Procedures for Sabbatical Leave Proposal
As of Fall 2022, all sabbatical applications are submitted by the Dean via HRTS.
As of Fall 2022, all sabbatical applications are submitted by the Dean via HRTS.
Applicants must submit a full proposal with all required documentation to their dean’s office by the school or college deadline.
The documentation required for all applications is detailed below. Applicants should consult their dean’s office for all internal deadlines and procedures prior to submission to the dean.
Completed proposals must be submitted by dean’s office staff to the Office of the Provost via HRTS by December 1.
Questions regarding the sabbatical request process should be directed to Dr. Jennifer Manganello ([email protected]).
SUNY Policies provide for sabbatical leaves for the professional development of faculty and professional staff.
The objective of a sabbatical leave is to increase an employee’s value to the university and thereby improve and enrich its program. Such leave shall not be regarded as a reward for service or as a vacation or rest period occurring automatically at stated intervals. Sabbatical leaves shall be granted for planned travel, study, formal education, research, writing or other experience of professional value.
Faculty with continuing appointments who have completed at least six consecutive years of service within the university — or who, if they have previously had a sabbatical leave, have completed six consecutive years of service since they returned from that leave — are eligible. In computing consecutive years of service for this purpose, leaves at less than full pay, leaves without pay and part-time service are not included. However, these do not constitute a break in otherwise consecutive service.
Sabbaticals may be granted for one year at rates not to exceed one-half basic annual salary or for one semester at rates not to exceed full basic annual salary. Employees do not earn or use leave accruals while on sabbatical. Upon return from sabbatical leave, faculty members are expected to file a detailed report of professional activities and accomplishments while on the leave. (Article XIII, Title E, SUNY Policies of the Board of Trustees).
These policies are reaffirmed in the applicable Agreement between the State of New York and the United University Professions, Inc. (Article 23.6, 2011-2016 Agreement).
There are two types of sabbatical leave as provided in Article XIII, Title E of the Policies of the Board of Trustees:
Employees on sabbatical leave may, with the approval of the Provost, accept fellowships, grants-in-aid or earned income to assist in accomplishing the purposes of their leaves. In such cases, the Provost may adjust sabbatical leave salaries to reflect such income. In no case shall the sabbatical leave salary be reduced if total earnings are less than full salary.
The following types of employees are eligible for sabbatical leave: academic employees having continuing appointment and managerial/confidential employees with the title of vice president or dean who have completed at least six consecutive years of service within the University or who, if they previously had a sabbatical leave, have completed at least six consecutive years within the University from the date of return from their last sabbatical leave.
In computing consecutive years of service for the purpose of determining eligibility, periods of leaves of absence, other than vacation leave and sick leave with salary, and periods of part-time service shall not be included but shall not be deemed an interruption of otherwise consecutive service.
To assist planning for both faculty members and the institution, applicants must submit a full proposal with all required documentation to their dean’s office by the School/College deadline.
Completed proposals must be submitted by dean’s office staff to the Office of the Provost via HRTS by December 1.
Proposals submitted after December 1 will only be considered if they relate to an unanticipated contingency – for example, an unexpected prestigious fellowship or an unusual research result that requires more immediate follow-up.
Any proposals initiated after December 1 must include a statement justifying the late initiation.
Eligible employees may apply to the Provost for sabbatical leave through their applicable department chair and dean.
Note: The application must be advanced at all stages of review, regardless of the recommendation.
As required by Trustees' Policies, the faculty member must submit a written report describing outcomes and activities from the leave period.
The report must be submitted to the Department Chair (if applicable), the Dean and to Human Resources no later than the end of the semester following the leave.
Chairs and Deans should ensure that the report content is adequate and appropriate. Once approved, the Dean’s signature should be affixed to the report and the report submitted to Human Resources at [email protected] and to the Office of the Provost at [email protected].
Applicants are required to acknowledge an obligation to return to the campus for a minimum of one year at the conclusion of their leave. Where justified, the President may request a waiver of this condition, which must be reviewed and approved by the Chancellor.
If the faculty member fails to return for the minimum period, then they are obligated to reimburse all salary paid during the leave.
All changes to an approved sabbatical plan must be approved, in writing, by the Provost as soon as such need is known.
In the event of illness or other unplanned circumstances that interrupt an approved sabbatical, the faculty member will be placed on another leave as appropriate, when in the discretion of the Provost such action is in the best interest of the University and the employee.
For questions regarding the sabbatical request process, please contact Dr. Jennifer Manganello ([email protected]).