Barbara Mathews

Barbara Mathews

Assistant to the Dean and Chairs
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy


Milne 101

Barbara Mathews is the Assistant to the Dean and Chairs at Rockefeller College, University at Albany. She earned an MA in Educational Psychology from California State University, Northridge in 1997, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Theory and Practice from the University at Albany, SUNY in 2003 and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Research from the University at Albany, SUNY in 2008. Barbara began her work for the university as an Instructional Developer at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (now the Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership), where she developed and delivered workshops on various topics including "Ideas for Preparing your Teaching Portfolio." She then worked as the Director of Assessment at Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness, where she worked with departments going through program review. At Rockefeller College, Barbara has worked as the Assistant to the Chair for the Department of Political Science, managing various administrative responsibilities, and as Director of Graduate Student Services, providing administrative support for graduate students, and managing administrative aspects of the college's graduate programs and courses. In her current position, she provides administrative support for the Departments of Political Science and Public Administration and Policy and the Master of International Affairs program, manages administrative aspects of the college's academic programs and courses. She also provides administrative support for two of the college’s partnerships with New York State.