Alexander Shekhtman
Postdoctoral Training: Rockefeller University
PhD, University at Albany, SUNY

Fax: 518-442-3462
Biochemistry, Biophysics, Structural Biology
Research Interests
- Structural studies of protein-protein interactions involved in cellular signal transduction.
- Structural studies of endocytic proteins and their interactions.
- Development of novel NMR methodologies to effectively study large bio-complexes
Prof. Shekhtman's New Book:
Protein NMR Techniques, 3rd ed. Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Verlag
(Humana Press), 2011
Editors: Alexander Shekhtman and David S. Burz
ISBN:978-1-61779-479-7; eISBN: 978-1-61779-480-3
Hardcover, 518 pages.
The field of protein NMR spectroscopy has rapidly expanded into new areas of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology research that were impossible to study as recently as ten years ago. The potential to study macromolecular systems that were once considered too big or too transient or too complex by using NMR spectroscopy is now being realized with the development of innovative technologies. Standard NMR technologies are also getting a facelift in part due to the pervasive nature of high throughput approaches in biochemical and biomedical research. This book presents a comprehensive description of the latest innovations in the field of protein NMR. It focuses on the application of NMR to biochemistry, molecular and cell biology while avoiding excessive repetition of existing material, which is readily available through a number of excellent texts and reviews that cover topics relevant to studying proteins by NMR. Rather than reiterating the fundamental principles behind NMR methodology, the practical aspects of experimental design are emphasized, with descriptions that combine a brief theoretical background with practical advice and examples. Alexander Shekhtman and David S. Burz, editors: Protein NMR Techniques, Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Springer Verlag (Humana Press), Winter 2011.