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Landscape image of factory smokestacks in the background and a busy multi-lane highway in the foreground. The top layer of the sky is blue; the layer closer to the ground is cloudy with a light haze.
School of Public Health Research Explores Air Pollution, Built Environment and Early Cardiovascular Disease
The work highlights how early and prolonged air pollution exposure and features of the built environment exacerbate risk
A man with short gray hair and sunglasses poses next to solar panels on the UAlbany campus on a blue-sky day.
Noteworthy: Research grants, awards and publications
ALBANY, N.Y. (June 27, 2023) — The latest developments on University at Albany faculty and staff who are receiving research grants, awards and other noteworthy attention.
Contrails cover a blue sky above UAlbany's Uptown Campus.
UAlbany Atmospheric Scientist Partners with GE to Help Build More Sustainable Aviation
Fangqun Yu, a senior researcher at the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, is working with a team at GE Research that is developing next-generation combustion engines fueled by hydrogen.
Gov. Kathy Hochul points at an air quality monitoring screen inside the NYS Mesonet operations center at ETEC.
New Yorkers Turn to UAlbany Research, Expertise for Insight on Dangerous Air Quality
The eastern United States experienced its worst air pollution in recent recorded history last week. When New Yorkers needed answers, they turned to the University at Albany.
An orange-colored, smoky haze covers the sky above UAlbany's Uptown Campus.
Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality: A Q&A with Jim Schwab 
Jim Schwab, senior research faculty emeritus, has studied atmospheric chemistry and air pollution for more than 30 years at UAlbany.
UAlbany faculty experts meet with a Ukrainian delegation at ETEC.
Capital Region Exchange Program Connects UAlbany Experts with International Delegates
The University is partnering with the International Center of the Capital Region to host delegations from all over the world.
Graphic of faculty featured during University at Albany week on Academic Minute.
‘University at Albany Week’ Airs on WAMC’s The Academic Minute
The Academic Minute airs on 70 NPR-affiliated stations in the United States and Canada and is shared online via Inside Higher Education.