A Platform for low-cost and rapid detection of viral RNA
Researchers at The RNA Institute developed a DNA-based platform for rapid viral RNA testing, including but not limited to Zika, Dengue and COVID-19. In collaborative work, the Halvorsen and Pager labs established a low-cost test for Zika and Dengue. Upon the release of the genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in January this year, they swiftly reprogrammed their platform to perform rapid detection of the virus responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak, and has produced its first major advance published in an August 15 issue of the journal Science Advances. The paper, “Programmable low-cost DNA-based platform for viral RNA detection,” demonstrates the feasibility of detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA in human saliva in about 2 hours. UAlbany investigators express confidence in cutting this time in half. This new research received attention from the AAAS news release service and The Star of Malaysia, and was mentioned in COVID-19 updates on Science Magazine and The Scientist (quotes Dr. Ken Halvorsen). Dr. Halvorsen also received major NSF funding for rapid coronavirus testing.