Ashley M. Fox

Ashley M. Fox

Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Director
Department of Public Administration & Policy
International Affairs
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
CV551.68 KB


300C Milne Hall

PhD, Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University
BA,MA, Political Science, the University of Connecticut

Ashley Fox

Specialization: Global Health Policy

Ashley M. Fox, PhD, MA, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at University at Albany, SUNY.  She earned her BA and MA in Political Science from the University of Connecticut and a PhD in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard between 2009-2010 and at Yale University in the Division of Health Policy and Administration between 2010-2011.

Her research focuses on comparative health politics of policy and the effects of social policies on health outcomes. Her research has examined global responses to infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Zika, and COVID-19 as well chronic disease politics, policy and epidemiology. Her research also examines state politics and policy within the US and effects on variations in health outcomes across states. Please visit her State Safety-Net Generosity Index (SSGI) website for more information.

Her theoretical interests concern the role of public opinion, political economy and responsiveness in public policymaking. She has served as a consultant for the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF and PATH.


Recent Podcast & Blog Posts:

Selected Publications:

  1. Ng, A., Janevic, T., Fox, A. M., Howell, F. M., Kim, H., & Weber, E. (2024). Twelve-Month Medicaid Postpartum Extensions Ring Hollow for Immigrant Communities. Health Affairs Forefront.
  2. Martins, S. S., Segura, L. E., Marziali, M. E., Bruzelius, E., Levy, N. S., Gutkind, S., ... & Fox, A. (2024). Higher unemployment benefits are associated with reduced drug overdose mortality in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Drug Policy, 130, 104522.
  3. Khalid, H., Firdous, U., Jadoon, A., Stecher, C., Akram, A. A., & Fox, A. M. (2024). “Can high-profile endorsements improve COVID-19 vaccine uptake and reduce hesitancy in Pakistan?,” SSM-Health Systems, 100020.
  4. Scruggs, L., Reynolds, M., Fox, A.M. (2024). "Is Redistribution Good for Our Health? Examining the Macro-Correlation between Welfare Generosity and Health across EU Nations Over the Last 40 years," Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
  5. Fox, A.M., Choi, Y. "Ensuring Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Identifying Unmet Demand,” Health Affairs, 42(12), 1697-1705.
  6. Choi, Y., Park, S., Lee, J., Kim, Y., Kim, B. J., Lin, L., & Fox, A. M. (2023). Who gets COVID-19 booster vaccination? Trust in public health institutions and promotion strategies post-pandemic in the Republic of KoreaVaccine, in press.
  7. Fox, A.M. (2023). “Market failure, State failure: The Political Economy of Supply Chain Strengthening to Ensure Equitable Access to Vaccines and Medicines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries" Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
  8. Choi, Y., Fox, A.M. (2023). “Communities at Risk for Mpox and Stigmatizing Policies: A Randomized Survey, Republic of Korea, 2022,” American Journal of Public Health, 0, e1_e8,
  9. Jeong, S., Fox, A.M. (2023). "Unemployment benefit receipt and substance use among low-income households during COVID-19," Social Science and Medicine, 328:115973.  doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115973.
  10. Fox, A.M., Kim, H. (2023).  “HIV Policy Legacies, Pandemic Preparedness and Policy Effort to Address COVID-19,” PLoS Global Public Health Special Issue, Jun 26;3(6):e0001767.
  11. Jadoon, A., Fox, A.M., Khalid, H. (2023). “Who Public Goods? Effects of ethnic diversity and exclusion on urban and rural populations access to water,” Risks, Hazards and Crises in Public Policy,
  12. Fox, A.M., Janevic, T., Weber, E., Howell, F.* (2023). “Left Behind: A Qualitative Analysis of States’ Medicaid Immigrant Exclusions and Access to Maternal Health Care,” Journal of Medical Care Research and Review, 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10775587231170066.
  13. Fox A., Choi Y., Lanthorn H., Croke K. (2022). "Does highlighting COVID-19 disparities reduce or increase vaccine intentions? Evidence from a survey experiment in a diverse sample in New York State prior to vaccine roll-out," PLOS ONE. 17(12): e0277043.
  14. Janevic, T., Weber, E., Howell, F. M., Steelman, M., Krishnamoorthi, M., & Fox, A.M. (2022). “Analysis of State Medicaid Expansion and Access to Timely Prenatal Care Among Women Who Were Immigrant vs US Born,” JAMA Network Open, 5(10), e2239264-e2239264.
  15. Choi, Y., & Fox, A. M. (2022). Mistrust in public health institutions is a stronger predictor of vaccine hesitancy and uptake than Trust in TrumpSocial Science & Medicine314, 115440.
  16. Fox, A. M., & Reynolds, M. (2022). Insider–Outsider Politics and Support for Universal Health Coverage in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Afrobarometer Surveys. Sociology of Development8(4), 379-418.
  17. Choi, Y.,* Dodge, J., Fox, A.M. (2022). “Public hearing testimonies as policy evidence and its influence over policy-makers: the case of single-payer health care in New York State,” Policy Sciences, in press. 10.1007/s11077-022-09475-1
  18. Choi, Y.,* Fox, A.M.  (2022). “Fact‐value framework for adjudicating public health policy debates,” Review of Policy Research, in press.
  19. Fox, A.M., Reynolds, M. (2022). “Insider-Outsider Politics and Support for Universal Health Coverage in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Evidence from Afrobarometer Surveys,” Sociology of Development, forthcoming.
  20. Hagen, L., Fox, A.M., O'Leary, H., Dyson, D., Walker, K., Lengacher, C. A., & Hernandez, R. (2022). “The Role of Influential Actors in Fostering the Polarized COVID-19 Vaccine Discourse on Twitter: Mixed Methods of Machine Learning and Inductive Coding,” JMIR Infodemiology, 2(1), e34231.
  21. Fox, A.M., Feng, W., Reynolds, M. (2022). "The Effect of Administrative Burden on State Safety-Net Participation: Evidence from food assistance, cash assistance and Medicaid," Public Administration Review, in press.
  22. Fox A.M., Law, J.,* Baker, K. (2022). "The case for Metagovernance: The Promises and Pitfalls of Multisectoral Nutrition Service Delivery Structures in Low and Middle Income Countries;" Public Administration and Development, 42(2):128-141.
  23. Feng, W., Fox, A.M. (2021). “What’s the Hold Up? The FDA’s Delayed Implementation of Menu Labeling Policy,” Administration and Society, online ahead of print.
  24. Choi, Y.,* Fox, A.M. (2021). “Does media slant affect compliance with science-based recommendations? Effects of media consumption patterns on COVID-19 attitudes and behaviors,” Journal of Health Psychology, online ahead of printDOI: 10.1177/13591053211061413
  25. Kim, H.*, Fox, A.M., Kim, Y, Kim, R., Bae, G., Kim, M. (2021). “Is the male disadvantage real? Cross-national variations in gender gaps in COVID-19 incidence and mortality,” Global Public Health; 16:12, 1793-1803, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2021.1981972
  26. Fox, A.M., Choi, Y.,* Lanthorn, H., Croke, K. (2021). "Health insurance loss during COVID-19 increases support for Universal Health Coverage," Journal of Health Policy, Politics and the Law, 1;47(1):1-25.DOI: 10.1215/03616878-9417428.
  27. Fox, A.M., Choi, Y., Lanthorn, H., Croke, K. (2021). "Health insurance loss during COVID-19 increases support for Universal Health Coverage," Journal of Health Policy, Politics and the Law, forthcoming.
  28. Fox, A.M., Lee, J., Sorensen, L., Martin, E. (2021). “Sociodemographic Characteristics and Inequities Associated with Access to In-Person and Remote Elementary Schooling During the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York State,” JAMA Network Open, July 15, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.17267
  29. Reynolds, M., Fox, A.M., Young, Y.  (2021). “State-Level Social Safety-Nets for Families Coping with Job Loss,” Poverty and Public Policy,13(2): 121-138
  30. Fox, A.M., Feng, W., Zeitlin, J., Howell, E. (2020). "Trends in State Medicaid Programs' Eligibility, Enrollment Rules and Benefits," Health Affairs, 39(11): 1909–1916. DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2019.01350
  31. Woolfork, N.M., Fox, A.M., Swartzendruber, A., Rathburn, S., Lee, J., Mutanga, J.N.,  Ezeamama, E.A. (2020). “Empowerment and HIV Risk Behaviors in Couples: Modeling the Theory of Gender and Power in an African Context,” Women’s Health Reports, 1(1): DOI: 10.1089/whr.2019.0020 
  32. Reynolds, M, Fox, A.M. (2020). "Is Less More? Examining the Relationship between Food Assistance Generosity and Childhood Obesity," SSM Population Health, 11: 100573;
  33. Fox, A.M., Feng, W., Stazyk, EC. (2020). "Administrative Easing: Rule Reduction and Medicaid Enrollment," Public Administration Review, 80(1): 104-117.
  34. Grépin, K., Poirier, M., Fox A.M., (2020). “The socio-economic distribution of exposure to Ebola: Survey evidence from Liberia and Sierra Leone,” SSM Population Health,10(April): 100472. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100472
  35. Khalid, H., Gill, S., Fox, A.M. (2019). “Global aid for nutrition specific and sensitive interventions and under-five child mortality rates across low and middle-income economies,” Health Policy and Planning, 34(2): ii18–ii27;
  36. Fox, A.M., Choi, Y. (2019). "Political economy of reform under federalism: Adopting single-payer health coverage in New York State," Health Systems & Reform, doi: 10.1080/23288604.2019.1635414.
  37. Fox, A.M., Feng W., Asal V. (2019). “What is driving global obesity trends? A cross-national longitudinal analysis,” Globalization and Health, 15: 32,
  38. Khalid, H., Fox A.M.  (2019) “Political and governance challenges to achieving global HIV goals with injection drug users: The case of Pakistan,” International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5(8), 261-271.  DOI: 10.15171/IJHPM.2018.131
  39. Fox, A.M., Khalid, H., Himmelstein, G., Howell, E. (2019). “Funding for Abstinence-Only Education and Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: Does State Ideology Affect Outcomes?,” American Journal of Public Health, 109(3): 497-504. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304896
  40. Fox, A.M., Poirier, R.* (2018). “How Single-Payer Stacks Up: Evaluating Different Models of Universal Health Coverage on Cost, Access and Quality,” International Journal of Health Services, 48(3): 568-585.
  41. Feng, W., Fox A.M.  (2018). “Menu Labels, for Better, and Worse? Exploring Socioeconomic and Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Menu-Label Use in a National Sample," Appetite 128(1): 223-232. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2018.06.015
  42. Dwicaksono, A., Fox A.M. (2018). “Does decentralization improve health system performance and outcomes in low and middle income countries? A review of the evidence,” Milbank Quarterly, 96(2): 323-368. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12327
  43. Sorensen L., Jung H., Fox A.M., Martin E. (2018). “Lead exposure and academic achievement: evidence from childhood lead poisoning prevention efforts,” Journal of Population Economics, 32(1): 179-218. DOI:
  44. Fox, A.M. (2017). “Friend or Foe? Citizen Perception of Foreign and Non-state Actor Participation in the Health Sector in Africa,” Global Health Governance, 11(Oct): 84-105.
  45. Fox, A.M., Feng, W., Yumkham, R. (2017). “Political Context, Policies, and Health Behaviors: The Case of Tobacco,” Social Science and Medicine, 181: 139e147. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.03.056
  46. Fox, A.M., Feng, W., Yumkham, R. (2017). “Political Context, Policies, and Health Behaviors: The Case of Tobacco,” Social Science and Medicine, 181: 139e147. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.03.056
  47. Faguet, J.-P., Fox, A.M., Pöschl, C. (2015). “Decentralizing for a Deeper Democracy and a More Supple State,” Journal of Democracy, 26(4): 60-74.
  48. Fox, A.M., Reich, M.R. (2015). “The Politics of Universal Health Coverage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Framework for Evaluation and Action,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 40(5):1023-60. DOI:10.1215/03616878-3161198
  49. Fox, A.M., Blanchet, N.J. (2015). “The little state that couldn’t could? The politics of single-payer health coverage in Vermont,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and the Law, 40(3):447-85. DOI:10.1215/03616878-2888381
  50. Alaie, K., Alaie, A., Fox, A.M., (2015). “Global Health Diplomacy in Action: Strengthening US-Iranian Relations through Public Health,” The Lancet Global Health, 3(9): 525-526. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00083-2
  51. Benn, E.K.T., Fox, A.M., Roberts, E., Boden-Albala, B. (2014). "Moving towards a more comprehensive investigation of racial/ethnic differences in cognitive disability among US adults," Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(4):1105–1113. DOI:
  52. Benn, E.K.T., Fox, A.M., Roberts, E., Boden-Albala, B. (2014). "Moving towards a more comprehensive investigation of racial/ethnic differences in cognitive disability among US adults," Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(4):1105–1113. DOI:
  53. Fox, A.M., Balajaran, Y., Reich, M.R. (2014). “A rapid assessment tool to measure political commitment to food and nutrition security,” Health Policy and Planning, 30(5):566-78. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czu035
  54. Fox, A.M. (2014). “AIDS policy responsiveness in Africa: Evidence from opinion surveys,” Global Public Health, 9(1–2): 224 248.
  55. Gore, R., Fox, A.M., Goldberg, A., Baernighausen, T. (2014). “Bringing the state back in: understanding and validating measures of governments’ political commitment to HIV,” Global Public Health, 9(1–2): 98–120. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2014.881523
  56. Fox, A.M. (2014). “Marital concurrency and HIV risk across 16 African countries,” AIDS and Behavior, 18(4):791–800. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-013-0684-9
  57. Finlay, J.E., Fox, A.M.  (2013). “Reproductive health laws and fertility decline in Ghana,” International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suppl 1:24-8.
  58. Fox A.M., Horowitz C. (2013) “Best practices in policy approaches to obesity prevention,” Journal of Health Care for the Poor Underserved, S24(2): 168-192. DOI: 10.1353/hpu.2013.0097
  59. Blanchet, N, Fox, A.M. (2013). “Prospective political analysis for policy design: enhancing the political viability of single-payer health reform in Vermont,” Health Policy; 111: 78– 85.
  60. Fox, A.M. (2012). “The HIV-poverty thesis re-examined: poverty, wealth, or inequality as a social determinant of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa?” Journal of Biosocial Science, 44, 459–480. DOI: 10.1017/S0021932011000745
  61. Goldberg A., Fox A.M., Gore R., Baernighausen T. (2012). “Indicators of political commitment to respond to HIV,” Sexually Transmitted Infections; 88:e1. DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2011-050221 
  62. Fox, A.M., Goldberg, A., Gore, R., Baernighausen, T. (2011). “Conceptual and methodological challenges to measuring political commitment to respond to HIV,” Journal of the International AIDS Society, 14(Suppl 2):S5-S18. doi: 10.1186/1758-2652-14-S2-S5
  63. Zhou, Z., Gao, J., Fox, A.M., Rao, K., Xu, K., Xu, L., Zhang, Y. (2011). “Measuring the equity of inpatient utilization in Chinese rural areas,” BMC Health Services Research, 11:201-213. DOI:
  64. Adams, J.L., Hansen, N.B., Fox, A.M., Taylor, B.B., Van Rensburg, M.J., Mohlahlane, R., Crewe, M., Sikkema, K.J.  (2011). “Correlates of HIV testing among abused women in South Africa,” Violence Against Women, 17: 1014-1023. doi: 10.1177/1077801211414166
  65. Meier, B., Fox, A.M. (2010). “International obligations through collective rights: Employing international legal claims to strengthen global health governance,” Health & Human Rights, 12(1): 61-72.
  66. Fox, A.M. (2010). “The social determinants of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa:  An inverse relationship between poverty and HIV?” Public Health Reports, 125(S4): 16-24. DOI: 10.1177/00333549101250S405
  67. Sikkema, K.J., Neufeld, S.A., Hansen, N.B., Mohlahlane, R., Van Rensburg, M.J., Watt, M.H., Fox, A.M., Crewe, M. (2010). "Integrating HIV prevention into services for abused women in South Africa," AIDS and Behavior, 14: 431–439.
  68. Fox, A.M., Meier, B. (2009). “Health as freedom: Addressing social determinants of global health inequities through the human right to development,” Bioethics, 23(2): 112-122.
  69. Sikkema, K., Nathan, H., Meade, C., Kochman, K., Fox, A.M. (2009). "Psychosocial predictors of HIV transmission and risk behavior among HIV-positive adults with a childhood sexual abuse history," Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(1):121-134.
  70. Meier, B., Fox, A.M. (2008). “Transcending the available resources: The intersections of the individual right to health with the collective right to development,” Human Rights Quarterly, 30: 259-355.
  71. Fox, A.M., Jackson, S., Hansen, N., Gasa, N., Crewe, M., Sikkema, K. (2007). “In their own voices: A qualitative study of violence against women and HIV in South Africa,” Violence Against Women, 13(6): 583-602.
  72. Sikkema, K., Hansen, N., Kochman, A., Tarakeshwar, N., Neufeld, S., Meade, C., Fox, A.M. (2007). “Outcomes from a group intervention for coping with HIV/AIDS and childhood sexual abuse: Reductions in traumatic stress,” AIDS and Behavior, 11(1):49-60.
  73. Fox, A.M. (2007). “Gender transformation requires population approaches to addressing gender-based violence and HIV,” Sexually Transmitted Infections, 83(6): 499.
  74. Tarakeshwar, T., Kochman, A., Hansen, N., Sikkema, K., Fox, A.M. (2006). “Resiliency among individuals with childhood sexual abuse and HIV: Perspectives on addressing sexual trauma,” Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19(4): 449-60.
  75. Tarakeshwar, T., Fox, A.M., Khawaja, S.,* Ferro, C.,* Sikkema, K. (2005). “The connections between childhood sexual abuse and HIV infection: Implications for interventions,” Journal of Community Psychology, 33(6): 655-672.