Clinic - Frequently Asked Questions

How long are appointments?

  • First Appointment (Interview): Up to Two Hours
  • Second Appointment (Testing): Up to Four Hours
  • Third Appointment (Feedback): Up to One Hour

Do I need to be present during the testing appointment?

  • Yes. A parent/guardian must be present during the entire testing appointment. We may ask you to sit in another room or return to the waiting room during portions of the appointment, but we ask that you do not leave the building in case any concerns arise. Depending on your child, we may also ask you to be in the room for parts of the appointment or for the entire testing session.

What insurance providers are accepted?

  • For families interested in an evaluation, CARD is currently only able to accept patients with CDPHP insurance.
  • For school districts interested in an evaluation for a student, please contact us at 518-782-7733 to inquire about the current rates for the "Comprehensive Psychological Autism Evaluation."

What should I bring to the appointment? (Please note that the following are suggestions)

First Appointment (Interview)

  • Copies of past evaluations of your child (i.e. psychological assessments, educational or other types of evaluation)
  • Current Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Letters from teachers regarding school concerns (if applicable)

Second Appointment (Testing)

  • Paperwork or measures that were given to the parent/guardian at the first appointment to be filled out by the parent, child and/or teacher (if applicable)
  • Drinks and/or snacks that your child enjoys. The testing session can be long and sometimes challenging, so your child may become hungry or thirsty. We have water and limited snacks available.
  • We encourage parents/guardians to pack a bag or backpack with a few small toys or objects that might be motivating for your child to help keep them engaged and motivated during testing, if necessary. Your child will also have a longer (10 to 20 minute) break between tests, where they could also use an iPad, read a book, or engage in a similar activity with a parent/guardian in the waiting room to relax. 

Third Appointment (Feedback)

  • This appointment is a time for parents/guardians to ask questions. It can sometimes be helpful to write down questions in advance.
  • A detailed written report will not be provided at this appointment. The report will be mailed to your home several weeks following this final appointment.

Who can come to the appointments?

  • At least one parent/guardian is required to come to all appointments. Other parents, guardians, or regular caregivers are also welcome and encouraged to attend if they spend a large amount of time with your child and have information to add. In the past, some families have found it helpful to have a service coordinator or school counselor attend the appointments. If you have questions about whether others should attend appointments, please call 518-442-2574.
  • Please note that the child should only attend the second appointment (testing).

If your child is over the age of 18:

  • If your child is over the age of 18 and you have NOT secured legal guardianship, your child is a legal adult and should attend every appointment. We do ask that you, as the parent, attend the appointments in order to answer questions about family history, your child's development, and your concerns. Please note, if your child does not attend the first and third appointments, he/she will need to sign a consent allowing you to attend alone.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Please click here for instructions on how to schedule an appointment.