Lee Spitzley
PhD in Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, 2018

Faculty Expertise and Achievement
Dr. Spitzley’s research links observable human behavior to latent psychological states and traits. He is most interested in high-stakes and adversarial group interactions. Specific areas include narrative disclosure in corporate financial reporting, where he looks for behaviors associated with dishonesty and fraud. He is also developing techniques to measure the behavior of individuals in group interactions and job interviews to understand what influences others' perceptions of an individual. He uses methods from machine learning, computational linguistics, psychology, and econometrics.
Dr. Spitzley’s research has been published in the Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, other leading journals and conferences, and book chapters. As a PI or co-PI, he has received research grants from the University at Albany Faculty Research Award Program – Category A (FRAP-A), the University of Arizona Center for Leadership Ethics, and the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR).
Research Interests
language-voice-video fusion; group dynamics; deception detection
Research Websites
Teaching Interests and Areas
- BFOR 200 – Information Security for Business
- BFOR 206 – Programming for Analytics
- BFOR 516 – Advanced Data Analysis
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