Living in Languages Colloquium

The Departments of English and Languages, Literatures and Cultures 6th annual Living in Languages Colloquium will be Tuesday and Wednesday February 20 – 21, 2024 in Zoom. Focused on issues of “translation” broadly understood, in a literal but also expanded sense that addresses not only questions of reading and ideology, nor only core theorists whose focus on this topic remains vital, but also translation understood as exile, displacement geographical and linguistic, violence and assimilation in cultural and literary registers, translation in interpretive and creative modes, translations of loss, as well as translation in colonial and post- and decolonial frames, keynote speaker Corine Tachtiris, Assistant Professor of Translation Studies, UMass Amherst, will speak on “Intent vs. Impact: Translating Race and Racism” 2/20/24, 12:00 noon. Flier. Program.
Register here: FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. (Zoom link sent to registrants closer to the event date). Visit for previous colloquium materials. Thanks to our Living in Languages Colloquium Committee: Andrew Brooks, Rumi Coller-Takahashi, Nicole Cosentino, Zahra Hamdani, Minji Huh, Michelle Monaco, Annika Nerf, William Pattee, Yolande Schutter, Aspasia Sparages, and Sarah Zahed.