Past Dissertations

List of Past Dissertations

Full pdfs of dissertations & thesis can be found in the University’s Dissertations & Theses Database here.

YearLast NameFirst NamePhDMSThesesAdvisor
2024YuYangX Informational Principles and Structures in Quantum TheoryPhilip Goyal
2022KhooTing CheanX A Novel Phase and Spectroscopic Imaging Technique to Evaluate Cellular FunctionsAlexander Khmaladze
2022TripiErik W. Jr. XSystem Measurements for X-ray Phase Diffraction ImagingJonathan Petruccelli
2022WittkoppJeremyX Computational Methods for Propagation of Optical Fields with the Angle-impact Wigner FunctionJonathan Petruccelli
2022MyersChristopher A.X Turning Density Functional Theory Calculations into Molecular Mechanics SimulationsAlan Chen 
2022MathewsCandace XProbability Distributions of the Scalar Potential VDaniel Robbins  
2022PyakurelUttamX Phase and Dark Field Radiography and CT with Mesh-based Structured Illumination and Polycapillary OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2022PessoaPedroX  An Entropic Approach to Dynamics Ariel Caticha
2022CheungPikting XX-ray Phase and Coherent Scatter Imaging MeasurementsCarolyn MacDonald
2022RischbieterGregoryX Signal Yields and Detector Modeling in Xenon Time Projection Chambers, and Results of an Effective Field Theory Dark Matter Search Using LUX Data Matthew Szydagis
2020AvishNathan XNumerical Study of Klebanov-Tarnopolsky  ModelsOleg Lunin
2020WalshJames L.X The Influence Network in 1 + 1 DimensionsKevin Knuth
2019ShresthaBhupalX Remote Sensing of Planetary Boundary Layer Height and Particulate Matter 2.5 in New York State Mesonet Network.Everette Joseph
2019LiQinglinX Microstate Geometries and Hidden Symmetries.Oleg Lunin
2019SwiftStewartX Measurement of b-quark Pair Production in Association with Z Bosons and Top Quarks with the ATLAS Detector.Vivek Jain
2018D'Brant Lianna  XImaging Approaches to Study Neuron and Astrocyte MorphologyAlex Khmaladze
2018Carter Jen X Estimation of Planetary Photometric Emissions of Extremely Close-in ExoplanetsKevin Knuth
2018Tian Jia X Black Hole Microstates and Integrable Deformation in String TheoryOleg Lunin
2018He Congxiao X Mesh and Diffraction-based X-ray Phase ImagingCarolyn MacDonald
2018Carado Bertrand  XTransits of Non-Spherical ExoplanetsKevin Knuth
2018Zhang Yanli X Carrier Scattering and Localization in nm-Thick Al/Ru, Al/Co, and Al/Mo SuperlatticesTS Kuan
2018Kim Jessica X Effects of Interface Scattering and Carrier Localization on Conductance of Cu-Based SuperlatticesTS Kuan
2018Vanselette Kevin X Inferential Design of Entropy and Its Application to Quantum MechanicsAriel Caticha
2018DiFranzoSusan X The Entropic Dynamics Approach to the Paradigmatic Quantum PhenomenaAriel Caticha
2018ChakrabortyTonmoyX Illumination Modulation for Improved Propagation-based Phase Imaging Jonathan Petruccelli
2017ChervonyiYuriX Hidden Symmetries in String TheoryOleg Lunin
2017Starr-BaierSean XCoherent Scatter and Grid-Based Phase Imaging for Materials DiscriminationCarolyn Macdonald
2017HaydenDanielle XMesh-Based Fourier Imaging for Biological and Security ApplicationsCarolyn Macdonald
2017YoungSteven XPhotometric Flux in EXONESTKevin Knuth
2016ChangYuan (Alex)X Thermal Transportability Based Gas Analysis Using Fiber Bragg Grating SensorsCarolyn MacDonald
2016GaiTony XBayesian Model Testing of Models for Ellipsoidal Variation on Stars Due to Hot Jupiters"Kevin Knuth
2016RichardsZachary XThe Detection and Characterization of Extrasolar PlanetsKevin Knuth
2016AkhterPerveenX Tailoring the Optical Properties of Silicon with Ion Beam Created Nanostructures for Advanced Photonics ApplicationsCarolyn Macdonald
2016BouffardJulianX A Tale of Two Searches with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron ColliderJain Vivek
2016MubeenMuhammad AsimX Bayesian Signal Detection and Source Separation in Simulated Brain Computer Interface SystemsKevin Knuth
2015LewkowiczJoseph XBlack Hole Microsctates in String TheoryOleg Lunin
2015RehmanMahboob XCoherent Scatter Imaging MeasurementCarolyn MacDonald
2015HassanLailaX A Coherent Scattering Imaging Monte Carlo SimulationCarolyn MacDonald
2015LewkowiczJoseph XBlack Hole Microsctates in String TheoryOleg Lunin
2015BashirSajidX Phase Imaging using Polycapillary OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2015HerrmannAshleyX Strain Relaxation in nm-thick Cu and Cu-alloy Films Bonded to a Rigid SubstrateT. S. Kuan
2015KanwalBushraX Phase Imaging Using X-Ray OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2015NeoriKlilX Identical Particles in Quantum Mechanics: Operational and Topological ConsiderationsPhilip Goyal
2014WrightMatthew XA Brownian Dynamics Approach to ESR Line Shape CalculationsKeith Earle
2014EdsonWilliamX Measurement of the ttbar Interaction Cross Section in the tau+jets Decay Channel via Multivariable Template Fitting of 4.6 fb-1 of data collected at √s = 7 TeV by the ATLAS DetectorSaj Alam
2014ParentiMathew XEnergy Dependence of Deuteron Induced Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections on Li, Be, B, C, N, O, and FWilliam Lanford
2014PlacekBenX EXONEST: A Bayesian Algorith for Detecting and Characterizing ExoplanetsKevin Knuth
2014KernKatie XCoherent Scatter Imaging for MammographyCarolyn MacDonald
2014NawazShahidX Momentum and Spin in Entropic Quantum DynamicsAriel Caticha
2014TseMan KitX Power Law Models of Stock IndicesKevin Knuth 
2014PeerzadaLubnaX Diffraction-Based Techniques for High Contrast X-Ray ImagingCarolyn MacDonald
2013TeebaRashidX Measurement of the Top Anti-Top Quark Pair Production Cross-section in the tau tau + jets Channel at sqrt{s}sqrt{s}=7 TeV Using ATLAS DetectorSajadj Alam
2013EichelbergerGregory X Ariel Caticha
2013NewshawBahreyniX A potential Framework for Emergent Space-Time Geometry from OrderKevin Knuth
2013ConlonPatrick XThe Potential for High Resolution Microscintigraphy Using Polycapillary OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2012HockKiel XInformation Theory Applied to Parameter Inference of the Nuclear Resonance Absorption Lineshape of a Hydrated CrystalKeith Earle
2012MeyerJoshua XConformal Field Theory and its Application to the Ising ModelOleg Lunin
2012AbbasHassanX Modeling of Megavoltage and Low Energy Focused X-ray Beams Using MCNP5Carolyn MacDonald
2012MahmoodHasanX Albany Particle Testing and Training Tower – A Prototype Particle Physics ExperimentM. Sajjad Alam
2012MalakarNabinX Autonomous Entropy-Based Intelligent Experimental DesignKevin Knuth
2012SchmitzRobertX Simulation of Polycapillary And Multichannel Plate X-ray OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2011JohnsonDavidX Generalized Galilean Transformations and the Measurement Problem in the Entropic Dynamics Approach to Quantum TheoryAriel Caticha
2011LaBarberaStephanieX Nucleation, Wetting and Agglomeration of Cu and Cu-Alloy Thin Films on Metal Liner SurfacesT. S. Kuan
2011WuZhiyuanX PVD Cu Trench-Fill by Viscous Flow at High TemperaturesTS Kuan
2011UnalSelim XSUSY Based Displaced Vertices in ATLAS ExperimentJesse Ernst
2010BaduShyamX First Principles Investigation of electronic Structures and Associated Energy and Wave Function Dependent Properties of Biological Systems:  deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Oxyhaemoglobin.Tara Das
2010NathanBrian XSpectral Analysis methods for Characterizing Organic Molecules in SpaceKevin Knuth
2010PinkRogerX The Energetic and Wavefunction Properties of Atomic, Molecular, and Solid State SystemsTara Das
2010ZhouWeiX Application of X-Ray Diffraction to Material Analysis and Medical ImagingCarolyn MacDonald
2009KristensenRyanX Application and Extension of Glauber Ising-spin Dynamics in the Context of a Single Chain Magnet SystemJohn Kimball
2009MahatoDipX X-Ray Diffraction-Based Electronic Structure Calculations And Experimental X-Ray Analysis For Medical And Materials ApplicationsCarolyn MacDonald
2009SahooSantosh  Doubly Curved Crystal Optics for Monochromatic and Diffraction Enhanced X-Ray ImagingCarolyn MacDonald
2008BingolbaliAyhanX Curved Crystal X-Ray Optics for Monochromatic Analysis and ImagingCarolyn MacDonald
2008CafaroCarloX The Information Geometry of ChaosAriel Caticha
2008DaltonStephenX Virial Coefficient Calculations for an Anyon Gas and a Quon gas, and an Anyonic Quon GasAkira Inomata
2008GiffinAdomX Maximum Entropy:  The Universal Method for InferenceAriel Caticha
2007LiuJianX Searching for Double Charm Baryon $\Xi_{ccd}\to \Lambda_{c} k \pi$ in the BABAR  ExperimentJesse Ernst
2007MuellerJustinX Effect Of Ultra-Thin Liner Materials on Copper Nucleation/Wetting and Copper Grain GrowthT.S. Kuan
2007PanBinX Search for Double Charmed Baryon $\Omega_ccs$Saj Alam
2006AhmedShamona  Study of Charmed Baryon $\Sigma_c$(2800) Production at the BaBar Experiment -2006Saj Alam
2006AliSaleemX Aspects of Nonlinear Conform-Affine Gravitational Gauge Field TheoryAkira Inomata
2006BulaRahmiX First Observation of an Exited Charm Baryon $\Omega^*_c$  decaying to $\Omega^0_c$ - Gamma at the BaBar ExperimentSaj Alam
2006FormicaSarahX Development of X-Ray Instrumentation for Characterizing Metastable Thin Film SemiconductorsSuzanne Lee
2006HornbeckMichaelX Effects of Line Width and Liner Material on the Resistivity and Grain Growth of Copper InterconnectsT.S. Kuan
2006HussainAbrarX Potential Applications of Polycapilary Optics to Polarized Beam X-ray Fluoresence AnalysisCarolyn MacDonald
2006LiDanhongX Monochromatic X-Ray Imaging with Polycapillary and Doubly-Curved Crystal OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2006SadiqMuhammadX Generalized Coherent States for Discrete And Continuous Dynamics and Their ApplicationsAkira Inomata
2006SiversNelson L.X Improving Confocal Microscopy With Solid-State Semiconductor Excitation SourcesSusanne Lee
2006ZainSamya B.X High Precision Measurements of the Mass, Intrinsic Width, Momentum Spectrum and the Branching Fractions of $Lambda_c(2880)+$ Decay Modes in the BaBar ExperimentSaj Alam
2005BaratNirmalayaX Primordial Magnetic Fields from the Variable Alpha TheoriesAkira Inomata
2004ThaikMyoX Generalized Coherent States and Quantum InformationAkira Inomata
2004JeongJunhoX First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Structures and Properties of Impurities in Molecular Solids and Semiconductors: I. Muon and Muonium in Organic Ferromagnets II. Erbium in Silicon - Optoelectronic SystemT.P. Das
2004PatelZubinX Growth and Characterization of High Dielectric Constant Material for Nanoscale Device ApplicationsH. Bakhu
2004ScheicherRalphX The Role of Impurities in Molecular Solids and Siological Materials. First Principles Study of: I. Helium in Solid Hydrogen as an Obstacle for Efficiency of Muon Catalyzed Fusion, and II. Muon and Muonium in Proteins and DNA as Probes for Electron TransportT.P. Das
2004TsengChih-YuanX The Maximum Entropy Method in Statistical Physics: An Alternate Approach to the Theory of Simple FluidsAriel Caticha
2003BianZailongX Integration and Compatibility Studies of SiLKTM Low-K Polymer Dielectrics with TA-Based Diffusion Barrier/Adhesion Promoter FilmsAlain Kaloyeros
2003LaBrakeScott M.X Glass Capillary X-Ray WaveguidesAriel Caticha
2003LaneSarahX Copper Diffusion Barrier Performance of Tantalum Nitride Films Deposited by the Chemical Vapor Deposition TechniqueAlain Kaloyeros
2003MailNoorX Monochromatic Beam Application in Medical Imaging and Materials AnalysisCarolyn MacDonald
2003PadiyarSumantX Integration of Amorphous Tantalum Silicon Nitride (TaSiN) Films as Diffusion Barriers in a Cu/SiLKTM Metallization SchemeRobert Geer
2003RenXiaotangX Ion Beam Study of Co-Doped Impurity Effects on Lattice Locations of Er in Si:ErMengbing Huang
2002KumarKaushikX The triangular voltage sweep method as a performance metric for diffusion barrier evaluation in copper metallizationAlain Kaloyeros
2002AnjumDalaver H.X Low Temperature Thermal CVD TiSiN Diffusion Barrier Films for Copper Interconnect ApplicationsSerge Oktyabrsky, Alain Kaloyeros
2002GrunowStephen  X Electrochemical Deposition of Copper for Gigascale Interconnect TechnologiesAlain Kaloyeros
2002SugiroFrancisca R.X Monochromatic Imaging Using Collimating Polycapillary X-Ray OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
2001AtharSyed BasitX Observation of Charmed Strange $\Omega^0_c$ Baryon in e+e- Collisions and First Observation of Charmed Strange Baryons $\theta^{+'}_c (c{s,u})$ and $\theta^{0'}_c (c{s,d})$M. Sajjad Alam
2001BarthKarl W.X Chemical Vapor Deposition of Cerium and Copper-Doped Strontium Sulfide for Applications in Thin Film Electroluminescent DevicesAlain Kaloyeros
2001Cari X Polycapillary X-ray Optics for Medical Imaging ApplicationsCarolyn MacDonald
2001HuangHuapengX Low Power Protein and Powder Crystallography Using Polycapillary OpticsWalter Gibson, Carolyn MacDonald
2001TopolAnna W.X Microstructure and Electroluminescent Performance of Chemical Vapor Deposited Zinc Sulfide Doped with Manganese Films for Integration in Thin Film Electroluminescent DevicesAlain Kaloyeros
2001WicklandHeidi L.X Integration of Polytetrafluoroethylene Low-k Dielectric Material in a Chemical Vapor Deposited Aluminum Metallization SchemeAlain Kaloyeros
2000BedellStephen W.X Blistering and Layer Transfer of Hydrogen Implanted CrystalsWilliam Lanford
2000HofmannFrank AX Polycapillary X-ray Optics for Macromolecular CrystallographyCarolyn MacDonald
2000IvanovaAna R.X The Mechanisms of Formation of Epitaxial Cobalt Silicide from Chemical Vapor Deposited Cobalt for Microelectronics ApplicationsAlain Kaloyeros
2000LauJanice E.X Structural and Compositional Investigations of Strontium Sulfide Based Phosphors for Thin Film Electroluminescent Display ApplicationsAlain Kaloyeros
2000LovelaceBrianX Microbeam Elastic Recoil Detection of Hydrogen and Deuterium with Applications in Transition MetalsRaymond Benenson
2000MirzaJawid M.X Processing and Performance of Reactively Sputtered Titanium Silicone Nitride Liners in Copper MetallizationAlain Kaloyeros
2000SutterEricX The Theory of Kossel LinesAriel Caticha
2000TaleviRobertX Development of an Al/0.5 wt. % Cu all-CVD Process with Results of Integration with Benzocylobutene (BCB) for the 0.25 mm Generation and BeyondAlain Kaloyeros
2000WapplerFrank ReinerX Measurement of Inclusive Production of A+c and Ec Baryons in B DecaysM. Sajjad Alam
2000Zambianchi Jr.PedroX The Asymptotic Reciprocity Theorem in X-Ray ScatteringAriel Caticha
2000ZhuLiX An Analysis of Observation and GCM Simulations on Seasonal Cycle of Monsoon Climate in Southeast Asia and Tibet PlateauWei-Chyung Wang
1999Barcomb Jr.Francois JosephX Wave Guides for X-rays and Neutrons: A Scalar ModelAriel Caticha
1999DoemlingMarcus F.X Investigation of Plasma Etching Processes in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactor and Development of a Low Energy Ion Beam SystemGottlieb Oehrlein
1999HernandezJoseph L.X Process and Mechanistic Studies of the Patterning of Al and Cu Thin Films for Multi-Level Metallization Structures by Chemical-Mechanical PlanarizationGottlieb Oehrlein
1999KastenmeierBernd E.X Remote Plasma Processing of Thin Film MaterialsGottlieb Oehrlein
1999KelseyJean E.X Chemical Vapor Deposition of Amorphous Tungsten Nitride for Applications in Ultra-large Scale Interconnect TechnologiesAlain Kaloyeros
1999MatsuoPeter J.X Plasma-Based Cleaning and Stripping for Semiconductor ApplicationsGottlieb Oehrlein
1999PujariMinakhiX First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Structure and Hyperfine Properties of Heme and Nitrosyl-Hemoglobin SystemsT.P. Das
1999SchaepkensMarcX Inductively Coupled Fluorocarbon Plasma ProcessingGottlieb Oehrlein
1999ShekhtmanAlexanderX Heteronuclear NMR and Biochemical Studies of Archaeoglobus fulgidus Endonuclease III-DNA ComplexDr. Baxter, Dr. Cunningham
1999StandaertTheodorus E.F.M.X Mechanistic Studies on Plasma-based Patterning of Advanced Dielectric MaterialsGottlieb Oehrlein
1999WangHuiX Analysis and Measurement of Polycapillary X-Ray Collimating Lenses for Medical ImagingCarolyn MacDonald, Walter Gibson
1998AlibertiKeith M.X The Theory of X-ray and Neutron Fabry-Perot InterferometersAriel Caticha
1998GoldbergCindy K.X Study of the Mechanisms of Silicidation from Inorganic Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposited Titanium FilmsAlain Kaloyeros
1998GopalakrishnanGowriX Theoretical Investigation of Hyperfine Fields in Fluoromethanes and Transition Metal OxidesT.P. Das
1998GubarevMikhail V.X Experimental Study of Polycapillary Optics for Hard X-ray ApplicationsWalter Gibson
1998KnorrAndreas H.X Studies of Gas Phase Reactions, Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Plasma Promoted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aluminum Using Demethylethylamine Alane as Source PrecursorAlain Kaloyeros
1998LouIshingX In-site Study of Key Material and process Reliability Issues in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of CopperAlain Kaloyeros
1998MahmoodAkhtar H.X Observation of Several New Charmed Strange Baryon States at CESR-CLEO IIM. Sajjad Alam
1998PatiRanjitX Theory of Electronic Structures and Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Molecular Solids and Semiconductor SurfacesT.P. Das
1998RuegerNeal R.X Studies of the Effects of Fluorocarbon Depostiion and Etching on Silicon and Silicon Dioxide Etching Processes Using CHF3 in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactor and the Development of a Reactive Ion Beam System for the Study of Plasma-Surface Interaction MechanismsGottlieb Oehrlein
1998RussellChristine H.X Polycapillary X-Ray Optics for Hard X-Ray AstronomyWalter Gibson
1997BraeckelmannGregorX Adhesion Reliability in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Copper for Ultra-Large Scale Integration Applications: Mechanisms and SolutionsAlain Kaloyeros
1997FaltermeierCherylX The Inorganic Route to the Low Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition of TiN for Ultra Large Scale Integration Technologies: Process and Material Development and CharacterizationAlain Kaloyeros
1997FaltermeierJohnathanX Study of the Mechanisms and Development of Biased, Plasma-Promoted Chemical Vapor Deposition for Aluminum InterconnectsAlain Kaloyeros
1997GaoNingX Capillary Optics and Their Applications in X-ray MicroanalysisWalter Gibson
1997JosephEveretteX Development and Application of an Interactive Cirrus Cloud Radiative Parameterization for Global Climate ModelsWei-Chyung Wang
1997LingZhichaoX Study of Inclusive B decays to Hyperons Using the CLEO-II Detector at CESRM. Sajjad Alam
1997OwensScott M.X Development of Polycapillary X-ray Optics for Macromolecular CrystallographyWalter Gibson
1997SeveriniHorstX Measurement of Inclusive B Decays to the Charmed Strange Baryons [I]0c and [I]+cM. Sajjad Alam
1997WangLeiX Polycapillary Optics for Hard X-RaysCarolyn MacDonald, Walter Gibson
1996CummingsKarenX The Effects of Relative Humidity and Airborne Pollutants on the Reaction Between Water and Glass: Applications to Historic Stained Glass WindowsWalter Gibson
1996KlotzkoIraX Investigation of Glass Polycapillaries for Use in Proximity X-ray LithographyWalter Gibson
1996LinSihanX Designing, Testing and Calibrating of a New Instrument to Measure Fluorescent Particles and Laboratory Preparation for Scaveging ExperimentsWalter Gibson
1996RaoSangeetha B.X Thermal Denaturation of Tissues - Quantification Using Magnetic Resonance ImagingWalter Gibson
1996RaoVibhaX Structure and Function of Endo-b-N-acetylglucosaminidase HAriel Caticha
1996WangWeiX Cu(Al, Mg, and Ta) Bilayer and Alloy Metallization for ULSIWilliam Lanford
1995D'SouzaMarkX Part I: Quantum Manifestations of Classical Chaos in the Kicked Harper Model, Part II: Coherent Backscattering of a Scalar Wave Off a Rough SurfaceJohn Kimball
1995EisenbraunEric T.X The Physical Mechanisms of Hydrogen Interactions in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of CopperAlain Kaloyeros
1995Kardiawarman X Multi-Fiber Polycapillary-Based X-ray Collimating Lens for X-ray DiffractionWalter Gibson
1995KuhnPeterX Structure and Function of PNGase FAriel Caticha
1995MasonDevon B.X Theory of the Reflection of X-rays by Multilayered Structures with Diffuse InterfacesAriel Caticha
1995NunesStacie SwingleX First Principles Investigation of Electronic Structure and Associated Hyperfine Properties of Fluorine Nuclei in Molecular, Elemental Semiconductor and Graphite Systems 
1995O'NeillJohn JosephX Observation of Exclusive B Meson Decays to Final States Containing Charmed BaryonM. Sajjad Alam
1995OwusuAlfredX Investigation of Hyperfine Properties of Alkali-like Atoms and Ions with First-Principle Incorporation of Relativistic and Many-Body EffectsT.P. Das
1995RathBimal K.X Radiation Effects in Polycapillary X-Ray OpticsCarolyn MacDonald
1995UllrichJohannes B.X Studies of Monolithic Capillary Optics for Small Sample CrystallographyWalter Gibson
1995YuanXingX Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory Investigation of Properties of Atomic Systems with Single Valence ElectronT.P. Das
1994AbreuCarmen CelesteX Investigation of Capillary X-ray Optics for Potential Use in MammographyCarolyn MacDonald
1994BittelDavid G.X X-ray Reflection From Thin Films with Rough Surfaces: Application to Kumakhov OpticsJohn Kimball
1994DingPei-JunX Aspects of ULSI Metallization Copper Passivation and Interdiffusion on Al with Transition MetalsWilliam Lanford
1994HomanBarrie E.X Picosecond Time Resolved Phase Transitions in Silicon and Gold 
1994LiuYuX Electron Tomography of Biological Objects: A Study of the Tilt Series Alignment and the POCS Restoration of the Degraded ImageJoachim Frank
1994ShaoLingX Biophysical Studies of the Conformational and Functional States of the Mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent-Anion(Selective)-ChannelCarmen Mannella
1994ZhengBoX In-Situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy Studies of Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Copper for Computer Chip MetallizationAlain Kaloyeros
1994ZoellerMichael ManfredX Inclusive Charmed Baryon A+c and Ec Production in B Meson DecaysM. Sajjad Alam
1993BarberChristopher J.X An Investigation of the Gettering Properties of Silicon-Germanium and Silicon-Carbon CompoundsJames Corbett
1993DoxtaderPatricia D.X Ionization Cross-Section and Kb/Ka Ratios for the First Transition Series Elements and CompoundsHassaram Bakhru
1993KorpasLeventeX Theoretical Studies on Multiple Hydrogen Trapping at Shallow Dopants in SiliconJames Corbett
1993LiuJunX Studies on Hydrogen Aggregation Phenomena in Semiconductor SiliconJames Corbett
1993SchneiderScott DudleyX Chaos in a Water DropJohn Kimball
1993ShepardCarlton L.X Diffusion Studies of Metallizations for Contacts and Interconnects in Microelectronics - Platinum Silicide and CopperWilliam Lanford
1992CaiJun-MingX New Path Integration Techniques and Their ApplicationsAkira Inomata
1992ChenDongX The Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of Sigma Plus Using Channeling in Bent CrystalsC.R. Sun
1992ChenLingX High Temperature Superconductivity in the Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide System: Thin Film Growth, Grain Boundary Effects and Interlayer Coupling MechanismsAlain Kaloyeros
1992DavisJohn B.X Helium Microbeam Mixing of BilayersRaymond Benenson
1992FengAiguoX Growth and Characterization of High-TC Y1Ba2Cu3O7-X Superconducting Thin Films by Chemical Vapor DepositionWalter Gibson
1992HasebeMasamiX Oxygen Precipitation Behavior in C2-Si WafersJames Corbett
1992KayedMohammad A.X Photoionization and Photoemission by the Standing-Wave Intensity of Dynamical X-ray DiffractionWalter Gibson
1992LanniThomasX Developing a Diode Array Spectrometer for Tropospheric Chemistry StudiesKenneth Demerjian
1992LiuWeipingX 3-D Variance of Weighted Back-Projection ReconstructionJoachim Frank
1992Suparmi X Semi-Classical Quantization Rules in Supersymmetric Quantum MechanicsAkira Inomata
1992TanXiaolingX Manganese in Animals and in Plants: Pyruvate Kinase, Photosystem II and their Model Compounds Studied by Magnetic ResonanceCharles Scholes
1992WangPeiningX Charmed Baryon Ac and Ec Production at (square root) s = 10GeV and Their DecaysC.R. Sun
1992YuanJian-ZhongX Study of Surface-Process-Induced Stress in Semiconductor SiliconJames Corbett
1992ZhangNengyuX A New Method of 3D Reconstruction and Restoration in Electron Microscopy: Least Squares Method Combined with Projection onto Convex Sets (LSPOCS)Joachim Frank
1991DoughertyRandyX Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory of Hyperfine Interactions in Atomic Systems with a Single Valence Shell ElectronT.P. Das
1991GuoXiaoweiX Electron Microscopic Studies of 2D Membrane Crystals of Mitochondrial Channel, VDACCarmen Mannella
1991OrtizCarlos RafaelX Hydrogen Defect Studies in Crystalline Silicone Using a Semiempirical Quantum Chemical MethodJames Corbett
1991PanigrahySurya NarayanX The Relativistic Study of Hyperfine Interctions in Ionic SystemsT.P. Das
1991RomeroVan D.X Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant as at 10 GeVM. Sajjad Alam and C.R. Sun
1991ZhangYingX Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Related Defects in SiliconJames Corbett
1990GuoXin ShengX Studies of the Effects of Side Wals on VLSI Semiconductor DevicesWilliam Lanford
1990JonesPhillip LawrenceX An Investigation into the Etching Behavior of Silicon and Germanium in SF6-based, Dry Etching PlasmasJames Corbett
1990LiWei-ChuanX Measurement of B Meson Decay by Partial ReconstructionC.R. Sun, M. Sajjad Alam
1990LiuYajunX Magnetic Resonance of Mitochondrial Quinone and of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Compound I and Its Site-Directed MutantsCharles Scholes
1990LuoLiX Investigation of B-doped Si(III) Surface Structure and Metal Silicide Interface FormationWalter Gibson
1990DanieleCherniakX A Particle Accelerator Based Study of Major and Trace Element Diffusion in Minerals 
1989AngellDavidX Charge Collection Ion MicroscopyBruce Marsh
1989BerningPaul ReidX Particle Accelerator Based Studies of Electromigration and High TC SuperconductorsRaymond Benenson
1989Carpio-BernidoM. VictoriaX Path Integral Approach to New Exactly Solvable Systems Without Spherical SymmetryAkira Inomata
1989Diaz de la RubiaTomasX The Structure and Dynamics of Energetic Displacement Cascades in Cu and Ni. A Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation StudyR.S. Averback
1989LouXinchouX Baryon Production in B Meson DecayC.R. Sun, M. Sajjad Alam
1988FanChaoliangX EPR and Endor Studies of Bioenergetic ProteinsCharles Scholes
1988FusinaRobert A.X Resonant Excitations of High Energy Nuclei and Production of Coherent Radiation in Aligned Crystal TargetsJohn Kimball
1988HuangKe-gangX Application of Synchrotron X-ray Standing Waves in Surface and Interface StudiesWalter Gibson
1988MohabatraShashadhar MedinissinghX Application of Hartree-Fock Cluster Procedure for Study of Surface-Absorbed Atoms in Semiconductors and Muonium in CompoundsT.P. Das
1987Dell'AquilaJoseph R.X Tests for Parity and Charge Conjugation-Parity Symmetries of Particles by Sequential Decay ModesCharles Nelson
1987HasbunJavier ErnestoX Study of Local Environment Effects in AlloysLaura Roth
1987HornKevin MichaelX Application of the p(15N,at) 12C Nuclear Reacion to the Study of the Bond Energy and Direction of Bound HydrogenWilliam Lanford
1987RoyJitendra NathX Ab Initio Investigation of Electronic Structures and Associated Magnetic and Hyperfine Properties of Hemoglobin DerivativesT.P. Das
1987TanikellaViswanathX Charmed Meson Production in Electron-Positron Annihilation Around 10.5 GeVC.R. Sun, M. Sajjad Alam
1987ThundatThomas G.X Structural Investigations of Chemically and Electrochemically Deposited Metals on Silicon and Germanium SurfacesWalter Gibson
1986BorensteinJeffrey TheodoreX Studies of Thermal Donors and Oter Defects in SiliconJames Corbett
1986FessehaSolomonX K Shell Ionization Cross Sections for Z=22 to Z=29 by Simultaneous Measurement of RBS and PIXE Using a 2 MeV Helium MicrobeamHassaram Bakhru
1986HaoYou GongX Silicon and Germanium (III) Surface ReconstructionLaura Roth
1986SgangaAnthony GerardX Study of Hydrogen Diffusion in Crystalline SiliconJames Corbett
1986WangPaul WeilyX Studies of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Iron Defects in SiliconJames Corbett
1985DevBhupendra N.X Structural Studies of Chemisorption on Silicon SurfacesWalter Gibson
1985JinHan-shengX The Applications of Channeling (Conventional and Transmission) in Surface and Interface StudiesWalter Gibson
1985PakHaeyongX Structural Ordering in Two Dimensions and Models of Ionic Transport: Application to Superionic ConductorsJohn Kimball
1985WijayawardanaRanjith LaxmanX Application of a Crystal Septum to Replace a Magnet in a Charged Particle Beam and Study of Dechanneling and Feeding-In Effects in a Single Silicon CrystalC.R. Sun
1984GossmannHans-Joachim L.X Investigation of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces by High Energy Ion Channeling: GaAs (110) and the SiGe SystemWalter Gibson
1984PisharodyMohananX Radiation from Multi-GeV Positrons Channelled in DiamondC.R. Sun
1983LeiberichAndreasX Hydrogen Concentration Depth Profiles and Superconductivity in the Palladium Copper Hydride SystemW. Scholz
1983PrahJoseph HenryX Solar Cell Fabrication Studies Pertinent to Developing CountriesJames Corbett
1983VozzoFrank R.X Preferential Sputtering and Redistribution in Ion-Implanted Binary Metallic Alloys: Comparisons Between Linear and Non-Linear Cascade EffectsG. William Reynolds
1983WongRonaldX Pion Interference Correlations in Pion-Nucleus Collisions at 10.5 GeV/cC.R. Sun
1982BedzykMichael J.X X-ray Standing Wave Analysis for Bromine Chemisorbed on SiliconWalter Gibson
1982HoRoger Chung ChorX Path Integral Analysis of the Hydrogen AtomAkira Inomata
1982BernidoChristopher CasenasX Geometric Gauge Unification of the Four Fundamental Interactions of Elementary ParticlesAkira Inomata
1982SahuSatya NarayanX Defects Studies in SemiconductorsJames Corbett
1982SalmanSalman M.X Deflections on High Energy Channeled Charged Particles by Elastically Bent Silicon Single CrystalsWalter Gibson
1982St. PetersMargaretX A Muffin-Tin Model Calculation of the Electronic Density of States of Liquid Copper in the Ishida-Yonezawa ApproximationLaura Roth
1981Karins Jr.James P.X Defects in SemiconductorsJames Corbett
1981KleinhenzRichard L.X A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Hydrogen- and High-Temperature-Related Defects in SiliconJames Corbett
1981MallickMahendra K.X Electronic Properties of Some Two Dimensional and Quasi-Two Dimensional SystemsS.T. Chui
1981OehrleinGottlieb S.X A Study of Defect-Interactions in Silicon Containing OxygenJames Corbett
1981PatelKshyamasilX Spin Waves in Mixed Magnetic AlloysLaura Roth
1981SommermannH. MichaelX On the Evaluation of Folded Diagram Effective Interactions and the Microscopic Calculation of Dynamical Effects in Finite NucleiKeith Ratcliff
1981WilliamsGeorge O.X Phase Diagrams of Two-Dimensional Lattice Spin ModelsHarry L. Frisch
1980BurmanChandra MohanX Lifetime Measurements of Some Excited States of 33S, 38Ar, 41K, and the First Excited State of 30P Using Doppler Shift Attenuation MethodHassaram Bakhru
1980Ochadlick Jr.Andrew R.X A Pulsed NMR Study of Proton Dynamics in Ammonium Beta and Ammonium-Hydronium Beta" AluminaHarold Story
1980PattnaikPratapX Electromagnetic Properties of Alkali MetalsT.P. Das
1980RaghunathanKrishnaswamyX Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory - Application to Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters of Atoms and Ions with Half-Filled ShellsT.P. Das
1980RichardsonMartin BrianX Neutron Star Evolutionary SequencesHugh Van Horn, Keith Ratcliff
1979GerryChristopherX Electromagnetic Interactions in Relativistic Infinite Component Wave EquationsAkira Inomata
1979MunSeong KiX Theory of Electronic Structures of Hemoglobin and Carbonic AnhydraseT.P. Das
1978DellRobertX Resonant Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation from Non-Spherical Optically Anisotropic Targets with Axial SymmetryE. Reilly Jr.
1978SinghVijay AwadeshX The Electronic Structure of Strongly Scattering Liquid and Amorphous Metals in the Muffin-Tin ModelLaura Roth
1978TavelJudith FibkinsX Statistical Properties of Particles Confined by Irregular SurfacesNorbert Rosenzweig, Keith Ratcliff
1977DutkiewiczVincent A.X High Resolution Study of X-rays Emitted from Gas Targets in Near Symmetric Collisions (Z~8)Nelson Cue
1977GoebelRonald WilliamX Optical Heterodyne Measurement of Non-Coherent Sources in the VisibleDonald Schmalberger
1976BokhareeSaeed A.X Proton Resonance Spectroscopy in 6129Cu and 6329Cu And Correlation Studies of Primary n-waves in s-wave Resonance Proton CaptureJ. B. Garg
1976MargolisDouglas PriceX Electromagnetic Scattering by Finite Conducting Circular CylindersC. L. Andrews
1976RelyeaLawrence J.X An Analysis of uvby Photometry and Electrographic vby Photometry of M15 and M71A.G. Davis Philip
1975MarguglioJack J.X Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Cr3+ Pairs in MgOY.M. Kim
1975PandeyMadhu SudanX Study of High Resolution Neutron Total and Capture Cross-Sections in Separated Isotopes of Copper (63, 6529Cu)J. B. Garg
1975RaySurendra NathX Study of Properties of Transition Metal Atoms and Ions by Many-Body Perturbation TheoryT.P. Das
1975SextonEarl H.X Measurement of the Polarization of Neutrons from (p,n) Reactions at Isobaric Analogue ResonancesRaymond Benenson
1975TrinkalaMichael JamesX Monopoles-Gravity: A Symmetry ApproachAkira Inomata
1974ChungIntaikX Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Sodium Beta-AluminaHarold Story
1974FriedlJohannaX Strong Gravity Theory of HadronsAkira Inomata
1974ParkYong KyuX X-Ray Production and Ionization of Inner Shells by MeV ElectronsW. Scholz
1974SlavikCharles JosephX Development and Application of C. Bloch's Theory of Nuclear Level DensityNorbert Rosenzweig
1974WoodsRichard ThomasX The Nature of Low-Energy Interplanetary Heavy Nuclei Down to Energies of 50 KeV/Amu From an Analysis of Solid State Etched-Track Detectors From the Surveyor III Spacecraft and the Apollo 16 and 17 Cosmic Ray ExperimentsC.R. Sun
1973ArtzBruce ElliotX A Study of Long Range Order in Iron - 12.5 at % Silicon AlloysHenry Chessin
1973CarpenterClinton RayX Electromagnetic Diffraction by a Thin Conducting Disk on the Shadow Side in the Near RegionC. L. Andrews
1973KotmelAllan VincentX The Crystal Structure of Calcium-Deficient Chlorapatite 
1973Okon IIOkokon BasseyX Investigations in Radiative Alpha Capture in Si29, Mg26, P31, Cl35, and Cl37Hassaram Bakhru
1972BakesigakiAzariahX Hadrons as Composites of Magnetically Charged ParticlesAkira Inomata
1972BrosiousPaul R.X Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigations of Radiation Effects in DiamondJames Corbett
1972JonesAllenX A Pulsar Model Based Upon the Transition to Triplanar Symmetry of a Rapidly Rotating MagnetosphereStephan Temesvary
1972KrinskyBarnetX Angular Distributions of p + d -> p- + p+ + (n) at Incident Momenta Below 400 MeV/cC.R. Sun
1972LeeYoung-HoonX Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies in Neutron-Irradiated SiliconJames Corbett
1972RexfordDonald G.X Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Transition Metal Ions in LiNbO3Y.M. Kim
1972SeeleyWilliam G.X Photon Induced Current and Potential Changes in Field Effect TransitionsKurt Lehovec
1972ShawJohn StuartX Lebedev Transform Calculations of Electromagnetic Scattering from Conducting and Dielectric Infinite WedgesJack Smith
1972SidneyDavid JohnX A Study of Lattice Vibrations Through the Temperature Dependences of X-Ray Debye Temperatures for Gold and Silver 
1972StrnisaFred V.X Measurement of the Sign of the g-Tensor of Impurity and Radiation Induced Spin Resonance Centers in Silicon and DiamondJames Corbett
1971BaileyWilliam CharlesX Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Ferroelectric Ammonium AlumsHarold Story
1971LinLuX Spin-Dependent Surface-Delta Interaction for Collective Vibrational Nuclear Structure in Double-Open-Shell Even-Even NucleiAmit Goswami
1971SinghUdit NarainX High-Resolution Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy in the KeV Region: F, Mg, Al, S, Cl, K and CaJ. B. Garg
1970WolfFrederick JamesX Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Oxygen Octahedra FerroelectricsDavid Kline, Harold Story
1969PeakDavidX Foundations of Gauge TheoryAkira Inomata
1969RimawiKarimX s-wave and p-wave Resonance Neutron Capture in Zr91, Nb93, and Rh103J. B. Garg