James Acker

Research Interests
James Acker's interests include the integration of social science into law, and legal doctrine relating to criminal procedure, criminal law, juvenile justice, miscarriages of justice, and capital punishment. He has authored and co-edited several books, including Scottsboro and Its Legacy (Praeger); Criminal Procedure: A Contemporary Perspective (Jones & Bartlett); Criminal Law (Jones & Bartlett); America's Experiment with Capital Punishment: Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of the Ultimate Penal Sanction (Carolina Academic Press); Wrongful Conviction: Law, Science, and Policy (Carolina Academic Press); and (with his daughter Elizabeth) Two Voices on the Legal Rights of America’s Youth (Wadsworth/Thomson Learning). His articles have appeared in journals including the Law and Society Review, the Criminal Justice Review, Justice Quarterly, Law and Human Behavior, Law and Policy, the Criminal Law Bulletin, the Albany Law Review, and the Vanderbilt Law Review.