Fabio R. Auffant II
Lecturer, Information Security and Digital Forensics (ISDF)
Massry School of Business
Master of Science degree: Digital Forensic Management
Champlain College; Burlington, VT
Bachelor of Science degree: Organizational Management
Nyack College; Nyack, NY

- Extensive public and private sector experience:
- Private Investigations
- Cyber Crime Investigations
- Digital Forensics Examinations
- Forensic Operations
- Quality Management
- Homeland Security
- Emergency Management
Professional Memberships
- International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS)
- High Technology Crime Investigation Association
- High Tech Crime Network
- High Tech Crime Consortium
- American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors-Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB)
Technical Certifications
- Certified Technical Assessor: ASCLD/LAB
- EnCase Certified Examiner: Guidance Software Inc.
- Certified FieldSearch Instructor: National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
- Certified Steganography Examiner: WetStone Technologies
- Certified Cell Phone Examiner: Paraben Corporation
- Certified PDA Examiner: Paraben Corporation
- Certified Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist: IACIS