
Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center

The School of Criminal Justice administers externally funded research through the renowned Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center. Faculty, research staff and students work on research projects, develop policy recommendations in the field of criminal justice, disseminate research results through publications in leading scholarly journals, sponsor lectures and other colloquia, and provide opportunities for graduate students to learn research skills and develop dissertation topics. Over its 30-year history, the Hindelang Center has employed more than 100 Graduate Research Assistants and administered tens of millions of dollars in grants and contracts.


New York State Youth Justice Institute

The New York State Youth Justice Institute strives to build and strengthen the capacity of localities around New York State to adopt evidence-informed youth justice practices. It does so by disseminating information, assisting with implementation and assessing efficacy in existing youth justice programs, and by conducting cutting-edge research to advance the science and practice of evidence-based initiatives.


Justice & Multiculturalism in the 21st Century Project

The Justice & Multiculturalism in the 21st Century Project engages the campus and local communities in an exploration of the intersections of social justice and criminal justice in an increasingly diverse society — especially on issues of civility and surveillance in public spaces.