South Korean University Students Take Study Tour via UAlbany School of Social Welfare Partnership
Albany, NY (July 24, 2018) - For the 22nd time, students from Hallym University in South Korea have traveled to Albany, New York through a partnership with the UAlbany School of Social Welfare. From Monday, July 9th through Friday, July 20, 2018, Hallym faculty leader and Associate Professor Dr. Youseok Choi and 12 undergraduate social work students from Hallym participated in the Study Tour Exchange. They visited a total of fifteen (15) agencies in the Capital District including the Albany County Department of Mental and Public Health, the Capital District Psychiatric Center (CDPC), the Albany County Nursing Home, the NYS Coalition of Domestic Violence, and other area agencies. The goal was to learn about best social work practices in the United States. Each agency conducted a presentation and tour, enabling the Hallym group to acquire a better understanding of each agency’s service delivery and the programs they offer. In addition, SSW faculty conducted lectures in their area of expertise. To celebrate the success of another Study Tour, a Potluck Dinner was held at SSW where Hallym University students conducted presentations about the agencies visited and the services that a few provided.
Since 1999, UAlbany's School of Social Welfare has had a formal contract with Hallym, which encourages yearly one to two-week student and faculty exchanges. Some Hallym faculty members have spent a sabbatical semester at SSW and a number of UAlbany faculty have visited Hallym over the years to participate in conferences and collaborate on research projects. Several students from Hallym ended up obtaining their Ph.D. at the School of Social Welfare. In addition, University faculty members have been guest lecturers, addressing such topics as child welfare, family violence, aging, social service interventions, and social work education. The visits represent a strong community partnership, since many agencies in the Capital Region have hosted the Hallym students during their stay in Albany.