Phil Melecio, MPA '23

Phil Melecio, MPA '23

Name: Phil Melecio 
Hometown: Albany, NY 
Program: Master’s of Public Administration, Concentration in Homeland Security, Certificate of Graduate Studies in Emergency Preparedness 

What was one of the most meaningful experiences you had during your time in the MPA program?  

I am an older returning student and had reservations about how I would be accepted and treated. Once the program started and I was in class, those reservations subsided. I was welcomed by both the students and the faculty. I was able to participate and was part of meaningful discussions where everyone’s opinion was taken into consideration. 


Tell us about your experience as a mid-career professional pursuing an MPA. Where did you complete your internship requirement and what knowledge, skills, and abilities did you develop from this experience?   

I did not have an internship since I had 33 (now 35) years of work experience in the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (NYSDOCCS). I was able to gain new skills and insights into intelligence gathering and the analyzing of intelligence. I broadened my knowledge base with information I learned in my Emergency Preparedness class. I also developed skills through the core courses and learned how to have the community part of the decision-making process as they are integral to the policy development and implementation process. 


What specific skills or experiences through the program have prepared you for your transition to post-graduate employment?

I am a superintendent of a prison, so my first career is already established. I am thinking of another career in consulting and possibly teaching at the college level. The new skills that I have learned will make me a well-rounded consultant when bringing my career and education together. 


What kind of career opportunities are you considering post-graduation?  

Once I retire from my current career (not in the near future), I look forward to consulting in the corrections/criminal justice field and teaching. 


What advice do you have for students who are considering or pursuing an MPA degree?  

The MPA is an excellent, well-rounded degree for those that are interested in policy influencing/development careers. The curriculum is based on real world experiences, which is what I really enjoyed. The professors/instructors are well versed in the various policy/government function areas, and you draw the knowledge from them.  The discussions were interesting and sometimes intense. The University’s program is excellent, and this is of no surprise. You will work hard, as it is not easy, but the reward in the end is great.