Earn Credit for Internships

Step 1: Secure an Internship

To receive academic credit in UUNI 288, UUNI 290, and UUNI 390, internships must be done concurrently with course registration. Students are responsible for securing their own internship before they enroll in a course. Here are some suggestions to help you get started: 

  • Talk to your academic advisor about planning for and finding an internship.  
  • Contact the Minerva Center at [email protected] for guidance.
  • Search on the University’s job and internship board, Handshake.  
  • Visit the Office of Career and Professional Development.   
  • Meet with your school or college’s career services staff.  
  • Ask your academic department if they know of any relevant opportunities. 
  • Use your network. Ask faculty, family and friends if they know of any open positions.


A student stands in front of a green screen giving a weather report inside a broadcast TV studio. A monitor shows the student gesturing toward the day's temperature.


Step 2: Enroll in a University-wide Internship Course 

Undergraduate UAlbany students can earn academic credit for internship by enrolling in one of three available University-wide internship courses. Read more about these courses in the Undergraduate Bulletin

Many academic departments also offer internship courses. Some programs require internships, clinical placements, and/or practicums. 

Students can also opt to participate in internships without earning academic credit.

Note: All international students interested in completing an internship should meet with International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) to receive Curricular Practical Training authorization before beginning an internship.  


UUNI 288 (1 to 6 Credits) 

UUNI 288 is an online course with variable credits, allowing students to earn 1 to 6 credits for internships anywhere in the world.  

The course is open to students with at least sophomore standing and at least a 2.0 overall GPA. 

About UUNI 288

Students must obtain approval from the Minerva Center and/or the course instructor and complete an online internship orientation to enroll in UUNI 288. 

Students must complete 50 internship hours per credit — which means a student seeking to earn 4 credits must complete 200 internship hours over the course of the semester. Students determine their desired credit hours when they enroll. 

Students must also complete required academic assignments, which focus on the learning objectives, reflection and evaluation involved in an internship experience. The course has Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading. 

Students may not earn more than 6 credits for UUNI 288 during their undergraduate academic career. Equivalent credit for prior experience is not available, due to the academic component of the internship course. 

Enroll in UUNI 288

Once you’ve secured an internship, please complete these steps to enroll in UUNI 288: 

Step 1: Complete and submit required forms. 

Complete the Internship Proposal & Intake Form. Be as specific as possible and include accurate contact information for your proposed internship’s site supervisor. 

Next, read the Internship Orientation Manual and complete the Internship Orientation Quiz

Step 2: Register for the course. 

If the course administrator approves your internship after reviewing your submission, you will receive a permission number and instructions for registering for UUNI 288. 

Register for classes.

UUNI 290 (1 to 4 Credits) or UUNI 390 (1 to 15 Credits) 

Students enrolled in UUNI 290 or UUNI 390 are supervised by a UAlbany instructor, who ensures their internship is related to their academic program and future goals. 

UUNI 290 is open to students with at least sophomore standing, while UUNI 390 is open to juniors and seniors. Both courses require students to have at least a 2.0 overall GPA. 

About UUNI 290 & UUNI 390

Students who want to enroll in UUNI 290 pr UUNI 390 must first: 

  • Secure an internship that represent a bridge between their academic program and their intended profession 

  • Obtain approval from a UAlbany instructor who is willing to supervise the student’s studies and evaluate on-site reports of the student’s progress 

Next, students must apply for and obtain approval from the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee before they can enroll in UUNI 290 or UUNI 390.  

UUNI 290 can be taken for 1 to 4 academic credits.  

UUNI 390 is usually taken for 1 to 9 academic credits. Under extraordinary circumstances, a student may petition the committee for a maximum of 15 credits. 

Students must complete 45 hours of instruction and supplementary work for each academic credit awarded — which means a student seeking to earn 3 credits must complete 135 hours of on-site internship work and academic work combined. 

The course has Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading. 

Enroll in UUNI 290 or UUNI 390

Once you’ve secured an internship related to your academic program, please complete these steps to enroll in UUNI 290 or UUNI 390: 

Step 1: Find an appropriate faculty sponsor. 

Your internship must be sponsored by a UAlbany instructor whose expertise applied to the work you’ll be engaged in.  

If your proposed academic sponsor is not a full-time, tenure-track teaching faculty member, they must provide a written statement detailing how their expertise applies to your proposed work, which you must include in your application. Part-time instructors must also have their department chair’s approval. 

Note: The Interdisciplinary Studies Committee retains the final authority to approve internships and supervisors. 

Step 2: Submit an Application to the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.

Complete the Application for UUNI 290 or the Application for UUNI 390 by the appropriate deadline: 

  • May 1 for summer enrollment 

  • August 1 for fall enrollment 

  • December 1 for spring enrollment 

Be prepared to explain in detail how the internship satisfies all course requirements. The committee's willingness to approve your application, and its decision on the amount of academic credit to be awarded, depend heavily on this proposal. 

You’ll also need to provide: 

  • Official or unofficial transcripts for all college-level work

  • A letter from the organization hiring you, on official letterhead, that specifies your responsibilities and your supervisor’s name, title and telephone number. This letter should also explicitly identify the position you have been offered. 

  • A supporting letter from your faculty sponsor outlining how they plan to manage the academic component of the course, including a description of required written assignments (such as daily journals or position papers) and reading assignments (such as journal articles or texts). Your faculty sponsor should also explicitly endorse the credit load you have requested. 

Step 3: Register for the course. 

If the committee approves your application, you will receive a permission number and instructions for registering for UUNI 290 or UUNI 390. 

Register for classes.