Fountains flow on campus in front of the UAlbany Academic Podium on a cloudy day. Fountains flow on campus in front of the UAlbany Academic Podium on a cloudy day.

The Emeritus Center

William L. Reese II, PhD, Emeritus Center

The University at Albany's Emeritus Center is an association of retired faculty, administrators and professionals who have been granted emeritus status. Established in 2006, the Center encourages emeriti to continue pursuing the University’s mission of teaching, research, and service.

Our Three Voices Grant Program is intended to foster and support such activity by emeriti, while additional funding opportunities are available for University at Albany units administering programs that may be of value to emeriti of the University at Albany.

The Center sponsors an ambitious Speakers Program of educational presentations throughout the year. These programs are hosted at the Emeritus Center on UAlbany's Uptown campus and are open to current and retired faculty and staff as well as the public.

Our Fellows Program honors emeriti for exemplary and sustained professional activity after retirement.

In March, 2025, we will initiate a Lifelong Learning Program (ALLI) offering six week courses specifically geared to older adults.


  • Faculty or Staff
    If you have a purple or red decal (for University staff and Emeritus staff respectively) you may park in the back of the UAB building and come in through the back entrance. Retired faculty and professionals are eligible for free vehicle registration and parking on campus.
  • Students
    If you have a gold decal you may park in the designated Gold Lot. Look out for the sign "Administration Gold" near the picket fence in the parking lot behind the UAB building.
  • Visitor
    If you do not have a decal, you may park in a reserved area next to the main entrance of the UAB building, as well as on the row closest to the SUNOCO gas station.
  • Accessible
    If you are a holder of a blue decal, you may park in reserved spots next to the main entrance of the UAB building.

University Maps and Directions


Emeritus Center
University Administration Building 134

1215 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
United States

Office Hours

Our office is open to guests for our Speakers Program, and we provide other services on an as-needed or as-requested basis.

Mailing Address
Emeritus Center
UAlbany, UAB 134
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222