NYS Regional Youth Justice Teams

    New York State Youth Justice Institute - A Partnership between the Division of Criminal Justice Services and the University at Albany

    NYS Regional Youth Justice Teams

    New York State Youth Justice Institute - A Partnership between the Division of Criminal Justice Services and the University at Albany

    NYS Regional Youth Justice Teams

    New York State Youth Justice Institute - A Partnership between the Division of Criminal Justice Services and the University at Albany

NYS Regional Youth Justice Teams

As part of its juvenile justice system reform efforts, the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Office of Youth Justice created Regional Youth Justice Teams (RYJT) across New York State in June 2013.

The state’s nine RYJTs serve as a link between youth justice stakeholders and state policy makers. RYJT members represent a broad range of professionals, youth, and families and promote positive change that improves the quality and responsiveness of the justice system to the needs of youth and families.

Led by two co-chairs in partnership with a DCJS staff liaison, each RYJT meets quarterly to work collaboratively on youth justice issues important to the region. To learn more about your local RYJT or to participate in its activities, contact Trista Deame ([email protected]).



Long Island RYJT

Words from My Soul Project

This Long Island Regional Youth Justice Team project encouraged youth voice through theatre and storytelling. Participating youth created 10 short videos about their stories Professional drawn digital illustrations accompany each video.

Illustrations by Angelique McAlpine of Drawing Impact

Click here to view the videos from the Long Island RYJT’s Words from My Soul Project!

New York City RYJT

Youth Voices Collaborative Report & Recommendations

The New York City RYJT has also released a report exploring the conditions in juvenile justice systems that can support positive change for youth. The Youth Voices Collaborative Report & Recommendations draws on the writings of youth involved with the New York City Division of Youth and Family Justice.

Click here to read the Youth Voice Collaborative Report & Recommendations