Graysen Wolfe

Graysen Wolfe

Writing & Critical Inquiry Program

MA, University of Maine
BA, Southern Connecticut State University

Graysen Wolfe


I received my Master's in English at the University of Maine in the spring of 2023, where I taught in the Communication and Journalism department as a public speaking instructor. I also hold a BA in English from Southern Connecticut State University, where I swam competitively for all four years. 

As an openly queer writer and educator, I am passionate about deconstructing the naturalized, cisheteronormative lenses of the present-day classroom. Inspired by the passionate professors who molded my own academic experience, I model respectful curiosity for my students in an effort to create a space that prioritizes inclusivity and identity development. I believe that the classroom is, first and foremost, a place of play and exploration: it is a space for students to grow into their identities, to question not only themselves but also the established systems, and to be supported in their inquiries. My identity-based approach to teaching has ultimately been influenced by what I see lacks in educational spaces. How, for instance, do we enhance inclusion, recognition, and visibility of minority identities in and out of the classroom? What happens when we embrace, rather than reject or silence, non-normativity in all of its capacity? What happens when we give voice to the identities that have been systematically silenced and oppressed? When we question the legitimacy of the established systems that result in unforeseen mistreatment, privilege, and discrimination, we are able to reevaluate and reconfigure the classroom itself to a more empathetic and safe space.

Perhaps, most importantly, I believe that everyone is a writer; after all, everyone has a story to tell.

In my free time you can find me climbing, biking, collaging, and exploring the local coffee shops.

Research Interests: my academic studies explore queer theory and the queering of bodies and narratives across the genres of writing studies, creative writing, and literature.