Epidemiology Courses

Epi 501 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology I (3)

Introduction to epidemiology for students majoring in any aspect of public health; covers the principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation including describing the patterns of illness in populations and research designs for investigating the etiology of disease. Introduces quantitative measures to determine risk, association and procedures for standardization of rates.

Epi 502 (Ant 517) Principles and Methods of Epidemiology II (3)

Application of basic principles and methods (as covered in Epi 501 and Sta 552) in the design and conduct of epidemiologic studies. Topics include the development of research questions; overview of epidemiologic study designs; sampling, sample size, and selection bias; techniques for data collection, sources of secondary data, and the evaluation of measurement and information bias; confounding and effect modification; techniques for simple and stratified analyses; and an introduction to mathematical modeling in epidemiology. Prerequisite(s): Epi 501, Epi 552/Sta 552.

Epi 503 Principles of Public Health (3)

Public health seeks to prevent disease, prolong life and promote heath through organized efforts of society. Public health promotes and protects people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. In this course, students will study and explain: the history of public health; public health values; core functions and essential services of public health; public health tools including qualitative and quantitative tools; and biologic; environmental; social and structural factors that affect human health. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of these topics through a diverse set of assessment methods.

Epi 512 Topics in Infectious Disease Epidemiology (1-3)

Selected topics in the area of infectious disease control. When the course is offered, the department will announce the credit hours in advance of preregistration. This course is not acceptable for the satisfaction of core requirements for graduate degree students, unless the student's advisor determines special circumstances. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor (previous course in biology and introductory epidemiology would be helpful).

Epi 513 Topics in Injury Control Epidemiology (1-3)

Selected topics in the area of epidemiological approaches to injury control. When the course is offered, credit hours will be announced by the department in advance of preregistration. This course is not acceptable for the satisfaction of core requirements for graduate degree students, unless the student's advisor determines special circumstances. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Epi 514 (Hpm 514) Computer Programming for Data Management and Analysis in Public Health (3)

The courses covers a major statistical computer program (e.g. SAS) used for the management, analysis and reporting of public health data. Topics include, how to access data stored in a variety of formats; techniques for identifying errors and outlies in data sets; combining data from multiple sources into a single data file; calculating statistical and epidemiologic measures; and report writing.

Epi 544 (Ehs 544) Applied Epidemiology (3)

Greater emphasis on practical application of epidemiologic concepts, methods and unique skills, including preparing report, paper, and grant application, presentation, design/methods selection, abstract preparation, interpreting epidemiologic evidence, effective communication, quality assurance technique, data collection technique, human subject issues, leadership, and project management, which are demanded by public health job market.

Epi 551 Basic Principles of Statistical Inference (3)

General introduction to statistical methods used in the health sciences including basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Computing is introduced and used throughout the course. Sta 551 satisfies the core requirement for statistics for students not planning to take HEpi/HSta 553.

Epi 552 (Sta 552) Principles of Statistical Inference I (3)

General introduction to statistical methods used in the health sciences, including descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, analysis of contingency tables, non-parametric statistics, and a basic overview of correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and linear regression. Computing will be introduced and used throughout the course. Students who have received credit for Epi 551 cannot receive credit for this course.

Epi 553 (Sta 553) Principles of Statistical Inference II (3)

Continuation of Epi 552. Topics will include correlation, regression, analysis of contingency tables and non-parametric statistics. Computing will be used throughout the course. Epi 552 and Epi 553 will satisfy the core requirement in statistics for programs in the School of Public Health. Prerequisite: Epi 552.

Epi 561 Communication, Conflict Negotiation & Resolution (1)

Topics will include skills that facilitate interpersonal and group functioning and cooperation, and include active listening, effective use of non-verbal communication, preserving neutrality, dealing with power imbalances, dealing with strong emotions, reframing, distinguishing issues and positions, effective scientific to lay-public communication and problem solving. Presentation and assigned reading materials will be supplemented by in-class opportunities for students to role-play various scenarios.

Epi 562 Topics in Participatory Action Research: Multi-Party Forums and Decision Making (1)

This course is in response to an increasing emphasis on university-community partnerships & provides students w/training & field practice in interdisciplinary & collaborative research methodology. This course does not overlap w/existing courses. This course provides training in interpersonal communication & negotiation skills & group mediation/facilitation skills important to the practice of public health as well as many other disciplines.

Epi 601 General Topics in Epidemiologic Methods (3)

Examination of recent ideas and unresolved controversies regarding fundamental principles of epidemiologic measures and study design. Topics include causality, epidemiologic measures, standardization, interaction between causes, matching, and the basis for improving the validity and precision of epidemiologic research. Prerequisites: Epi 501, 502, Sta 552, and Sta 553.

Epi 602 Master's Seminar in Epidemiology (1)

A seminar in which the knowledge and skills acquired during the master's program are integrated in the examination of a single, semester-long topic. Historical, biological and public health policy perspectives are included with discussion of epidemiologic issues. Prerequisites: Epi 501, 502, Sta 552, 553.

Epi 603 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3)

Presentation of the epidemiologic concepts and methods appropriate to the study of chronic (mostly non-infectious) diseases and diseases of unknown etiology. Approaches and problems in descriptive, analytic, and experimental (controlled trials) epidemiology will be compared with those for the acute infectious diseases. Discussion of the epidemiologic, etiologic, pathophysiologic and clinical features of some of the important chronic diseases. Specific disease examples covered include: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, chronic obstructive lung disease, neurologic disorders and mental illness. Risk assessment and preventive practice in chronic disease (applied epidemiology) are discussed. Materials from Health Department programs are used as case studies. Prerequisites: Epi 501, Sta 552.

Epi 604 Cancer Epidemiology (3)

Course will offer a review of concepts and methodological issues central to the conduct of epidemiologic studies of cancer etiology and control. Overview of the molecular and cellular basis of cancer, the role of experimental studies in assessing human risk, the classification and nomenclature of human cancer and the morphology, natural history and etiologic importance of precursor lesions. Application of descriptive and analytic epidemiologic methods to studies of cancer etiology will be illustrated through in- depth reviews of specific forms of neoplasia and risk factors. There will be discussions of the role of epidemiology in cancer control and fundamental issues in cancer screening. Prerequisites: Epi 501 and Epi 552.

Epi 605 Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3)

This course reviews infectious disease principles and the use of epidemiologic methods in the assessment of selected communicable diseases of national and international importance. Emphasis will also be given to methods of transmission, the role of surveillance, and methods of control and prevention. Specific disease examples to be covered will include: tuberculosis, legionellosis, measles, Lyme disease, and syphilis with examples of nosocomial, foodborne, and enteric infections. Case studies and literature examples will be used extensively to give students an appreciation for the application of epidemiologic principles to this field. Prerequisites: None, but previous courses in biology and introductory epidemiology would be useful (check with faculty if in doubt).

Epi 606 General Topics in Epidemiology (3)

Selected topics of current interest in epidemiology are examined. Topic may vary from semester to semester. May be taken for credit more than once provided subject matter is not repeated.

Epi 608 Injury Epidemiology (3)

Application of basic epidemiologic concepts and methods to major categories of unintentional and intentional injuries, including motor vehicle crashes, falls, fires and burns, drowning, poisoning, homicide and suicide in a variety of settings (highway, home, work and recreational). Discussion of strategies for reducing the incidence and severity of injuries will be discussed, using principles introduced by Haddon and Baker as a framework. Materials from current health department programs used as case studies. Prerequisites: Epi 501 and Sta 552.

Epi 609 (Ehs 619) Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology (3)

An overview of epidemiologic methods commonly employed for the study of reproductive and perinatal endpoints including pertinent physiological mechanisms of pregnancy and fetal growth critical to understanding the relevant epidemiologic methods and the unique nature of the circumstances surrounding human reproduction. Prerequisites: Epi 501, Epi 552/Sta 552.

Epi 610 AIDS Epidemiology (3)

Application of basic principles and methods of epidemiology to the investigation and control of the AIDS epidemic. Participation of epidemiologists, prevention program managers, and policy makers involved in the development and implementation of control strategy in New York State in classroom lectures, and student-initiated research projects and presentations. Major issues explored include surveillance, clinical manifestation of AIDS, modes of transmissions, implications for the health care system, control measures and the ethical dilemmas associated with managing the Aids epidemic. Prerequisite(s): Epi 501.

Epi 611 Controversies in Epidemiology (3)

Focus on current controversies in epidemiology through a critical review of the literature. Discussion of biologic plausibility, reasons for conflicting findings, strength of evidence, and on methodological issues. Topics may vary from year to year; seminar format. Emphasis on student participation. Prerequisite(s): Epi 501 and Sta 552 or permission of instructor.

Epi 612 Quantitative Methods in Epidemiology (4)

Application of the concepts introduced in Sta 552 and Sta 553 to the analysis of epidemiological studies. Topics include: simple and stratified analyses of cross-sectional, case-control, cumulative follow- up, and density follow-up studies; matching in epidemiologic studies; logistic regression; theoretical considerations, analysis strategy, and applications. Prerequisites: Epi 501 and Epi 502 or equivalent are required; Sta 552 and Sta 553 or equivalent are required; Epi 601 is recommended.

Epi 613 (Ehs 603) Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology (3)

An introduction to approaches used by epidemiologists for investigating health effects of hazardous agents in the environment and workplace. We review relevant epidemiologic study designs, exposure assessment strategies and biomarker uses. Topical areas such as air and water pollutants, climate change and industrial exposures will be investigated using recent studies. Prerequisites: Introductory Courses in Epidemiology (Epi 500 or 501) and in Biostatistics (Sta 551, 552 or 572).

Epi 614 Arthropods and Human Health (3)

This course will introduce students to the principles and concepts associated with the dynamics of vector-borne disease transmission and will include discussion of topics related to selected arthropod vector- borne diseases found throughout the world. Despite tremendous medical strides in understanding classical vector-borne diseases, new "emerging" vector-borne diseases, and "reemerging" classical diseases continue to dismay the public health community. This course will enable the student to better understand the reasons for the success of arthropods in transmitting human pathogens. Prerequisite: Epi 501.

Epi 615 Hospital Epidemiology (3)

This course provides an overview of the history of hospital epidemiology, methods of surveillance, risk factors for infection, control measures and impact of infections in health care facilities. Host, agent and environmental factors will be explored in the laboratory, hospital (Albany Medical Center), and through classroom lectures and directed readings. Students will learn to apply the basic principles of public health and epidemiology to the problem of infections acquired in the hospital setting. Prerequisites: Epi 501 and Sta 552.

Epi 616 Social Class and Race in Epidemiology (3)

The course covers the theoretical basis and the historical development of social class and race constructs. Sources of available data and the way in which typical indicators of social class and race are defined and analyzed will be presented. Observed relationships of a range of health outcomes with social class and race in epidemiology will be presented and critically evaluated. Social and public health implications of different approaches and interpretations are discussed. Prerequisites: Epi 501 and Sta 552. 

Epi 617 Introduction to Public Health Informatics (3)

This course introduces students to the basics of public health informatics and its role in improving and transforming the practice of Public Health and population health. Competencies in information and computer science, technology and project management are applied to management, governance and use of health information systems, data, technology, and projects as strategic assets in improving Public Health and population health practice. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Epi 618 Psychiatric Epidemiology (3)

This course will provide students with an overview of the history, methods, and ethics of psychiatric epidemiology in order to provide a foundation to generate important research questions. The course will focus on discussions of investigations of the distribution and determinants of psychiatric disorders in community populations. Substantive findings will be discussed, with particular attention to methodological concerns and socio-cultural influences. Prerequisite: Epi 501.

Epi 619 Diabetes Epidemiology (3)

The following topics are addressed: 1) biology of glucose regulation, types of diabetes and complications; diagnostic criteria/screening; care and management 2) epidemiology of diabetes prevalence/incidence/mortality, complications, risk factors 3) diabetes prevention issues including measurements of obesity and physical activity; types of interventions and evaluation designs; cultural issues. Critical thinking regarding study designs, measurements, bias and results is reinforced through reading and discussions of epidemiology studies.

Epi 620 Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases (3)

The following topics are addressed (1) biology/pathology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD); diagnosis and misclassification of CVD in mortality data, hospital discharge data and community studies (2) descriptive epidemiology of coronary heart disease and stroke, including trends and geographic distributions (3) overview of CVD (4) descriptive epidemiology of CVD, social class and race; discussion of mechanisms (5) epidemiology multi-risk factor studies and current community studies; discussion of high risk vs. population approaches to prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Critical thinking regarding study designs, measurements, bias and results is reinforced through reading and discussions of epidemiology studies.

Epi 621 (Ehs 612) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Public Health (3)

This course covers the basics of geographic information systems (GIS) as applied toward epidemiologic research and surveillance. GIS software functionality, geocoding, use of global positioning systems (GPS), sources of data and spatial statistical methods are among the topics covered. Prerequisite: Epi 501.

Epi 624 Genetic Epidemiology (3)

This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of genetic epidemiology. It will provide an in-depth discussion of designs and methodologies involved in conducting both family-based and population-based genetic epidemiologic studies. Furthermore, an overview of the currently available software for geneic epidemiologic analyses will be given. Prerequisites: Epi 501, Epi 552.

Epi 625 Zoonoses (3)

An overview of zoonotic infectious diseases (those diseases in common between animals and humans); including rabies, potential bioterrorist agents (anthrax, plague, Q fever, tularemia), newly emerging diseases (West Nile virus, leishmaniasis, vCJD), vector-borne diseases (lyme disease), and diseases with zoonotic potential (foot and mouth disease, chronic wasting disease); addressing the epidemiologic, field, and laboratory methods of investigation; and assessment of surveillance, prevention, control and treatment including relative cost/benefit of various approaches.

Epi 630 Global Perspectives in Epidemiology (3)

Global health is of critical importance with the emergence of new diseases such as SARS and H1N1, the potential threat of biological agents such as anthrax, the continued prevalence of diseases such as malaria and dengue, the co-evolution of HIV and multiple drug resistant tuberculosis, the return of once-vanquished diseases like polio, and the export of chronic diseases from industrialized countries to the rest of the world. This course will explore key epidemiologic principles to address these issues and suggest interventions to improve poor health and reduce disease and disability worldwide. Prerequisites: Required: Epidemiology 501; Ideal: Epidemiology 502; Preferred but not required: Basic course(s) in Anthropology, Sociology, and Biology.

Epi 682 Epidemiology and Biostatistics PhD Student Seminar (0)

The main goal of this doctoral-level seminar is to provide opportunities for PhD students in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics to be exposed to, discuss, and debate critical substantive and methodologic issues in epidemiology and biostatistics. Through class formats including professional development presentations, journal club, and student research presentations, this seminar will prepare students to undertake independent research. Specific objectives of the course include: (1) to develop skills in reviewing, critiquing, presenting on, and discussing the classic and current epidemiologic and statistical literature; (2) to discuss current and emerging issues and methods in the fields of epidemiology and biostatistics; (3) to gain practice in presenting and discussing findings from original epidemiologic and statistical research; and (4) to gain valuable research and career skills that will enhance the doctoral program experience and provide professional development. Course grading is Load Only and does not earn credit. Prerequisite: Enrollment as a PhD student in Epidemiology or Biostatistics.

Epi 688 Topics in Pharmacogenetics and Toxicogenomics (3)

Discussions on the basic concepts and current research in the fields of pharmacogenetics and toxicogenomics. The students will learn from real research examples the techniques used, the approaches to data analysis, and the practical applications in pharmacology and toxicology. Prerequisites: Bms 504a, Ehs 530, Bio 540, or equivalent.

Epi 690 Field Placement (3)

Students are required to complete 240 hours of field placement working closely with a field placement advisor and/or student's faculty advisor on an epidemiological project. A final written report and an oral seminar presentation are required. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.

Epi 694 Directed Readings in Epidemiology (2-6)

Projects in areas of epidemiology, under the supervision of a faculty member. A final written report will be prepared. May be repeated once when topics differ for a total of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Epi 697 Independent Study and Research (1-6)

Independent study and research in selected areas of epidemiology under the supervision of a faculty member. A final written report will be prepared. May be repeated once when topics differ for a total of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Epi 699 Master's Thesis in Epidemiology (2-6)

Research leading to an acceptable thesis for the Master's Degree in Epidemiology. The research must include data analysis and interpretation. Prerequisite: Consent of thesis director.

Epi 699C Master's Thesis Continuation (1)

Course grading is Load Only and does not earn credit. Appropriate for master's students engaged in research and writing of the master's thesis beyond the level applicable to their degree program.

Epi 701 Advanced Quantitative Methods for Epidemiology (3)

The course covers quantitative methods used in epidemiologic studies. The course will focus on statistical modeling of epidemiologic data, including survival data analysis, categorical data analysis and regression analyses currently utilized in epidemiologic studies.

Epi 865 Doctoral Pre-Candidacy Research Course (1-12)

Research course for doctoral students preparing their Doctoral Proposal. Course grading is Load Only and does not earn credit.

Epi 897 Independent Study and Research (2-6)

Independent study and research in selected areas of epidemiology at the graduate level, under the supervision of a faculty member. A final written report will be prepared. May be repeated once when the topics differ for a total of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Epi 899 Doctoral Dissertation (1)

Required of all Ph.D. students. Course grading is Load Only and does not earn credit. Prerequisite: Permission of dissertation advisor. Registration for this course is limited to doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy.