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Department News Archive
Piyush Gade Receives Dissertation Research Fellowship Award
Piyush Gade, a PhD candidate in the Economics Department, has been awarded the University at Albany Dissertation Research Fellowship for 2024-2025.
Doresh Khemraj Awarded Minerva Center Innovation Funding
Doresh Khemraj, an honors program student in our Economics Department, has been awarded $2,400 from the Minerva Center Innovation Funding for Research and Creative Endeavors.
PhD Candidate Kyoungah Noh Selected as I3 Open Data Fellow
Kyoungan Noh has been selected as an I3 Opn Data Fellow for 2025 by the NBER Innovation Information Initiative.
Professor Yue Li Received the SAGES Award
Professor Yue Li has received the WISH/Project SAGES seed grant, an NSF-funded program dedicated to fostering an environment where women of all backgrounds and identities can thrive and achieve their full career potential.
Meet our PhD Job Market Candidates
Four PhD candidates are in the job market for the academic year of 2024-2025.
Professor Barış Yörük Awarded NIH Reesearch Grant to Study Alcohol Consumption and Related Outcomes
Professor Barış Yörük received two-year National Institute of Health research grant to study alcohol consumption and related outcomes.
Professor Ho Named 2024-25 Richard P. Nathan Public Policy Fellow
Professor Chun-Yu Ho has been selected as one of six 2024-25 Richard P. Nathan Public Policy Fellows through The Rockefeller Institute of Government.
Janet Currie Delivers Second Annual Pong S. Lee Memorial Lecture
The Department of Economics hosted the second annual Pong S. Lee Memorial Lecture on September 6.