2000 Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMaster of Arts ExhibitionDecember 6 – December 20, 2000 Searching the Criminal Body: Art/Science/PrejudiceSeptember 23 – November 5, 2000 2000 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Regional ExhibitionJune 30 – August 6, 2000 Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMaster of Arts ExhibitionMay 5 – May 21, 2000 Persuasive Images:Selected Works from the Art Collections at the University at AlbanyJanuary 23 – March 3, 2000 1999 Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMaster of Arts ExhibitionDecember 3 - December 19, 1999 The Wild Wonderful World of WILLIAM B. SCHADESeptember 26 - November 14, 1999 Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMaster of Arts ExhibitionMay 4 - May 23, 1999 Thom O'Connor: Recent WorkMarch 16 - April 16, 1999 I Could Read the Sky: Photographs by Steve PykeMarch 16 - April 16, 1999 Crossing the ThresholdJanuary 26 - February 28, 1999 1998 Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMaster of Arts ExhibitionDecember 5 - December 20, 1998 Island Light: Recent Watercolor and Oil Paintings by Derek Walcott and Donald HinksonDon Aquilino: Still Life PaintingsOctober 2 - November 15, 1998 Second SkinJune 24 - July 31, 1998 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition / Master of Arts ExhibitionMay 5 - May 20, 1998 Tim Rollins: 15 Years of Art and TeachingMarch 28 - April 19, 1998 Witness & Legacy: Contemporary Art about the HolocaustJanuary 25 - March 8, 1998 1997 Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionDecember 5 - December 20, 1997 Memory and Mourning: Shared Cultural ExperienceSeptember 20 - November 9, 1997 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region Juried ExhibitionJune 17 - July 27, 1997 Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMay 1997 Once Upon a Drawing: The Picture Book Illustrations of Marcia BrownMarch 15 - April 30, 1997 The University at Albany Art Department Faculty ExhibitionJanuary 21 - March 2, 1997 1996 Visions of New York State: The Historical Paintings of L.F. TantilloSeptember 7 - November 3, 1996 Artists in the KitchenJune 5 - July 14, 1996 Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts Thesis ExhibitionMay 9 - May 19, 1996 Robert Cartmell: A Twenty-five Year RetrospectiveMarch 12 - April 21, 1996 Xu Bing: A Book from the SkyJanuary 23 - February 25, 1996 1992 Living Traditions: Mexican Popular ArtsSeptember 15 - November 22, 1992