Katharine H. Briar-Lawson
PhD (1976), University of California, Berkeley
MSW (1968), Columbia University

Katharine Briar-Lawson is a national expert on family focused practice and child and family policy. Among her books (co-authored) are Family-Centered Policies & Practices: International Implications (2001), and (co-edited) Innovative Practices with Vulnerable Children and Families (2001), Evaluation Research in Child Welfare (2002), Charting the Impacts of University-Child Welfare Collaboration (2003), Social Work Research (2010), Social Work Practice Research (2010), Globalization, Social Justice and the Helping Professions (2011), The Children’s Bureau: Shaping a Century of Child Welfare Practices, Program and Policies (2013), Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprises in Economic and Social Development ( 2020),Child Welfare Agency-University Partnerships to Advance Workforce Development (2022) and Child Neglect, Inequity and Poverty: Contextual Issues and Implications (2023). She chaired the Gerontological Task Force for the National Association for Deans and Directors and served as a past president. In addition, for 10 years she served as a Co-PI of the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute.