News Archive

New York State Department of Health and UAlbany to Recruit Participants for National PFAS Health Study

The New York State Department of Health and the School of Public Health announced that residents in the Hoosick Falls area and the City of Newburgh are invited to take part in a national Multi-Site PFAS Health Study

CEHC Professor Analyzes Economic Cost of Critical Infrastructure Disruptions

Study finds highway delays can cause economic losses of up to $250 million in one day.

Ion Beam Lab: 50 Years of Materials Research

The SUNY Ion Beam Laboratory, a research facility built in 1970 and designed to provide students, faculty and outside users with the necessary resources for state-of-the-art research, development, and education and training using high-energy particle (ion) accelerators, is entering a new era through a partnership with Hudson Valley Community College's Gene F. Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing Skills.

SPH Research: Infants Experiencing Feeding Problems More Likely to Develop Developmental Delays

Infants who experience feeding problems are more likely to develop developmental delays later in childhood, according to a new study done in partnership with the University’s School of Public Health.

Suicide Attempts Common in U.S. Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder, Study Finds

A study by a School of Public Health professor shows that people with borderline personality disorder have an elevated risk for suicide attempts.

A PhD Student Extols Literature of Empowerment for Those with Disabilities

Erin Faeth writes in an international quarterly on children's literature of a rare author who depicted people with disabilities as complex individuals commanding choices, opinions and agency.

Stem Cell Biologist Explores a New RNA Code to Thwart Degenerative Disease

RNA Institute Scientist Bijan K. Dey and his lab team are using a new NIH grant to look the role at epitranscriptomics in skeletal muscle stem cell biology so to find a therapeutic platform to combat childhood muscle degenerative disease.

Racial and Ethnic Disparities Persist in HIV Diagnoses

While HIV infection rates are declining, a recent study done in partnership with the University shows that racial and ethnic disparities remain in HIV diagnoses among heterosexually active adults in the United States.

Images of Togetherness Win the 2021 Holiday Card Contest

A graduating math major, an MFA student and a senior psychology major took the top three prizes in this year's Holiday Card Contest.

Mock Trial Returns to In-Person Competition

The third annual Capital Region Clash Mock Trial Invitational, a collaboration with Albany Law School, hosted 14 mock trial teams from around the Northeast.

A Grad Student Literary Journal Grabs International Attention

UAlbany's Barzakh draws writers and visual artists from around the world, and the world is paying attention.

Graduate Student Helps Improve Local Services to Victims of Elder Abuse

A School of Public Health and School of Social Welfare student assisted in developing multi-disciplinary teams designed to fight elder abuse in the Capital Region — teams that monitor and track services provided to victims, identify gaps in service and work to create systemic change.