Bonnie Byrd, MA 2014
Department of History
“I returned to graduate school after five years of working professionally in museums. The Public History program allowed me the chance to acquire new skill-sets and appreciations for what public history is and the modes in which it is practiced. Classes allowed a diversity of study depending on personal and professional interests. I was challenged to negotiate the myriad ways in which scholarship, curation, and administration of public history institutions intersect to present the historic narratives of constituent audiences. One of my greatest joys was how the department fostered the creation of professional relationships in this academic setting, leaving graduates with a network of support and resources to call back upon. Without the insights and knowledge I acquired in the program I would not have achieved the position I hold today: the Curator of Collections and Exhibits at a regional historical society.” –Bonnie Byrd
Bonnie Byrd completed an M.A. in Public History in fall 2014.