Asia Experts

Angie Chung
Department of Sociology, Department of East Asian Studies
Areas of expertise: Immigration, Asian Americans/ Korean Americans, Race and ethnicity, Community and urban sociology, Gender and family
A Dai Photo Feb 2022
Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
Distinguished Professor
Areas of expertise: Climate variability and change, Precipitation variability, Global water cycle, Drought, Global and regional climate change
Susanna Fessler
Department of East Asian Studies
Professor of Japanese Studies
Areas of expertise: Japanese literature and culture of the modern era
A portrait of Akiko Hosler.
College of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director
Areas of expertise: Diabetes, Obesity, Smoking, Nutrition, Japan
Youqin Huang
Provost's Office, Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Success; Professor
Areas of expertise: Low-income housing, Housing inequality, Residential segregation in China, Migration, Mobility and urbanization in China