Overnight Guests & Visitors

Hosting Overnight Guests in On-campus Housing 

Students who live in on-campus housing are allowed overnight guests but must follow specific rules, which are outlined in the Host Responsibility for Guests and the Overnight Guest / Visitation Policy sections of the Housing License. Please review the rules before planning to host overnight guests. 

If you’re planning to host an overnight guest in your on-campus housing assignment, you are required to obtain your roommate’s prior approval and register the guest with Residential Life by submitting the Overnight Guest Form

We recommend submitting the form at least 24 to 48 hours before your guest(s) arrive because your roommate must approve the overnight guest(s).  

After you submit the form, your roommate will receive an email asking them to either approve or not approve the guest(s). If your roommate approves, you will receive a guest approval email. If your roommate does not approve, an email will be sent to Residential Life. 

Guests who have not been approved by the host’s roommate and/or who are not registered with Residential Life will be asked to leave immediately. 

We encourage all students to discuss any hosting plans with roommate(s) and suite-mate(s) before submitting the form. It’s important for all residents to know who to expect in their space, so they feel safe and don’t report a guest as an intruder to Residential Life or the University Police Department.