Mashaal Bhatti, BA '21, MPA '23

Mashaal Bhatti, BA '21, MPA '23

Name: Mashaal Bhatti 
Hometown: Queens, NY 
Program: Master’s of Public Administration, Concentration in Public Policy 
Awards: Outstanding Leadership Award 

What was one of the most meaningful experiences you had during your time in the MPA program?  

During my program, it was the connections to my peers and my professors that truly stood out. As president of the Public Affairs Student Association, I was able to bring students together through social and professional gatherings where I met new friends and grew closer to my classmates. 


Where did you complete your internship requirement and what knowledge, skills, and abilities did you develop because of this experience?  

I received an internship waiver for my full-time employment with State Senator Jessica Ramos. This opportunity taught me about state government and the process of drafting and passing legislation. I have also learned skills in project management, grant administration, budget management, and public policy. 


What specific skills or experiences through the program have prepared you for your transition to post-graduate employment?  

Throughout my time in the program, I was able to take classes that met my specific goals and interests. From memo writing to learning about building a political movement, to understanding stakeholders allowed me to be most prepared for post-graduate life. The program was extremely relevant in fine tuning the skills required in my everyday work at the State Legislature.  


What kind of opportunities are you considering for post-graduate employment?  

I am open to continuing to move up in my current office and exploring what other levels of government has to offer as I navigate post-graduate life.  


What advice do you have for students who are considering or pursuing an MPA degree?  

I recommend getting an MPA at Rockefeller to anyone looking to be most prepared for the high-stakes environment of the public sector. This degree allowed me to get a leg up in my career, providing me with the confidence to show up as my best self through the skills I’ve developed as a graduate student. I would tell incoming students to be open to making new friends and learning from your classmates. Everyone comes from such unique backgrounds and with specific interests — you almost learn as much from the community at Rockefeller as the classes themselves.