghai Airlines Merger." Journal of Air Transport Management, 91, 101990.
  • Ho, Chun-Yu, McCarthy, Patrick, and Wang, Yanhao (2020) "Decomposing Sources of Gain from Airline Mergers: A Model and Case Study from China." Research in Transportation Economics, 84, 100996.
  • Li, Bin and Ho, Chun-Yu (2020) "Heterogeneous Effects of Internet Channel on Firm Innovation." Applied Economics Letters, 27(12), 1022-27.


  • Ho, Chun-Yu, Kim, Nayoung, Rong, Ying and Tian, Xin. "Promoting Mobile Payment with Price Incentives." Forthcoming in Management Science.
  • Ho, Chun-Yu, Xu, Li and Zhang, Daiqiang. "Price Negotiation with Merchant Heterogeneity in the Payment Card Industry." Forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics.


  • Principal Investigator, National Institute on Aging-funded Center for Aging and Policy Studies, “Elderly Health in Rural America: Impact of Hospital Closure,” USD $22,175, 2021-2022.


Ulrich Hounyo


Ulrich Hounyo’s paper "Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach," (co-authored with Kajal Lahiri), is forthcoming in Journal of Econometrics.

Ulrich Hounyo’s paper “A wild bootstrap for dependent data,” is conditionally accepted in Econometric Theory.


Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " A nonparametric test for diurnal variation in intraday correlation processes", at the 13th Annual SoFiE conference, June 15-17, 2021.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach", at University of Essex, June 9, 2021.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach", at African Econometric Society Meetings, June 3, 2021.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach", at New York Camp Econometrics XV, April 10-11, 2021.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach", at Wisconsin-Madison, October 2, 2020.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Estimating the variance of a combined forecast: bootstrap-based approach", at Econometric Society and DSE Winter School, University of Delhi, December 14-17, 2020.


Laurence Kranich


“Resource-Envy-Free and Efficient Allocations: A New Solution for Production Economies with Dedicated Factors,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 89 (2020), 1-7


Kajal Lahiri


“Smoking Behavior of Older Adults: A Panel Data Analysis Using HRS”, (with Xan Li). Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2020, 18: 495–523.

“Value of Sample Separation Information in a Sequential Probit Model” (with C. Gao and B. Wixon). Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice. Sage publishers. 2020, 151-176.

“Estimating Endogenous Ordered Response Panel Data Models with an Application to Income Gradient in Child Health" (with L. Yang), Sankhyā B – the Indian Journal of Statistics, 2020 (Special Issue in honour of PC Mahalanobis on his of 125th Birth anniversary).

“Construction of Leading Economic Index for Recession Prediction using Vine Copulas" (with L. Yang). Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics (SNDE), August 2020. 

“The Nordhaus Test with Many Zeros” (with Y. Zhao).  Economics Letters, Vol. 193, August 2020.

“Productive Efficiency in Processing Social Security Disability Claims: A Look Back at the 1989-95 Surge", (with J. Hu). Empirical Economics, Special issue Honoring Badi Baltagi. Vol 60 (1), January 2021, 419-457.

“Measuring Uncertainty of a Combined Forecast and Some Tests for Forecaster Heterogeneity”, (with H. Peng and X. Sheng). Forthcoming in Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling, Advances in Econometrics (eds. A. Chudik, C. Hsiao and A. Timmermann)., Volume 43A, 29–50, 2022.

“Racial/Ethnic Health Disparity in the U.S.: A Decomposition Analysis” (with Z. Pulungan), Econometrics, 9 (2), June 2021.


“American HALE at midlife: An analysis based on HRS” (with Jihye Kim). Forthcoming in Journal of Human Capital.

Boosting Tax Revenues with Mixed-Frequency Data in the aftermath of COVID-19: The Case of New York  (with Cheng Yang), Forthcoming in International Journal of Forecasting.   


Yue Li


Chatterji, Pinka, and Yue Li. "Effects of COVID-19 on school enrollment." Economics of Education Review 83 (2021): 102128.


American Economic Journal: Economic Policy Best Paper Award for “Who Is Screened Out? Application Costs and the Targeting of Disability Programs”, 2020


Gerald Marschke


"Inventor Mobility and Knowledge Transmission in Nanotechnology," (with Sangjoon Lee and Jinyoung Kim), International Journal of Business and Social Science, 12(5), May 2021, pp. 1-10, doi:10.30845/ijbss.v12n5p1. (Submitted July, 2020)


"Publish or Perish: Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career," (Huifeng Yu, Matthew B. Ross, Joseph Staudt, and Bruce Weinberg), Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming (Accepted March, 2021)


Seminar (given online), Ohio State University, “The Biomedical Postdoc Salary Penalty: Evidence and Possible Explanations” (June, 2020)


PI, "RAPID: Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of the U.S. STEM Workforce," National Science Foundation, ($199,132) HRD-2032147, 2020-2022 (Awarded August 2020)


Baris K. Yoruk


"Keg registration laws, alcohol consumption, and alcohol related traffic fatalities among adolescents," 2021, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82, 66-75 (with L. Xu).


"The effects of Medicare on health care utilization and spending among the elderly," forthcoming in American Journal of Health Economics (with P. Chatterji and T. Nguyen).

"Health insurance and the boomerang generation: Did the 2010 ACA dependent care provision affect geographic mobility and living arrangements among young adults?", forthcoming in Contemporary Economic Policy (with P. Chatterji and X. Liu).


  1. The effects of Medicare on health care utilization and spending among the elderly, 2021, presented at American Economic Association Annual Meetings (virtual


Daiqiang Zhang


"Testing Passive versus Symmetric Beliefs in Contracting with Externalities, International" Economic Review, 62(2), 2021, 723-767.


"Uncertainty in Procurement Contracting with Time Incentives" (with Wenzheng Gao and Naibao Zhao), International Economic Review, forthcoming.

"Price Negotiation with Merchant Heterogeneity in the Payment Card Industry" (with Chun-Yu Ho and Li Xu), Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.


“A Structural Analysis of Simple Contracts” at the 19th International Industrial Organization Conference

“Reputation Effects in Informal Lending Contracts” at Johns Hopkins University  

2019 - 2020 Research Highlights

Pinka Chatterji


  • Chatterji, P. & Li, Y. "Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient providers in the US" Forthcoming in Medical Care.


  • Health insurance policy, politics, and reform. Binghamton University Health Care Symposium, September 2020.
  • Economic impact of COVID-19: Challenges and policy options.  UAlbany COVID-19 Town Hall, April 2020.


  • Principal Investigator, Medicaid expansions and maternal morbidity among older mothers, 7/1/2020 – 6/30/2021, Direct Funding: $130,636. 
  • Co-Principal Investigator, An exploratory study of the social and economic determinants of maternal morbidity in the US, 8/1/2020 – 7/31/2022,  Direct Funding: $100,000.  
  • Director of pilot project, Medicare Part D and Disparities in Chronic Disease among the U.S. Elderly 2020-2025, Direct Funding pilot project: $36,078. 

Cuicui Chen


  • “The Value of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration”, with Henry Lee, Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Policy Brief, March 2020
  • “Managing biological invasions in urban environments with the acceptance sampling approach,” with Yemshanov D, Haight RG, Liu N, MacQuarrie CJK, Koch FH, et al. 2019 PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220687.


  • NYU IO Day, September 2020
  • Cornell University, February 2020
  • ASSA Annual Conference, January 2020
  • Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Annual Summer Conference, June 2020
  • Heartland Environmental & Resource Economics Workshop,September 2019
  • Harvard Environmental Economics Program Research Workshop, September 2019 


  • 2020 University Faculty Research Award Category A ($10,000), the University at Albany
  • NSF grant submitted August 2020 

Benjamin S. Griffy


  • “Testing the Independence of Job Arrival Rates and Wage Offers,” (with Christine Braun, Bryan Engelhardt, and Peter Rupert), Labour Economics, Vol. 63, April 2020.


  • Econometric Society World Congress (Aug. 2020)
  • COCONUTS Online Search and Matching Workshop (May 2020)

Ulrich Hounyo


  • “Inference for Local Distributions at High Sampling Frequencies: A Bootstrap Approach" (co-authored with Rasmus T. Varneskov), Journal of Econometrics, 215(1), 1-34, 2020.

Gerald Marschke


  • ASHEcon Meetings, "Scientific vs. Clinical Impact: The case of Alzheimer’s Disease Research," American Society of Health Economists, Washington D.C. (June 25, 2019)
  • 88th IAE Conference, "Malpractice Reform and the Sorting of New Physicians by Medical Human Capital," International Atlantic Economic Society, Miami, Florida. (October 18, 2019)
  • NYSEA Annual Conference, "Malpractice Reform and the Sorting of New Physicians by Medical Human Capital," New York State Economic Association, Rochester, NY (September 28, 2019) 
  • IRIS Summit 2019, "Postdoc Career Paths and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from UMETRICS-enhanced Census Data," Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (9/26/19)


  • PI, "Economic Impact of Investments in R&D and Science and Engineering Workers," National Science Foundation, $548,099.00. Date submitted for funding 1/15/2019, Funding dates 9/1/2019-8/31/2022.
  • [NSF grant submitted April 2020, awarded August 2020] PI, "RAPID: Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of the U.S. STEM Workforce," National Science Foundation, ($199,132)  HRD-2032147, 2020-2021.


  • PI, "Labor Market Outcomes of STEM PhDs: Measuring Career Earnings and Occupation Trajectories," National Science Foundation, $499,452.00. Funding dates 4/1/2017- 3/31/2020. In no-cost extension.
  • Senior Investigator, "Innovation in an Aging Society," Sponsored by National Institute on Aging (National Institutes of Health), P01 AG039347, 2013-2018 ($1,361,791).  In no-cost extension.

Kajal Lahiri


  • “Estimating Endogenous Ordered Response Panel Data Models with an Application to Income Gradient in Child Health" (with L. Yang), Sankhyā B – the Indian Journal of Statistics, 2020 (Special Issue in honour of PC Mahalanabis on his of 125th birth anniversary).
  • “Construction of Leading Economic Index for Recession Prediction using Vine Copulas" (with L. Yang). Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics (SNDE), July 2020.
  • “The Nordhaus Test with Many Zeros” (with Y. Zhao).  Economics Letters, August 2020.
  • “Smoking Behavior of Older Adults: A Panel Data Analysis Using HRS”, (with Xan Li). Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2020, 18:495–523.
  • “Value of Sample Separation Information in a Sequential Probit Model” (with C. Gao and B. Wixon). Journal of Economic Theory and Practice. March 2020.
  • “Productive Efficiency in Processing Social Security Disability Claims: A Look Back at the 1989-95 Surge", (with J. Hu). Empirical Economics, Forthcoming in a special issue Honoring B. Baltagi. January 2001.
  • “Measuring Uncertainty of a Combined Forecast and Some Tests for Forecaster Heterogeneity”, (with H. Peng and X. Sheng). Forthcoming in Advances in Econometrics in Honor of Hashem Pesaran (eds. A. Chudik, C. Hsiao and A. Timmermann). Elsevier.


  • University of Michigan, Oct 2, 2020: State revenue forecasting.
  • Forecasting workshop, IIF, Forecasting in Times of Covid - 19. July 6-7, 2020.
  • Lectures on Big data econometrics and machine learning, Jadavpur University, India, Jan 20-21, 2020
  • Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, India, Jan 24, 2020. Forecasting state revenues.
  • Xavier University, Bhubaneswar, India. June 30, 2020.
  • North Bengal University, Aug 27, 2020.
  • 9th Annual International Conference on Public Finance at Center of Social Sciences, Kolkata. 29 January.


  • Testified at the State Revenue Consensus Forecasting Conference in the presence of the Budget Director, Controller, Ranking Members of the Senate, Ways & Means Finance committees, and other stakeholders on the executive budget, February 27, 2020.


  • Co-Editor of Journal of Business Cycle Research (Springer) from January 2021.

Yue Li


  • “Who Is Screened Out? Application Costs and the Targeting of Disability Programs” with Manasi Deshpande, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11.4 (2019): 213-48


  • “Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient providers in the US” with Pinka Chatterji, Medical Care, forthcoming


  • Co-Investigator, “Social Security Reform with Heterogeneous Mortality”  with John Bailey Jones, Social Security Administration via the NBER Disability Research Center,  10/1/2019-09/30/2020 (allocated amount $69,447).
  • Principal investigator, “Collaborative Research: Lifecycle Savings and Retirement Planning”, with John Duffy, National Science Foundation, July 2019-July 2021 (allocated amount $13,906, total award $142,631)


  • The 2020 American Economics Journal Economic Policy Best Paper Award 

Chun-Yu Ho


  • Ho, Chun-Yu, Xu, Li and Zhang, Daiqiang (2020) Price Negotiation with Merchant Heterogeneity in the Payment Card Industry Preview of Economics and Statistics, accepted.
  • He, Dongwei, Ho, Chun-Yu and Xu, Li (2020) Risk and Return of Online Channel Adoption in the Banking Industry. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 60, 101268.
  • Tao, Jin, Ho, Chun-Yu, Luo, Shougui and Sheng, Yue (2019) Agglomeration Economies of Creative Industries. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 77, 141-154. 


  • “Price Negotiation with Merchant Heterogeneity in the Payment Card Industry”
  • Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) 2020, January 2020, San Diego 
  • “Bird’s Nest off the Menu: Evidence of Corruption from China’s Frugality Campaign”  
  • The 4th Biennial Conference of China Development Studies, July 2019 Shanghai  
  • Asian Meeting of Econometrics Society, June 2019, Xiamen, China  
  • “Agglomeration Economics in Creative Industries" 
  • Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, May 2020  
  • East China Normal University, June 2019  
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, June 2019  
  • Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, June 2019  
  • The 8th RUSE (Regional, Urban, Spatial Economics in China) Workshop, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, June 2019  

Adrian Masters


  • Labor market participation and minimum wage policy, Binghamton University, September 2019

Byoung Park


  • ICT and transport infrastructure development: an empirical analysis of complementarity. Applied Economics, 52(2), 195-211.
  • The Wage Penalty for Married Women of Career Interruptions: Evidence from the 1970s and the 1990s. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82(4), 783-807.
  • How Do Sales Efforts Pay Off? Dynamic Panel Data Analysis in the Nerlove–Arrow Framework. Management Science, 65(11), 5197-5218.


  • The Comprehensive Effects of Sales Force Management: A Dynamic Structural Analysis of Selection, Compensation, and Training, forthcoming at Management Science.


  • INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Conference, finalist for the Gary Lilien ISMS-MSI-EMAC Practice Prize

Baris K. Yoruk


  • The effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on family structure and public program participation among young adults, December 2019, Review of the Economics of the Household, 17, 1133-1161 (with P. Chatterji and X. Liu).


  • Aging out of dependent coverage and the effects on the use of inpatient medical care, forthcoming in International Journal of Health Economics (with T. Nguyen).


  • The effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on family structure and public program participation among young adults, presented at the American Economic Association Annual Meetings, January 2020, San Diego, CA.
  • Keg registration laws, alcohol consumption, and alcohol related traffic fatalities among adolescents, presented at Hamburg Center of Health Economics Workshop on Risky Behaviors, October 2019, Hamburg, Germany. 

Daiqiang Zhang


  • Testing Passive versus Symmetric Beliefs in Contracting with Externalities, International Economic Review, forthcoming
  • Price Negotiation with Merchant Heterogeneity in the Payment Card Industry (with Chun-Yu Ho and Li Xu), Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming


  • ASSA Annual Conference 2020
2018 - 2019 Research Highlights

Pinka Chatterji published the paper "Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Provision on Military Participation among Young Adults" with Xiangshi Liu and Baris Yoruk in a special issue on the Affordable Care Act in the Eastern Economic Journal (2019).

Pinka Chatterji published the paper “The effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on family structure and public program participation among young adults.” With Xiangshi Liu and Baris Yoruk. is forthcoming in Review of Economics of the Household in 2018.

Pinka Chatterji presented her paper “Racial disparities in maternal morbidity” at Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings (New York) in 2019.

Pinka Chatterji presented her paper “An exploratory study of the social and economic determinants of maternal morbidity in the US.” at American Society of Health Economists Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 2018.

Pinka Chatterji presented her paper “Medical malpractice reforms and physician supply.” at Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, Suitland, MD, September 2018.

Pinka Chatterji presented her paper “Medical malpractice reforms and physician supply.” at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (Troy, NY) in 2018.

CuiCui Chen Published her paper “Acceptance sampling for cost-effective surveillance of emerald ash borer in urban environments.” with Yemshanov, D., Haight, R. G., Liu, N., MacQuarrie, C. J., Ryall, K., ... and Koch, F. H.  in Forestry: An International Journal of Forest (2019)

CuiCui Chen presented at International Industrial Organization Conference, Workshop in Environmental Economics and Data Science in 2019.

CuiCui Chen presented at Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Energy Policy Seminar in 2018

Betty Daniel published her paper “Asymmetries in Business Cycles: The Role of Oil Prices,” with Christian M. Hafner, Hans Manner, and Leopold Simar in Macroeconomic Dynamics 23(4) (June 2019), 1622-1648.

Betty Daniel published the paper “Taylor-Rule Exit Policies for the Zero Lower Bound,” with Siddhartha Chattopadhyay in International Journal of Central Banking 14(5) (December 2018), 1-53.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “Borrowing Constraints, Search, and Life-Cycle Inequality” at Vigo Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics (University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain) in 2019.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “Part-Time Employment and Unemployment Volatility”

at Econ-Dynamics Workshop (Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA) in 2019.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “Borrowing Constraints, Search, and Life-Cycle Inequality” at University of Pennsylvania Seminar (Philadelphia, PA) in 2019.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “Borrowing Constraints, Search, and Life-Cycle Inequality” at DC Search and Matching Conference (Federal Reserve Board, Washington D.C.) in 2019.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “What do Worker Flows Say about the Wage Gains from Unemployment Insurance?” at European Search and Matching Network Conference (BI Business School, Oslo, Norway) in 2019.

Benjamin Griffy presented his paper “Borrowing Constraints, Search, and Life-Cycle Inequality” at The Micro and Macro of Inequality Conference (Warwick University, Coventry, UK) in 2019.

Chun-Yu Ho published the paper “Public Investment and Food Security: Evidence from the Hundred Billion Plan in China.” With He, Chaofei, Yu, Leng, and Zhu, Xi in China Economic Review (2019).

Chun-Yu Ho published the paper “Partners or Rivals? An Experimental Study of a Two-Stage Tournament.” With Chao, Hong, Huang, Shaoqing, Qin, Xiangdong and Cong, Jiajia in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2019).

Chun-Yu Ho published the paper “Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and Pharmaceutical Innovation: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights.” With Li, Xin and Zhou, Weimin in “Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap in Asia The Role of Trade, Manufacturing, and Finance.”, Asian Development Bank Institute. (2018).

Chun-Yu Ho published the paper “Finance Development and Innovation: The Role of Political Institution.” With Huang, Shaoqing, Shi, Hao and Wu, Jun in World Development,. (2018).

Chun-Yu Ho presented his paper “Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure in Media Markets: Evidence from the Chinese Motion Picture Industry" in International Industrial Organization Conference (Boston) in 2019.

Ulrich Hounyo published the paper “A local Gaussian bootstrap method for realized volatility and realized beta" in Econometric Theory, 35(2), 360-416. (2019)

Ulrich Hounyo published the paper "Bootstrapping high-frequency jump tests" with Prosper Dovonon, Silvia Goncalves and Nour Meddahi in Journal of American Statistical Association, 114(526), 793-803. (2019).

Ulrich Hounyo published the paper "The local fractional bootstrap "with Mikkel Bennedsen, Asger Lunde, and Mikko Pakkanen in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2019).

Ulrich Hounyo published the paper "Is the diurnal pattern sucient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach " with Kim Christensen and Mark Podolskij in Journal of Econometrics (2018).

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Bootstrapping Realized Laplace Transform of Volatility", at CIREQ Montreal Econometrics Conference on “Recent Advances on Bootstrap Methods”, (Montreal) in 2019.

Kajal Lahiri published the paper “International propagation of shocks: A dynamic factor model using survey forecasts” with Y. Zhao in International Journal of Forecasting (2019).

Kajal Lahiri published the paper “Inflation expectations in India: Learning from household tendency surveys” with A. Das and Y. Zhao), International Journal of Forecasting, (2019).

Kajal Lahiri published the paper “Estimating Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Discord using Info-Metrics” with W. Wang in “Innovations in Info-metrics: A Cross-disciplinary perspective on Information and Information processing”, Oxford University Press, (2019).

Kajal Lahiri published the paper “A Comparison of Some Bayesian and Classical Procedures for Simultaneous Equation Models with Weak Instruments” with C. Gao in Econometrics (2019)

Kajal Lahiri presented his paper at New York Camp Econometrics XIV, The 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel ( Clayton, NY) in  2019.

Kajal Lahiri presented his paper at the Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2019.

Kajal Lahiri presented his paper at the Seminar in Presidency University ( Kolkata, India) in 2018.

Kajal Lahiri presented as a Chair at a session and presented his paper at the Conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics, (Montreal) in 2018.

Kajal Lahiri presented as a Chair at a session and presented a paper at the 38th International Forecasting Symposium, (Boulder, Colorado) in 2018.

Kajal Lahiri presented his paper at New Frontiers in Econometrics, Sponsored by Department of Economics at UCONN in 2018.

Yue Li published the paper “Lifecycle Consumption Under Different Income Profiles:  Evidence and Theory” with John Duffy in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2019).

Yue Li published the paper “Who Is Screened Out? Application Costs and the Targeting of Disability Programs with Manasi Deshpande in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (forthcoming)

Yue Li published the paper “Economic Analysis of Social Security Survivors Insurance” in   International Economic Review (2018).

Yue Li presented her paper at AEA (Atlanta, GA) in 2019

Yue Li presented her paper at APPAM Fall conference (DC) in 2018.

Zhongwen Liang published the paper “Panel Data Estimation for Correlated Random Coefficients Models.“ with Hsiao, C., Li, Q., and Xie, W. in Econometrics/MDPI, 7(1), 18. (2019).

Gerald Marschke published “High-Impact and Transformative Science (HITS) Metrics: Definition, Exemplification, and Comparison.” with Staudt, J., Yu, H., Light, R. P., Börner, K., and Weinberg, B. A. in PLOS One. (2018).

Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Last Place? The Intersection between Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in Biomedical Authorship" at IZA World Labor Conference 2018, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), (Berlin, Germany). (2018)

Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Medical malpractice reforms," at Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, (Washington DC) in 2018.

Gerald Marschke presented his paper “The Middle of the Pack? Age, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Last 40 Years of Biomedical Authorship.” at Pathways to Gender Equality Conference, Sponsored by Program on Gender Analysis in Economics, American University Department of Economics, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Open Society Foundations, (Washington DC) in 2018.

Gerald Marschke presented his paper "New Metrics for Quantifying Underrepresentation in Biomedicine and its Trends," at ASIS&T Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), (Vancouver, BC Canada) in 2018.

Adrian Masters presented as a discussant for "Misallocation Effects of Labor Market Frictions" by Stanislav Rabinovich and Ronald Wolthoff at Search and Matching Workshop (Washington D.C) in 2019.

Byoung Park published the paper “How Do Sales Efforts Pay Off? Dynamic Panel Data analysis in the Nerlove-Arrow Framework” with Doug J. Chung and Byungyeon Kim forthcoming in Management Science (accepted in 2018).

Byoung Park presented his paper “Identification and Estimation of Structural Causal Mediation Model with Endogenous Intermediate Variable” at Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) in 2019.

Byoung Park presented his paper “Identification and Estimation of Structural Causal Mediation Model with Endogenous Intermediate Variable” at Southern Economic Association conference, (Washington D.C) in 2018.

Baris K. Yoruk published the paper “Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on participation in the military among young adults“ with P. Chatterji and X. Liu in Eastern Economic Journal (2019)

Baris K. Yoruk published the paper “Impact of ACA’s dependent coverage mandate on health insurance and labor market outcomes among young adults: Evidence from regression discontinuity design” with L. Xu in Eastern Economic Journal (2019)

Baris K. Yoruk published the paper “Health insurance coverage and healthcare utilization: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s dependent coverage mandate” in Forum for Health Economics and Policy (2018). 

Daiqiang Zhang published the paper “Simple Menus of Cost-based Contracts with Monotone Optimal Effort” with Yonghong An in Journal of Public Economic Theory (2018).

Daiqiang Zhang published the paper “Optimal Model Averaging of Varying Coefficient Models” with Cong Li, Qi Li, and Jeffrey Racine in Statistica Sinica (2018).

Daiqiang Zhang Presented his paper “Structural Analysis of Contracting with Externalities” at New Frontier in Econometrics Conference, University of Connecticut (Stamford, CT) in 201

2017 - 2018 Research Highlights

Pinka Chatterji published the paper "Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Provision on Military Participation among Young Adults" with Xiangshi Liu and Baris Yoruk in a special issue on the Affordable Care Act in the Eastern Economic Journal (2018).

Pinka Chatterji was appointed Associate Editor of Journal of Health Economics in 2018.

Pinka Chatterji was appointed Associate Editor of Economics and Human Biology in 2017.

Pinka Chatterji was Co-Principal Investigator of a new grant, Paid Family Leave and its Impact on Health, Equity, and Business. Policies for Action, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (PI: Dennison, B., NYS Department of Health), October 2017-present. Total costs: $250,000.

Betty Daniel published "Asymmetries in Business Cycles: The Role of Oil Prices," co-authored with Christian M. Hafner, Hans Manner, and Leopold Simar (January 2017) forthcoming Macroeconomic Dynamics, published online July 2017.

Betty Daniel published "Taylor-Rule Exit Policies for the Zero Lower Bound," co-authored with Siddhartha Chattopadhyay (March 2017), forthcoming International Journal of Central Banking, December 2018.

Chun-Yu Ho's paper "Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Liberalization on Firm-level Markups: Evidence from China" with Xunyong Xiang, Feixiang Chen and Wen Yue was published at World Economy, 40(8): 1667-1686, 2017.

Chun-Yu Ho's paper "To Root or Not To Root? The Economics of Jailbreak" with Hong Chao, Tommy Leung and Travis Ng was published at World Economy, 40(8): 1667-1686, 2017.

Chun-Yu Ho's paper "Risk Taking after Absolute and Relative Wealth Changes: The Role of Reference Point Adaptation" with Hong Chao and Xiangdong Qin was published at Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 54(2): 157-186, 2017.

Chun-Yu Ho's paper "International Knowledge Spillover through Trade: A Time-Varying Spatial Panel Data Approach" with Wei Wang and Jihai Yu was published at Economics Letters, 162, 30-33, 2018.

Chun-Yu Ho presented his paper "Foreign Bank Entry and Bank Efficiency: Evidence from China" at the Conference of China's Financial Markets and Growth Rebalancing, Fordham University, October 2017.

Chun-Yu Ho presented his paper "Foreign Bank Entry and Bank Efficiency: Evidence from China" at the Chinese Economic Association in North America, Philadelphia, January 2018.

Ulrich Hounyo published "Is the diurnal pattern su?cient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach ", (co-authored with Kim Christensen, and Mark Podolskij), Journal of Econometrics 205(2), 336-362.

Ulrich Hounyo's paper "Bootstrapping high-frequency jump tests" (joint with Prosper Dovonon, Silvia Goncalves and Nour Meddahi) is forthcoming in Journal of American Statistical Association.

Ulrich Hounyo's paper "A local Gaussian bootstrap method for realized volatility and realized beta" is forthcoming in Econometric Theory.

Ulrich Hounyo received the Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize (shared with his coauthor Bezirgen Veliyev) from the Royal Economic Society in March 2018, for the best paper of 2016 by recent Ph.D.s in The Econometrics Journal.

Ulrich Hounyo visits University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Ulrich Hounyo spent a week (in Spring 2018) at Rady School of Management at UCSD. He visited his co-author Kim Christensen and worked on a joint research project.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper "Is the diurnal pattern su?cient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach ", at International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference, held at Montreal, June 26 - 29, 2018.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper " Inference for local distributions at high sampling frequencies: a bootstrap approach ", at New Frontier in Econometrics Conference, UConn, June 15-17, 2018.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper "Is the diurnal pattern su?cient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach ", at New York Camp Econometrics XIII, April 6-8, 2018.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper "Is the diurnal pattern su?cient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach ", at a seminar at Queen's University, Kingston-Ontario, December 19, 2017.

Ulrich Hounyo presented his paper "Is the diurnal pattern su?cient to explain the intraday variation in volatility? A nonparametric assessment approach ", at Canadian Econometric Study Group (CESG) meetings, York University, Toronto, October 20-22, 2017.

Laurence Kranich's paper "Divide-and-Choose with Nonmonotonic Preferences" was accepted for publication in Economic Theory Bulletin.

Laurence Kranich's invited contribution "Modeling Behavior: A Critical Agenda" is forthcoming in Future of Economic Design, edited by J.-F. Laslier, H. Moulin, R. Sanver, and W. Zwicker, Springer.

Laurence Kranich presented his paper "Equity in Production Economies with Dedicated Factors" in a Departmental Seminar, September 11, 2017

Kajal Lahiri published "On-line Learning and Forecast Combination in Unbalanced Panels" (with H. Peng and Y. Zhao), Econometric Reviews. Vol. 36, Issues1-3, 2017, 257-288.

Kajal Lahiri published "Forecasting Consumption: The Role of Consumer Confidence in Real Time with Many Predictors" (with G. Monokroussos and Y. Zhao), Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol.31 (Nov/Dec), Issue 7, 2017, 1254-1275.

Kajal Lahiri published "Diabetes and Labor Market Exits: Evidence from the Health & Retirement Study (HRS)", (with P. Chatterji and H.S. Joo), Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 9, 2017, 100-110.

Kajal Lahiri published "Confidence Bands for ROC Curves with Serially Dependent Data" (with L. Yang), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2018, 36:1, 115-130.

Kajal Lahiri published "Inflation Expectations in India: Learning from Household Tendency Surveys" (with A. Das and Y. Zhao), Forthcoming in International Journal of Forecasting.

Kajal Lahiri published "International Propagation of Shocks: A Dynamic Factor Model Using Survey Forecasts" (with Y. Zhao). Forthcoming in International Journal of Forecasting.

Special Issue of Empirical Economics was published in honor of Kajal Lahiri: "Forecasting, use of survey data on expectations, and panel data applications", August 2017, Issue 1, pp.1-372.

Kajal Lahiri was awarded Journal of Applied Econometrics Distinguished Author, 2017.

Kajal Lahiri was appointed as Member, Special Emphasis Panel, National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, July 26-28, 2017.

Yue Li's paper "Economic Analysis of Social Security Survivors Benefits'', was forthcoming in International Economic Review

Yue Li's paper "The Effects of Collecting Income Taxes on Social Security Benefits" (with John Bailey Jones) was published at Journal of Public Economics, March 2018; 159: 128-145

Yue Li's paper "Paradoxical Effects of Increasing the Normal Retirement Age: A Prospective Evaluation" was published at European Economic Review, January 2018; 101: 512-527

Yue Li's paper "Early Coverage Expansions under the Affordable Care Act and Supplemental Security Income Participation"( with Pinka Chatterji) was published at The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, December 2017; 10: 75-83

Gerald Marschke's paper "High-Impact and Transformative Science (HITS) Metrics: Definition, Exemplification, and Comparison" (joint with Joseph Staudt, Huifeng Yu, Robert P. Light, Katy B?rner, and Bruce A. Weinberg) was published in PLoS ONE (July 2018).

Gerald Marschke's paper "Last Place: The Intersection between Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in Biomedical Authorship." (joint with Allison Nunez, Bruce A. Weinberg, and Huifeng Yu) was published in American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (May 2018).

Gerald Marschke is in the second year of a three-year project, "Labor Market Outcomes of STEM PhDs: Measuring Career Earnings and Occupation Trajectories," funded by the National Science Foundation, $499,452.00. Start date of funding 4/1/2017, End date of funding 3/31/2020. (Marschke, Principal Investigator)

Gerald Marschke is in the fifth year of a five-year project, "Aging of the Scientific Workforce and the Production of High Impact and Transformative Research," funded by the National Institutes of Health, $1,361,791.00. Start date of funding 9/30/2013, End date of funding 9/30/2018. (Marschke, Senior Investigator)

Gerald Marschke received a Supplemental Grant for his project, "Aging of the Scientific Workforce and the Production of High Impact and Transformative Research," funded by the National Institutes of Health, $37,686.00 to the University at Albany. Start date of funding 9/15/2017, End date of funding 6/30/2018. (Marschke, Senior Investigator)

Gerald Marschke received a Supplemental Grant for his project, "Aging of the Scientific Workforce and the Production of High Impact and Transformative Research," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, $40,000.00 for Graduate Assistant, the University at Albany. Start date of funding 9/15/2018, End date of funding 6/30/2019. (Marschke, Senior Investigator)

Gerald Marschke received a Supplemental Grant for his project, "Diversity Supplement: Aging of the Scientific Workforce and the Production of High Impact and Transformative Research," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, $58,312.00. Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research to fund research of PhD student Allison Nunez, Department of Economics, the University at Albany. Start date of funding 9/15/2018, End date of funding 6/30/2019. (Marschke, Senior Investigator)

Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Age and the Quantity and Quality of Science: Evidence from Big Data on Biomedical Scientists" (joint with Huifeng Yu, Matthew B. Ross, Joseph Staudt, and Bruce A. Weinberg) at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (October 31, 2017).

Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Last Place? The Intersection between Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in Biomedical Authorship" (joint with Allison Nunez, Bruce A. Weinberg, and Huifeng Yu) at the IZA World Labor Conference 2018, Berlin, Germany (June 28, 2018).

Adrian Masters was a discussant for the paper "Tough Middlemen: A Theory of Intermediation as Pure Rent Extraction" By Maryam Farboodi (Princeton), Gregor Jarosch (Stanford) and Guido Menzio (Penn) presented at the Money, Banking, and Asset Markets conference in Madison, WI, September 2017.

Adrian Masters presented his paper "Optimal minimum wage policy with voluntary Participation" at the University of Essex (UK) Search and Matching workshop in May 2018

Byoung Park's paper "Weak convergence of local quantile treatment effect processes" with J. Kim was published at Economics Letters.

Byoung Park's paper "How do sales efforts pay off? Dynamic panel data analysis in the Nerlove-Arrow Framework" with D. Chung and B. Kim is forthcoming at Management Science.

Byoung Park presented a paper "Testing for rank similarity in semiparametric models" at Western Economic Association International conference.

Byoung Park presented a paper "Testing for rank similarity in semiparametric models at North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society.

Michael Sattinger presented "Optimal Income Taxes, Transfers and Inequality for an Atkinson-Based Social Welfare Function" at Aarhus University, Denmark, October 2017.

Michael Sattinger's paper "Double Limit Analysis of Optimal Personal Income Taxation" was published in Oxford Economic Papers 70(1), January 2018, 93-113.

Baris K. Yoruk's paper "Health insurance coverage and risky health behaviors among young adults" was published at B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 17, 1-21 (2017).

Baris K. Yoruk's paper "The impact of the false ID laws on alcohol consumption among young adults: New results from the NLSY97" was published at Journal of Health Economics, 57, 191-194 (2018).

Daiqiang Zhang's paper "Optimal Model Averaging of Varying Coefficient Models" with Cong Li, Qi Li, and Jeffrey Racine was accepted at Statistica Sinica

Daiqiang Zhang's paper "Simple Menus of Cost-based Contracts with Monotone Optimal Effort" with Yonghong An was accepted at Journal of Public Economic Theory

Daiqiang Zhang Presented "Identification and Estimation of Multi-Period Simple Contracts" at Midwest Econometric Group Conference, College Station, TX, October 20, 2017

Daiqiang Zhang Presented "Structural Analysis of Contracting with Externalities" at New York Camp Econometrics XIII, Bolton Landing, NY. April 6, 2018

Daiqiang Zhang Presented "Structural Analysis of Contracting with Externalities" at International Industrial Organization Conference, Indianapolis, IN. April 22, 2018

Daiqiang Zhang Presented "Structural Analysis of Contracting with Externalities" at New Frontier in Econometrics Conference, University of Connecticut, Stamford, CT. June 15, 2018

2016 - 2017 Research Highlights

1. Pinka Chatterji's paper "Early Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on Federal Disability Program Participation" with Li, Y. was accepted at the Journal of Economics of ageing.

2. Pinka Chatterji's paper "Diabetes and labor market exits: Evidence from the Health & Retirement Study" with Joo, H.and Lahiri, K. was accepted at Journal of Economics of Ageing 9, pp. 100-110.

3. Pinka Chatterji's paper "Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Market Outcomes: A Latent Variable Approach Using Multiple Clinical Indicators" with Banerjee, S. and Lahiri, K. was published at Health Economics, 26, pp. 184-205.

4. Pinka Chatterji's paper "Job mobility among parents of children with chronic health conditions: Early effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act" with Brandon, P. D. and Markowitz, S. was published at Journal of Health Economics, 48, pp. 26-43.

5. Betty C. Daniel's paper "Asymmetries in Business Cycles: The Role of Oil Production" co-authored with Hafner, C. M., Manner, H.,and Simar, L.was accepted at Macroeconomic Dynamics.

6. Daniel C. Betty presented her paper "Why Don't Rich Countries Default? Explaining Debt/GDP and Sovereign Debt Crises," at Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Cruz, April 2017.

7. Daniel C. Betty presented her paper "Why Don't Rich Countries Default? Explaining Debt/GDP and Sovereign Debt Crises," at Department of Economics, University of California at Los Angeles, April 2017.

8. Chun-Yu Ho's paper "Risk taking after absolute and relative wealth changes: The role of reference point adaptation" with Chao, H. and Qin, X. was published at Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 54, pp. 157-186.

9. Chun-Yu Ho's paper "The real option approach to adoption or discontinuation of a management accounting innovation: the case of activity-based costing" with Feng, S. was published at Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 47, pp. 835-856.

10. John B. Jones's paper "Skill-Biased Technical Change and the Cost of Higher Education" with Fang yang was accepted at Journal of Labor Economics 34, pp. 42. Chicago.

11. John B. Jones's paper "Medicaid Insurance in Old Age" with De Nardi, M. and French, E. was accepted at American Economic Review

12. Laurence Kranich's paper "Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation," is published in Social Choice and Welfare 48, pp. 239-265 and is available online at

13. Kajal Lahiri published a paper "Bayesian Forecasting in Economics" at Special Issue in International Journal of Forecasting.

14. Kajal Lahiri published a paper "Testing the Value of Probability Forecasts for Calibrated Combining" with Peng, International journal of forecasting

15. Kajal Lahiri's paper "Limits to Economic Forecasting", was printed as Chapter 3 in Advances in Economic Forecasting, (ed. Matthew Higgins) W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI.

16. Kajal Lahiri's paper "Modeling Hedge Fund Returns: Selection, Non-linearity and Managerial Efficiency" with H. Shawky and Y. Zhao was accepted at Managerial and Decision Economics, special issue on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth.

17. Kajal Lahiri's paper "Diabetes and labor market exits: Evidence from the Health & Retirement Study" with Chatterji, P. and Joo, H., was published at Journal of Economics of Ageing.

18. Kajal Lahiri published a paper "Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Market Outcomes: A Latent Variable Approach Using Multiple Clinical Indicators." with Banerjee, S. and Chatterji, P. at Health Economics.

19. Kajal Lahiri's paper "Determinants of Consumer Sentiment over Business Cycles: Evidence from the US Surveys of Consumers" with Zhao, H. was accepted at Journal of Business Cycle Research.

20. Kajal Lahiri's paper "Asymptotic Variance of Brier (Skill) Score in the Presence of Serial Correlation" with Yang, L. was published at Economics Letters.

21. Yue Li presented her paper "The Effects of Collecting Income Taxes on Social Security Benefits." at QSPS conference, May 2017.

22. Yue Li presented her paper "Lifecycle Consumption Under Different Income Profiles: Experimental Evidence." at AEA annual meeting, January 2017.

23. Yue Li presented her paper "Lifecycle Consumption Under Different Income Profiles: Experimental Evidence." at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Summer Forum, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, June 17, 2016.

24. Zhongwen Liang's paper "Estimation of Semi-Varying Coefficient Models with Nonstationary Regressors." with Li, K., Li, D., and Hsiao, C. was published at Econometric Reviews 36, pp. 354-369.

25. Zhongwen Liang Presented "Testing and Estimating Structural Changes in Diffusion Processes" at Stevens Institute of Technology Seminar, Hoboken, NJ. April 20, 2017.

26. Zhongwen Liang Presented "Estimation and Inference of Structural Changes in Time Varying Coefficient Models" at New York Camp Econometrics XII ,The Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University, Lake Placid, NY. April 9, 2017.

27. Gerald R. Marschke was coordinator/organizer of "R&D Agglomeration, Spillovers, and Recombination Mechanisms and Implications for Productivity and Growth," at American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.January 7, 2017.

28. Gerald R. Marschke presented a paper "R&D Spillovers and Labor Mobility" at American Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois. January 7, 2017.

29. Gerald R. Marschke presented a "NBER Team Research Proposal," at U.S. Census: IMI Documentation Testers Meeting Suitland, Maryland. September 30, 2016.

30. Adrian Masters published his paper "Job creators, job creation, and the tax code." at Journal of Public Economic Theory.

31. Adrian Masters published his paper "On the firms' component of wage dispersion: Endogenous effort versus search frictions." at Labour Economics. 42, pp. 213-220.

32. Byoung Park presented a paper "Testing Rank Similarity in Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Model," at New York Camp Econometrics, Syracuse University, Lake Placid, NY.April 7, 2017.

33. Byoung Park presented a paper "Square-root-N consistent estimator of the intercept of a sample selection model", at Labor, Development, and Health Economics Seminar, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. May 1, 2017.

34. Huaming Peng's paper "Testing the Value of Probability Forecasts for Calibrated Combining." with Lahiri, K. was accepted for publishing at International journal of forecasting.

35. Huaming Peng presented a paper "Evaluating the Values of Probability Forecasts in the S ense of Morton," at New York Camp Econometrics, Syracuse University.

36. Michael J. Sattinger's paper "Double Limit Analysis of Optimal Personal Income Taxation." was accepted for publishing at Oxford Economic Papers.

37. Michael J. Sattinger's paper "Income Distribution; Elgar Research Reviews in Economics" was published at pp. 23. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Classic Research Reviews/Edward Elgar.

38. Michael J. Sattinger presented "Tax Incidence with Population Growth" at Department workshop, U at Albany.

39. Michael J. Sattinger presented "Income Distribution" at Economics Club, U at Albany.

40. Michael J. Sattinger presented "The Economy After the First 100 Days" at Luncheon meeting, Jewish Community Center, Albany, NY.

41. Baris K. Yoruk published a paper "The impact of the false ID laws on alcohol consumption among young adults: New results from the NLSY97" at Journal of Health Economics. 57, pp. 191-194.

42. Baris K. Yoruk published "Health insurance coverage and risky health behaviors among young adults." at BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. 17, pp. 1-21.

43. Baris K. Yoruk published "Do minimum legal tobacco purchase age laws work? " co-authored with Ertan, C. Yoruk, at Contemporary Economic Policy. 34, pp. 415-429.

44. Baris K. Yoruk presented "Health insurance coverage and health care utilization among young adults," American Society of Health Economists Conference, July 15, 2016.

45. Baris K. Yoruk presented "Health insurance coverage and health care utilization among young adults," American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. January 6, 2017.

2015 - 2016 Research Highlights

1. Pinka Chatterji’s paper “Job Lock among Parents of Children with Chronic Health Conditions: Early Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act" with Peter Brandon and Sara Markowitz was accepted at the Journal of Health Economics.

2. Pinka Chatterji’s paper "Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Market Outcomes: A Latent Variable Approach Using Multiple Clinical Indicators" with Souvik Banerjee and Kajal Lahiri was accepted at Health Economics.

3. Pinka Chatterji was a plenary speaker and served as a mentor to junior scholars at the Disparities Research Training and Mentorship Program at Massachusetts General Hospital in April 2016. This program is funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

4. Pinka Chatterji served as a consultant on cost analysis methods for a project on autism treatment services funded by the Institute of Education Sciences.

5. Betty C. Daniel’s paper “Implications of Productive Government Spending for Fiscal Policy" co-authored with Si Gao Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 55 (June 2015), 148-175.

6. John B Jones’s paper “Skill-biased Technical Change and the Cost of Higher Education,"(joint with Fang Yang) is forthcoming in Journal of Labor Economics .

7. John B Jones’s paper "Medical Spending of the U.S. Elderly" (joint with Mariacristina De Nardi and Eric French), is forthcoming in Fiscal Studies.

8. John B Jones’s paper “Savings after Retirement: A Survey,"(joint with Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French and Jeremy McCauley), is forthcoming in Annual Review of Economics.

9. John B Jones’s paper “Medicaid Insurance in Old Age,"(joint with Mariacristina De Nardi and Eric French), in forthcoming in the American Economic Review.

10. Laurence Kranich presented his paper “Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation"at the 11th World Congress of the Econometric Society, August 15-21, 2015 in Montreal, Canada.

11. Laurence Kranich presented his paper “Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation"at a seminar at Rutgers University, April 20, 2016.

12. Laurence Kranich's paper, “Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation," is forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare and is available online at

13. Zhongwen Liang published "Binary response correlated random coefficient panel data models", with Yichen Gao and Cong Li, Journal of Econometrics 188, 421-434, 2015.

14. Zhongwen Liang published "Local Constant Kernel Estimation of a Partially Linear Varying Coefficient Cointegration Model", with Luya Wang, Juan Lin and Qi Li, Annals of Economics and Finance 16(2), 353-369, 2015.

15. Zhongwen Liang presented his paper "Varying Index Coefficient Models with Discrete Endogenous Regressors", at 85th Southern Economic Association Annual meeting held at New Orleans, Louisiana from Nov. 21 to Nov. 23, 2015.

16. Adrian Master’s paper "Efficiency in a Search and Matching Model with Market Exclusion" was accepted and published at Economics Letters.

17. Adrian Master’s paper "Job creators, job creation and the tax code" was accepted at Journal of Public Economic Theory.

18. Adrian Master presented, “Job creators, job creation and the tax code"at the Search and Matching Conference in Aix en Provence June 2015.

19. Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Teamwork in Science: Evidence from Patent Data," co-authored with Jinyoung Kim, at the Society of Labor Economists meetings, Montreal, Quebec, June 26, 2015 and the Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, Georgia, September 18, 2015.

20. Gerald Marschke presented his paper "Aging and the Production of High-Impact and Transformative Research," co-authored with Katy Borner, Bruce Weinberg, Robert Preston, Joseph Staudt and Huifeng Yu at the Innovation in an Aging Society meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 16, 2015.

21. Gerald Marschke was a panelist in a roundtable session entitled "Economic Perspectives on Technical Emergence" at the Global TechMining Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 16, 2015.

22. Gerald Marschke received a grant, with Andrew Wang and Richard Freeman, for their research project "Assessing the Economic Impact of Documentary Standards," from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (2/1/2016-1/31/2017).

23. Gerald Marschke received a grant for his research project"Pathways from University Research to Productive Careers," through a subcontract with New York Universty (11/9/2015-12/16/2016).

24. Byoung Park presented "Square-root-N consistent estimator of the intercept of a sample selection model" at Frontiers of Theoretical Econometrics conference, August 2015.

25. Byoung Park Presented "Square-root-N consistent estimator of the intercept of a sample selection model" at Midwest Econometrics Group conference, October 2015.

26. Byoung Park Presented "Square-root-N consistent estimator of the intercept of a sample selection model" at Southern Economic Association meeting, November 2015.

27. Byoung Park Presented " Testing for rank similarity" (with Ju Hyun Kim) at Southern Economic Association meeting, November 2015.

28.Huaming Peng published "Online learning and forecast combination in unbalanced panels" coauthored with Kajal Lahiri and Yong Chen Zhao, Econometric Reviews, on Nov 7, 2015.

29. Baris Yoruk’s paper “Do minimum legal drinking age laws work?,"(with C. Ertan Yörük). Was published at Contemporary Economic Policy (34), 415-429.

30. Baris Yoruk’s paper “Health insurance coverage and self-reported health: New estimates from the NLSY97" is forthcoming in International Journal of Health Economics and Management.

2014 - 2015 Research Highlights

1. Betty Daniel published “A Graceful Return of the Drachma” European Economic Review, 71 (October 2014), 228-243.

2. Betty Daniel’s paper “Implications of Productive Government Spending for Fiscal Policy,” co-authored with Si Gao is forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

3. Betty Daniel presented “Predicting Sovereign Fiscal Crises: High-Debt Developed Countries,”co-authored with Christos Shiamptanis, at the Royal Economic Society, Manchester, England, March 30, 2015.

4. Baris Yoruk published “Does giving to charity lead to better health? Evidence from tax subsidies for charitable giving”, 2014, Journal of Economic Psychology. 45, 71-83.

5. Baris Yoruk published “Do charitable contributions crowd out political giving? The missing link between charitable and political contributions”, 2015, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Topics), 15, 407-435.

6. Baris Yoruk’s paper, “The impact of restaurant smoking bans on dining out expenditures: Evidence from panel data” (with Dohyung Kim) is forthcoming in the Journal of Urban Economics.

7. Baris Yoruk’s paper, “Charity ratings” is forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.

8. Laurence Kranich was invited as a Visiting Scholar to the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, where he presented a paper entitled “Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation.”

9. Laurence Kranich’s paper “Equal Shadow Wealth: A New Concept of Fairness in Exchange Economies” was accepted for publication in Mathematical Social Sciences.

10. Laurence Kranich presented his paper “Historical Discrimination and Optimal Remediation” at the 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, June 18-21, 2014 at Boston College.

11. Pinka Chatterji’s paper, “The effects of mandated health insurance benefits for autism on costs and access to treatment” with Sandra Decker and Sara Markowitz, is forthcoming at the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, November 2014.

12. Pinka Chatterji’s paper, “Effects of birthweight on neurobehavioral outcomes” with Dohyung Kim and Kajal Lahiri is forthcoming at Economics and Human Biology, September 2014.

13. Pinka Chatterji’s paper, “Examining the education gradient in chronic illness” with Heesoo Joo and Kajal Lahiri, is forthcoming at Education Economics, July 2014.

14. Pinka Chatterji and Kajal Lahiri published “Birthweight and academic achievement in childhood” with Dohyung Kim, Health Economics, September 2014, 23(9): pp. 1013-1035.

15. Michael Sattinger was the Keynote Speaker at the conference on New Research in the Economics of Educational and Skills Mismatch, University of Aberdeen, October 13-14, 2014. He presented “Qualitative Mismatches and Wage Consequences.”

16. Michael Sattinger wrote the Introduction to “The Distribution of Earnings and of Individual Output,” by A. D. Roy, co-authored with Prof. Heckman, to appear in the June 2015 125th anniversary edition of the Economic Journal.

17. Ambarish Chandra published “Targeted Advertising in Magazine Markets and the Advent of the Internet”, with Ulrich Kaiser, Management Science, 60(7) 1829—1843, July 2014.

18. Ambarish Chandra published “The Economics of Cross-Border Travel”, with Keith Head and Mariano Tappata, Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(4), 648—661, October 2014.

19. Ambarish Chandra’s chapter, “Newspapers and Magazines” with Ulrich Kaiser, is forthcoming in The Handbook of Media Economics, published by Elsevier, Simon Anderson, David Stromberg and Joel Waldfogel eds.

20. Zhongwen Liang's paper "Estimation of Semi-Varying Coefficient Models with Nonstationary Regressors" (with Kunpeng Li, Degui Li, and Cheng Hsiao) is forthcoming in Econometric Reviews.

21. Zhongwen Liang published "Asymptotics for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Fixed Effects Panel Models", with Cong Li, Journal of Econometrics 185, 420-434, 2015.

22. Zhongwen Liang published "Local Linear Estimation of a Nonparametric Cointegration Model", with Zhongjian Lin and Cheng Hsiao, Econometric Reviews 34, 881-905, 2015.

23. Zhongwen Liang presented his paper "Binary Response Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Data Models", with Yichen Gao, Cong Li, at China Meeting of the Econometric Society held at Xiamen University from June 25 to June 27, 2014.

24. Adrian Masters presented, “Job creators, job creation and the tax code” at the Department of Economics, Michigan State University on September 19, 2014.

25. Adrian Masters presented, “Job creators, job creation and the tax code” at the Search and Matching Workshop in Philadelphia in March 2015.

26. Adrian Masters was the discussant for the paper “Adverse selection and intermediation Chains” by Glode and Opp, at the annual Money and Markets conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 13, 2014.

2013 - 2014 Research Highlights

Kajal Lahiri and PhD students Yongchen Zhao and Liu Yang presented three papers at the 22nd Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, Baruch College CUNY, New York City, April 17-18, 2014.

Kajal Lahiri presented "Forecasting US Disability applications" at the 20th Federal Forecasters Conference at BLS, Washington DC on April 24, 2014.

Yongchen Zhao has been awarded the 2014 University Distinguished Dissertation Award for his PhD thesis entitled, "Essays on Forecasting with Survey Data and Many Predictors: Combination, Evaluation and Applications".

"Testing the value of probability forecasts for calibrated combining" co-authored by Kajal Lahiri, Huaming Peng and Yongchen Zhao has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Forecasting.

Baris Yoruk published "Can technology help to reduce underage drinking? Evidence from the false ID laws with scanner provision", in the Journal of Health Economics, 36, 33-46.

Baris Yoruk published "Are generous people more likely to vote? Tax price effects of charitable giving on voting behavior" in Annales d'Economie et de Statistique.

Baris Yoruk published "Alcohol consumption and risky sexual behavior among young adults: Evidence from minimum legal drinking age laws", in Journal of Population Economics (with C. Ertan Yoruk).

Baris K. Yoruk published "Legalization of Sunday alcohol sales and alcohol consumption in the United States", 2014, Addiction, 109, 55-61.

Baris K. Yoruk published "The impact of charitable subsidies on religious giving and attendance: Evidence from panel data", 2013, Review of Economics and Statistics, 95, 1708-1721.

Baris Yoruk presented "Can technology help to reduce underage drinking? Evidence from the false ID laws with scanner provision" at UT-Dallas and his paper "Charity ratings" at Charitable Giving:Theory and Evidence Workshop at Duke University.

Baris K. Yoruk presented "Sunday alcohol laws and crime" at the annual meeting of Southern Economic Association.

Baris K. Yoruk presented "Does giving to charity lead to better health: Evidence from panel data" at the annual meeting of American Economic Association.

Kajal Lahiri's paper entitled "The yield spread puzzle and the information content of SPF forecasts" (joint with George Monokroussos and current Ph.D. student Yongchen Zhao) was published in January, 2013 issue of Economics Letters.

Kajal Lahiri's paper entitled "Evaluating probability forecasts for GDP declines using alternative methodologies" (joint with former Ph.D. student J. George Wang) was published in January, 2013 issue of International Journal of Forecasting.

Kajal Lahiri's survey paper entitled "Forecasting binary outcomes" (joint with Ph.D. student Yang Lu) has been accepted for publication in Handbook of Forecasting, Vol. 2 (Eds. G. Elliott and A. Timmermann).

Kajal Lahiri completed his examination of PhD thesis "Essays on macroeconometrics and short-term forecasting" by Claude Adan at ECARES - SBS-EM, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Zhongwen Liang's paper entitled "Local linear estimation of a nonparametric cointegration model" (joint with Zhongjian Lin from Texas A&M University and Cheng Hsiao from University of Southern California) has been accepted for publication in Econometric Reviews.

Michael Sattinger's paper entitled "Qualitative mismatches" was published in Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics: Vol. 8 (No 1-2, pp. 1-168).

Michael Sattinger coauthors a book entitled Into the Gap; Exploring Gaps and Mismatches (joint with Ernest Berkhout, Jules Theeuwes, and Maikel Volkerink), commissioned by Randstad, SEO Economic Research, Amsterdam, 2012.

Michael Sattinger's paper entitled "Nash bargaining and the wage consequences of educational mismatches" (joint with Joop Hartog) was appeared in discussion paper series of IZA (No. 7025) and Tinbergen Institute (12-129/V).

Fang Yang's paper entitled "Accounting for gender gap in college attainment" (joint with Suqin Ge from Virginia Tech) was published in January, 2013 issue of Economic Inquiry.

Fang Yang's paper entitled "Social security reform with impure intergenerational altruism" was published in January, 2013 issue of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "Do charitable solicitations matter?: A comparative analysis of fundraising methods" was published in December, 2012 issue of Fiscal Studies.

PhD student Yang Liu's book review of Modelling Nonlinear Economic Time Series(Oxford University Press, 2010) by Timo Teräsvirta, Dag Tjøstheim, Clive W.J. Granger appeared in the December, 2012 issue of International Journal of Forecasting.

Michael Jerison presented his paper entitled "Testable Conditions for Unique, Stable Equilibrium with Taxes" at the College de France, Paris and at the University of Bonn, Germany in January, 2013.

Michael Sattinger's paper entitled "Nash bargaining and the wage consequences of educational mismatches" has been accepted for publication in Labour Economics.

Michael Sattinger's paper entitled "Safety first consumption" was published in January, 2013 issue of Journal of Economic Theory.

Gerd J. Schwartz, a PhD alumnus of the Department, will be honored with UAlbany's Distinguished Alumni Award. The Award ceremony will be held in May 2014.

Betty Daniel presented "Monetary Policy Switching to Avoid a Liquidity Trap", co-authored with Siddhartha Chattopadhyay, at the Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz on October 10.

Betty Daniel attended the West Coast Workshop on International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics on October 11, where she discussed "Market Deregulation and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union" by Matteo Cacciatore, Giuseppi Fiori, and Fabio Ghironi.

John Jones presented "Medicaid Insurance in Old Age" (joint with Mariacristina De Nardi and Eric French) at the CGEB/LAEF Conference on Economics and Demography held at New York University on September 27-28.

In September, the National Institute on Aging (NIH) awarded Jerry Marschke and a multi-disciplinary team of researchers across several U.S. universities a five year P01 grant to study the effects of the aging of the US scientific workforce on scientific progress.

Byoung Park's book review of "An Information Theoretic Approach to Econometrics" (by George G. Judge and Ron C. Mittelhammer) was published in the Journal of Economic Literature.

Byoung Park presented his paper "identification and estimation of the generalized Roy model" at the annual meeting of Midwest econometrics group on Oct 26 at Indiana University.

Adrian Masters presented his paper "Credit card Acceptance and Product Quality" at the Money, Banking, Payments and Finance Workshop at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Jerry Marschke presented his paper "Collaboration in Biomedical Science" (co-authored with Richard Freeman and Andrew Wang) at the Workshop on Academic Collaboration at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts on June 26.

In September, Jerry Marschke's doctoral student Sifan Zhou was awarded an NSF dissertation improvement grant to study R&D agglomeration. Ms. Zhou will use the grant to generate the first systematic, geographical mapping of U.S. industrial R&D, explore the prevalence of Silicon Valley-type clustering in industrial R&D activity in the U.S., and analyze the factors affecting a firm's decision to locate its R&D facilities in a particular region.

Betty Daniel and Christos Shiamptanis published “Pushing the Limit? Fiscal Policy in the European Monetary Union,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37 (2013), 2307-2321.

Michael Sattinger’s paper “Nash Bargaining and the wage consequences of educational mismatches”, co-authored with Joop Hartog, appeared in Labour Economics, August 2013.

Michael Sattinger presented “Qualitative Mismatches” at Aarhus University May 27, 2013.

Michael Sattinger gave a talk on the rising costs of college at the Albany Public Library on September 10, 2013.

The journal Health Economics accepted a paper by Pinka Chatterji (with co-author Sara Markowitz from Emory University) entitled “Effects of bicycle helmet laws on children’s injuries” in August 2013. This work was funded by an R03 grant from the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development.

Ambarish Chandra’s paper “The Economics of Cross-Border Travel”, co-authored with Keith Head and Mariano Tappata of the University of British Columbia, was accepted for publication at the Review of Economics and Statistics.

Ambarish Chandra’s paper “Targeted Advertising in Magazine Markets and the Advent of the Internet”, co-authored with Ulrich Kaiser at the University of Zurich, was accepted for publication at Management Science.

Ambarish Chandra and Mara Lederman (University of Toronto) were awarded an Insight Research Grant in May by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada to study airline competition in Canada and the U.S.

Kwan Koo Yun presented “Pareto gains from trade by redistribution though income taxation” at the Asia-Pacific Economic Association Conference (Osaka University, Japan, July 26-28).

Kwan Koo Yun presented “Production Fragmentations, Outsourcing and Factor Price Equalization” at the Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Singapore, August 2-4).

Baris K. Yoruk's paper entitled "Legalization of Sunday alcohol sales and alcohol consumption in the United States" has been accepted for publication in Addiction.

2012 - 2013 Research Highlights

Zhongwen Liang's paper entitled "Testing cointegration relationship in a semiparametric varying coefficient model" (joint with Jingping Gu) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Econometrics.

Zhongwen Liang presented his paper ``Testing cointegration relationship in a semiparametric varying coefficient model" at China Meeting of the Econometric Society held in Beijing from June 14 to June 16, 2013.

Ph.D. student Liu Yang presented his paper "Confidence bands for ROC curves with serially dependent data" at the 2013 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society. His trip was funded by the Pong Lee Memorial Fund.

Betty C. Daniel's paper entitled "Pushing the limit? Fiscal policy in the European Monetary Union" (joint with Christos Shiamptanis) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Assistant professor Zhongwen Liang joins the department on September 1, 2012. Professor Liang received his Ph.D. in economics from Texas A&M University on August, 2012. His research interests include econometric theory, applied econometrics, and financial econometrics. Professor Liang's recent research was published in prestigious journals such as Journal of Econometrics and Advances in Econometrics. He will teach an econometrics course for Ph.D. students during the fall semester.

Michael Sattinger presented a book review of "The Price of Inequality" by Joseph Stiglitz at the Albany Public Library on October 16, 2012.

Kajal Lahiri and Yongchen Zhao's (current Ph.D. student) paper entitled "The Yield Spread Puzzle and the Information Content of SPF Forecasts (joint with George Monokroussos) has been accepted for publication in Economics Letters.

Adrian Masters will be attending an invitation-only conference on Money, Banking, and Asset Markets at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI on Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3, 2012.

Adrian Masters' paper entitled "Inflation and welfare in retail markets: prior production and imperfectly directed search" has been accepted for publication at Journal of Money Credit and Banking.

Betty C. Daniel presented her paper entitled "Monetary policy switching to avoid a liquidity trap" (joint with Siddhartha Chattopadhyay) at Ryerson University.

Betty C. Daniel presented her paper entitled "Fiscal risk in a monetary union" (joint with Christos Shiamptanis from Ryerson University) in a conference entitled "Modeling Imbalances". The conference was supported by Central Bank of Poland.

John Jones presented his paper entitled "Skill biased technical change and the cost of higher education" (joint with Fang Yang) at the University of Western Ontario and Stony Brook University.

Kajal Lahiri's paper entitled "Evaluating probability forecasts for GDP declines using alternative methodologies" (joint with J. George Wang from College of Staten Island, CUNY) has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Forecasting.

Zhongwen Liang's paper entitled "Functional coefficient regression models with time trend" (joint with Qi Li from Texas A&M University) was published in September, 2012 issue of Journal of Econometrics.

Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "The effect of media on charitable giving and volunteering: evidence from the "Give Five" campaign" was published in Fall, 2012 issue of Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "The impact of drinking on psychological well-being: evidence from minimum drinking age laws in the United States" (joint with Ceren Ertan Yörük from The Sage Colleges) was published in November, 2012 issue of Social Science and Medicine.

Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "The impact of minimum legal drinking age laws on alcohol consumption, smoking, and marijuana use revisited" (joint with Ceren Ertan Yörük from The Sage Colleges) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Health Economics.

2011 - 2012 Research Highlights
  • Pinka Chatterji's paper entitled "Effects of early maternal employment on maternal health and wellbeing" (joint with Sara Markowitz from Emory University and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn from National Center for Children and Families) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Population Economics. This research was supported by a grant from NICHD.
  • Pinka Chatterji's paper entitled "Family leave after childbirth and the health of new mothers" (joint with Sara Markowitz from Emory University) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. This research was supported by a grant from NICHD.
  • Pinka Chatterji and Kajal Lahiri along with a former Ph.D. student Heesoo Joo (currently Steven Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness Post-doctoral Fellow at Center For Disease Control) published their article entitled "Beware of being unaware: racial/ethnic disparities in chronic illness in the USA" in September, 2012 issue of Health Economics.
  • Betty C. Daniel's paper entitled "Private sector financial crises in emerging markets" was published in June, 2012 issue of Economic Journal.
  • Betty C. Daniel's paper entitled "Fiscal risk in a monetary union" (joint with Christos Shiamptanis from Ryerson University) was published in August, 2012 issue of European Economic Review.
  • Michael Sattinger's paper entitled "Safety first consumption" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Theory.
  • Fang Yang's paper entitled "Social security reform with impure intergenerational altruism" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
  • Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "Fundraising and optimal policy rules" (joint with Murat Mungan from Florida State University) was published in August, 2012 issue of Journal of Public Economic Theory.
  • Barış K. Yörük's paper entitled "The impact of charitable subsidies on religious giving and attendance: evidence from panel data" has been accepted for publication in Review of Economics and Statistics.
  • Rui Zhao's paper entitled "Renegotiation and conflict resolution in relational contracting" was published in July, 2012 issue of Games and Economic Behavior.