Students studying in the Dewey Library.

Master of Science  in
Information Science School Library
Online or On Campus

About the Program

UAlbany’s ALA accredited Information Science School Library (ISSL) 36-credit fully online program leads to initial teaching certification as a library media specialist or to professional certification if candidates are initially certified. As per New York State Education Department’s guidelines ISSL students are eligible to be hired as full-time school librarians with either a 12-credit Supplementary Certificate (for those with teacher certification) or an 18-credit Internship Certificate (for those without teacher certification) as they work toward completing their ISSL Master’s degree. Additionally, all ISSL graduates are immediately eligible for licensure as public librarians upon graduation.

As an approved teacher preparation program with the New York State Education Department, there may be additional certification requirements. These requirements may include, but are not limited to additional workshops. Certification procedures and requirements are outlined on the School of Education’s Pathways into Education Center.


Assessment Data

ALA Logo with the words, American Library Association, ALA Accredited, Committee on Accreditation.

ALA Assessment Data

  • MS Information Science average time to degree for 2023 is 2.31 and first year retention rate is 92.3% This does not include data from dual degree or combined programs.
  • MS Information Science School Library average time to degree for 2023 is 3.03 and first year retention rate is 100%.

Library Journal’s Placements and Salaries Survey 2024

Program of Study

Available Courses

  • Teaching Fundamentals for School Libraries
  • Curriculum and Supportive Resources
  • School Libraries: Theory, Practice and Assessment
  • Administration of School Library Media Centers
  • Information Sources and Services
  • Literature for Children
  • Literature for Young Adults
  • The Information Environment
  • Information and Knowledge Organization
  • Research Methods
  • School Library Internship
  • Elective Course


Required Field Experience 

The following courses have a total of 100 hours of aligned field experience:

  • School Libraries: Theory, Practice and Assessment
  • Curriculum and Supportive Resources


Required Internship

There is a University-supervised internship in the program.

Additional Information

See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

For more information, contact Erica Shudt at [email protected].



This program is approved for licensure or certification in New York State. 
For more information on Professional Licensure Disclosure, please see the Graduate Bulletin.

Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: August 1
  • Spring: January 1
  • Summer: Rolling
Required Application Materials
  • Transcripts from all schools attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • Personal statement
    The personal statement must be a one page single-spaced essay (12 size font) addressing the following: Thinking back on the school librarians you have encountered during your education, how has the role of the school librarian changed? How do you see yourself as part of that change?

Available information for applicants.

Special Note

This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.  If applicants have concerns about this matter, please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.

Student Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program.

Master of Science
  • Demonstrate a sense of professional identity by applying the concepts and principles of library and information sciences and related disciplines.
  • Know the history of the information professions and understand the changing roles of information professionals in a global environment.
  • Create, select, acquire, organize, describe, manage, preserve, retrieve and disseminate information using relevant theories and practices.
  • Assess information needs of diverse and underserved populations and provide resources and instruction to meet those needs.
  • Recognize the crucial role of users in the development and delivery of user-centered information systems and services.
  • Formulate, interpret and implement information policy including issues of privacy, equity, intellectual property and intellectual freedom.
  • Promote and demonstrate the use of ethical standards in the creation, management and use of information.
  • Conduct and apply research to develop, maintain and evaluate information content and assess information services.
  • Understand, implement and use appropriate technologies in the delivery of information content and services.
  • Apply management principles to the creation, administration and promotion of information organizations and systems.
  • Understand the information environment and build collaborative relationships to strengthen library and information services and literacy.